Prophecy Seminar 1

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Introduction to the books of

Daniel and Revelation….
Prophecy Seminar

What will the Prophecy Seminar do for you?

• You will understand the prophecies of Daniel and
• You will discover the amazing drama between the
forces of good and evil [Christ and Satan]
• You will find inner peace and security as you
learn that God is in control
Three basic premises on Prophecy
1. Both Daniel and Revelation must be
interpreted by the Bible itself…..
2. Prophecy can be understood only as
it centres in and uplifts Jesus Christ…
3. The focus of our study will be on the
preparation needed for the End of
Three ways to interpret Prophecy

1. Prophecy may be interpreted within the

same chapter ie Daniel 2:32 with vs 37-8
Daniel 2:31-32
"You, O king, were watching;
and behold, a great image! This
great image, whose splendour
was excellent, stood before you;
and its form was awesome. This
image's head was of fine
Daniel 2:37-38
"You, O king, are a king of
kings. For the God of heaven
has given you a kingdom,
power, strength, and
glory… are this head of
Three ways to interpret Prophecy
2. Prophecy may be interpreted with the same
book ie Daniel 2:39 with ch 5:26-28 or other
books of Scripture.
Daniel 2:39
“But after you shall arise
another kingdom inferior to
yours; then another, a third
kingdom of bronze, which shall
rule over all the earth.”
Daniel 5:25-28
“…Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
This is the interpretation of
each word. MENE: God has
numbered your kingdom,
and finished it; TEKEL: You
have been weighed in the
balances, and found wanting;
PERES: Your kingdom has
been divided, and given to
the Medes and Persians."
Three ways to interpret Prophecy

3. Prophecy may be interpreted

through history or archaeology ie
Daniel 2:40 with ch 7:23
Daniel 2:40
“And the fourth kingdom shall
be as strong as iron, inasmuch
as iron breaks in pieces and
shatters everything; and like
iron that crushes, that kingdom
will break in pieces and crush
all the others.”
Daniel 7:23-24
“Thus he said: 'The fourth
beast shall be A fourth
kingdom on earth, Which shall
be different from all other
kingdoms, And shall devour
the whole earth, Trample it and
break it in pieces. The ten
horns are ten kings Who shall
arise from this kingdom…”
Author and

1. Who is the author of the book of Daniel? Daniel

Daniel 12:4,9
"But you, Daniel, shut up
the words, and seal the
book until the time of the
end; many shall run to and
fro, and knowledge shall
increase….. "Go your
way, Daniel, for the words
are closed up and sealed
till the time of the end.”
Author and

2. Did Jesus recognise Daniel as the author of this

book. Matthew 24:15.…….…
Matthew 24:15

"Therefore when you see

the 'abomination of
desolation,' spoken of by
Daniel the prophet, standing
in the holy place" (whoever
reads, let him understand)
Author and

3. When was the book of Daniel written. Daniel 1:1

Daniel 1:1

“In the third year of the

reign of Jehoiakim king of
Judah, Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon came to
Jerusalem and besieged it.”
The Setting of The Book
4. Who had conquered Jerusalem and taken Daniel
captive to Babylon. Daniel 1:1………………….
Daniel 1:1
“In the third year of the
reign of Jehoiakim king
of Judah,
Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon came to
Jerusalem and besieged
The Setting of The Book

5. To what event does the book of Daniel point

Daniel 12:4,9,13
Daniel 12:4,9
"But you, Daniel, shut up the
words, and seal the book until
the time of the end; many
shall run to and fro, and
knowledge shall increase…..
"Go your way, Daniel, for the
words are closed up and
sealed till the time of the
The Setting of The Book

6. What are the two parts to the book of Daniel.

1. Historical 2. Prophecy
The Setting of The Book
7. Is the study of prophecy
important? 2 Peter 1:19..…
2 Peter 1:19
“And so we have also a more
sure word of testimony,
whereunto ye do well that ye
take heed as unto a light that
shineth in a dark place, until
the day dawn, and the day
star arise in your hearts.”
Symbols of
8. Give the Biblical meaning of the following
Beast. Daniel 7:23 ……………
Daniel 7:23

“Thus he said: 'The fourth

beast shall be a fourth
kingdom on earth…”
Symbols of
Prophecy Day

8. Give the Biblical meaning of the following

Day Ezekial 4:6 ………..
Ezekial 4:6

“And when you have

completed them, lie again on
your right side; then you shall
bear the iniquity of the house
of Judah forty days. I have
laid on you a day for each
Symbols of
8. Give the Biblical meaning of the following
Water Revelation 17:15 ………..
Revelation 17:15
“Then he said to me, "The
waters which you saw,
where the harlot sits, are
peoples, multitudes,
nations, and tongues.”
Three Prophetic View points acknowledged
by most Biblical Scholars today……...
1. The Preterist view…
2. The Futurist
3. The Historist view…

Next weeks study is……

The Cosmic Warfare in Daniel
Looking at the main players in the Cosmic Drama
Jesus Christ and Satan the devil

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