Working With Health IT Systems

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Working with Health IT Systems

HIT System Planning, Acquisition,

Installation, & Training: Practices to
Support & Pitfalls to Avoid
Lecture b
This material (Comp7_Unit8b) was developed by Johns Hopkins University, funded by the Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC00013.

HIT System Planning, Acquisition,
Installation, & Training: Practices to Support
& Pitfalls to Avoid
Learning ObjectivesLecture b
Conduct a basic user needs analysis for a given
example situation.
Create a plan for training users in a small office practice,
a large community clinic, or a single unit in an
ambulatory care setting.
Identify several potential challenges that may emerge
during installation and generate a strategy to solve (lack
of basic computer literacy in staff, etc.).

Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b
Timing is important
Incorporate a practice version of the
Design to meet the needs of different roles
within the organization
Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b
More Training
People prefer to learn in different ways
Just-in-time (by function), or full immersion
Classroom-based or online
Instructor-led or self-paced
Group-based or one-on-one
Accommodate differing schedules
Determine the best people to deliver the training
Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b
Even More Training!
Keys to success
Convenient locations
Focused curriculum
Flexible, knowledgeable trainers
Training starts early, continues
through operational stage
Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b
Key Success Factors
Readiness of the organization; prepared to:
Understand what the system can do
Investigate and choose a system
Implement system
Monitor the system
Availability of a champion
Perceived usefulness of the system
Organizational teamwork
For small practice settings, change occurs from within the
staff rather than from the top
People skills are as important as the technology
Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b

Tools for Skilled Nursing
Facilities & Long-Term Care

Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b
Tools for Small Provider
Practices Toolkits
DOQ-IT (Dock-it)

Health Information Technology Toolkit for
Physician Offices:

Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b

Tools for Community Health Clinics &
Safety Nets

Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b
HIT System Planning, Acquisition,
Installation, & Training: Practices to Support
& Pitfalls to Avoid
SummaryLecture b
Core concepts of HIT systems planning,
acquisition, installation and training
Apply core concepts to specific health care

Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b
HIT System Planning, Acquisition,
Installation, & Training: Practices to Support
& Pitfalls to Avoid
ReferencesLecture b
Calman,N., Kitson, K., Hauser, D. Using Information Technology to Improve Health Quality and Safety in
Community Health Centers. Pro Community Health Partnership. 2009 Dec 4. Available from:
Lorenzi, N., Kouroubali, A., Detmer, D., Bloomrosen, M. How to successfully select and implement electronic
health records (EHR) in small ambulatory practice settings. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.
2009;9:15. Available from:
Tools for Skilled Nursing Facilities & LTC Toolkit. Available from:
DOQ-IT (Dock-it): Available from:
Health Information Technology Toolkit for Physician Offices. Available from:
Tools for Community Health Clinics & Safety Nets Toolkit. Available from:

Slide 9: Clinician looking at computer. Image courtesy Centers for Disease Control. CDC. PHIL_3664_lores.jpg

Health IT Workforce Curriculum
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
Working with Health IT Systems
HIT System Planning, Acquisition, Installation, & Training:
Practices to Support & Pitfalls to AvoidLecture b

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