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Information Literacy Instruction in First Year Seminars at CSUMB

Ryne Leuzinger ( Cal State Monterey Bay

Pedagogical Approach

During the 2012 2013 academic year CSUMB implemented a group of
courses devoted to helping freshman transition from high school to college.
First Year Seminars at CSUMB are required for all freshman and are
interdisciplinary with course titles such as Digital Media Arts & Culture and
Multicultural Health. Amongst the four learning outcomes embedded in these
FYS courses is one devoted to information literacy: Students choose a topic
appropriate to the assignment, identify search terms relevant to the topic,
effectively search for and identify sources using the library books and articles
search tool and evaluate the relevance of search results. This learning
outcome provides librarians and course instructors with an opportunity to
collaboratively help students build vital research skills early in their college

Does FYS improve info lit outcomes? Have an effect on student success?

Assessment Method --
Assessment process includes grading
rubric. Additional info on assessment,
How it takes place

Include written responses from
instructors / students, survey info

Information gathered shows . . .

Reference to scaffolding upper level IL instruction?
Major-Specific IL instruction and support created in consultation with the
relevant departments and
programs. research and senior capstone projects


Teaching Strategies

The teaching approach employed by librarians at CSUMB draws heavily on
the flipped classroom model. This typically involves students completing
the above tutorials in advance of a librarian led session of their class. This
allows librarians to devote the bulk of class time to active learning activities
such as

These activities are built around specific assignments and consultation with
instructors regarding which areas would be best to focus on (within scope of
learning outcome). Our model holds that effective library instruction requires
a clear and explicit link to an assignment for it to best assist in meeting
learning outcomes. In these sessions, which typically take place in a computer
lab, students often have the opportunity to work independently on tasks
such as beginning to find sources for their research projects.

Additional info about pedagogical orientation.
FYS Assignment Guide ?

A collaborative approach to Integrating Information Literacy into FYS

Faculty librarians created the wording for the FYS information literacy
learning outcome with consultation from campus community

FYS instructors receive yearly orientation to learning outcomes and related
materials from FYS coordinator (and a librarian) during faculty development

FYS instructors have access to a Google site that has basic info on
information literacy, rubrics and assignment guides, and library orientation

FYS instructors receive acces interactive tutorials that can implemented into
CSUMBs course management system

Librarians are available to collaboratively plan an assignment and teach an
in-class session for each FYS offering. Librarians also create a class resource
webpage that directs students to appropriate reference sources and online
scholarly databases for use during and after the in-class session.
Students are typically assigned two
tutorials, with the first focusing on
choosing a topic appropriate to the
assignment and identifying search terms
relevant to the topic and the second
devoted to effectively searching for and
identifying sources using the library
books and articles search tool evaluating
the relevance of search results. The
tutorials contain topic overviews,
examples, and multiple choice questions.
The tutorials are access via CSUMBs
content management system.
One Minute Papers Concept Mapping
Think-Pair-Share Polling

1. Iterative Process: Formalizing information literacy instruction within an
FYS program is an iterative process. Requires several steps, assessment
along the way.

2. Collaborative approach: In order to be as impactful as possible must have
input + buy-in from instructors (and other members of campus
community?). Faculty governance, FYS/GE/Assessment -> librarians should

3. Maximizing Resources: There may be limited resources available in terms
of students and librarians time. Flipped classroom does an effective job of
maximizing these resources in striving to meet learning outcomes.
See the documents for your self QR code + url
Also include list of recommended reading?
Librarians strive to
provide instruction
sessions for as many FYS
sections as possible and
will continue using
various forms of outreach
(including . . . ) in this
Info Lit Grading Rubric for FYS --
Outcomes / Findings

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