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Photochemical Smog

Air Pollution in Megacities

What’s the most common sight when
you approach a large city by airplane?
Urbanization and Air Quality
 Urbanization high concentration of people,
industries and automobiles.
 Exhaust gases from internal combustion engines: CO, CO2,
HC (hydrocarbons), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
 NO2 is the precursor of photochemical smog.
 In the presence of sunlight, photochemical reactions occur
that produce smog. (Photochemical reactions are chemical
reactions that involve light photons).
 Local climate can make the problem worse.
Photochemical Smog – The Story of Los
Angeles Air Quality
 Three main ingredients of photochemical smog: high
automobile traffic volume, plenty of sunlight, and very
stable atmosphere (e.g.,Los Angeles Basin).
 High traffic volume
 Eastern Pacific High –
 Subsidence produces inversion, resulting in an

absolutely stable condition.

 Subsidence also produces clear condition

more sunlight.
 Topography – basin helps trapping pollutants
Chemical Reactions of Smog
A few important reactions:

(1) NO2 + hν  NO + O (hν represents a photon)

fast (2) O + O2 + M  O3 + M (M represents a neutral molecule)
(3) O3 + NO  NO2 + O2
(4) O + HC (hydrocarbon) stable product + F.R. (free radical)
slow (5) O3 + HC  S.P. + F.R.
(6) F.R. + HC  S.P. + F.R.
(Being a stable product doesn’t mean it is pleasant! It can be irritating to our body.)
(7) F.R. + NO  F.R. + NO2
fast (8) F.R. + NO2  Stable Product (PAN-Type, Peroxyacetyl Nitrate )
(9) F.R. + F.R.  Stable product
 The most important reactions are (1)-(3).
Daily Concentration Variation of Smog Chemicals
Photochemical Smog and Weather
 The following slides show the close relationship between the air
quality and meteorological conditions.
We see that there was a low pressure system out in the Pacific . The whole
California was controlled by a high pressure system. Near Southern California, the
weather was clear and the air was stable. This usually implies that air quality
would be poor.

We can use the ozone level s a general air quality index. On this day, the
peak ozone level at Pasadena was nearly 200 units while it was about 80
units in West LA. High ozone level indicates poor air quality.
A low pressure system was
moving closer to the west
coast and a cold front was
approaching Southern
California. The weather was
expected to become cloudier
and the air less stable. Usually
the air quality can be expected
to improve under such weather
This is the satellite image
of the day showing the
approaching cold front
system. The sky over S.
California was still clear
but the vertical motion of
air was stronger than before
and the air quality should
improve somewhat.

And indeed the air quality was improved. The peak ozone level in
dropped to ~ 100 units in Pasadena and ~ 70 in WLA.
On the next day the cold
front was right over the west
coast.Southern California
weather was cloudy. The
atmosphere was unstable
and air quality should be
improved further.

Look at the remarkable improvement of ozone levels at Pasadena and W.
LA! The above series of slides show clearly the intimate relation between
local air quality and weather.
Air Stagnation due to High Pressure Systems

Source: Williamson, 1973.

Source: National Park Service

During the life cycle of plants, some organic particles (such as turpanoids)
are ejected. Due to the high frequency of air stagnation these particles tend
to stay in the air for a long time and hence the hazy look. This is of course a
natural phenomenon and not a man-made pollution, but it is another good
example of the close relation between particle concentration and weather.
Emission Control

 Because of the photochemical smog problem and its relation with

automobile emissions, California has enacted a series of regulations
purported to cut down the emissions.
 Two specific actions are of interest in this regard:
 (1) The installation of catalytic converter to reduce then amount of

NOX emitted.
 (2) The designation of ‘diamond lanes’— only cars with two or

more passengers can use these lanes, so as to encourage


 The problem, however, will stay as long as the traffic volume is large.
One really needs to develop an efficient public transportation system
in a city like that.
Vacuum-Insulated Automotive Catalytic

Converter Basics:
vacuum insulation and
phase change material
(heat storage) are used
to keep catalytic
converters hot for up to
24 hours.
By having a hot (>
250oC) converter at the
start of a trip, auto
emissions can be
reduced by up to 80%.
NREL developed and
patented this concept,
and has worked with
Benteler Industries of
Grand Rapids, Mich., to
commercialize it under a

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