VMAX Houskeeping Script V1 0

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CSC Proprietary and Confidential

VMAX Housekeeping
Scripts Overview

Sumit Srivastav/Abhishek Bhau/Nitin Rana
CSC Proprietary and Confidential 2 August 1, 2014
Script overview
Script Cell and Dynamic Data model.
script tasks/features
Scripts Benefits

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 3 August 1, 2014

The Script has been created to provide an automated way of doing the housekeeping tasks in vmax.
The script finds and deletes the unused devices in VMAX and hence freeing up the capacity.
The script finds and removes the logins of HBAs that are no longer logged in..
The script finds and corrects the Null entries.
All the checkpoints have been taken into consideration.
The script creates a well documented history and logs for every device deletion
The script notifies the users on regular intervals about the list of devices to be deleted.
Follows process creates ITD for each task.

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 4 August 1, 2014
Script Cell and Dynamic Data model

Securely and reliably
--Script provides a secure and way of listing and deleting numerous number of devices through reliable

--Script can search , check and delete in a much quicker way

--Script provide checkpoints and notification to users in regular intervals to ensure safety and

--Script automatically creates ITD and email notifications.

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 5 August 1, 2014
unused devs
Store the list of
Send email notification
that the devices will be
deleted after 7 days
Day 6
Send email notification
that the devices will be
deleted after 1 day
Ask user to verify again
and remove any invalid
Executes the scripts to
Delete the devices
Day 7
Day 1
Send email
notification that
the devices has
been deleted
Store the device list ,
timespamp and run logs
Day by Day
the device
Stage 1
Stage 2
Creates IT Direct
CSC Proprietary and Confidential 6 August 1, 2014
VMAX Housekeeping Script tasks/features Device Removal

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 7 August 1, 2014

> sudo vplex <vplexname> - login to vplexcli

> sudo vplexcli <vplexname> "<command>" runs a command on vplexcli and shows the output
VPLEX Automated Login Commands
VMAX Housekeeping Script tasks/features Device Removal

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 8 August 1, 2014
VMAX Housekeeping Script tasks/features No Login Removal

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 9 August 1, 2014
VMAX Housekeeping Script tasks/features Null Entries

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 10 August 1, 2014

VMAX Housekeeping Script tasks Sample Email Notification

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 11 August 1, 2014
Script Benefits

Reducing the cost of Storage by freeing up Unused capacity
Overall effective housekeeping of VMAX
Providing a detailed capacity report on daily basis.
Structured process for device removals
Execution model consists of stages and checkpoints.
Elimination of human mistake.
Improving the pro-active monitoring..
Automatic ticket creations .

CSC Proprietary and Confidential 12 August 1, 2014

Thank You

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