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Software Architecture: An

Vanilson Burgio
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Software Architecture
Architectural Styles
Architectural Views
Architectural Description Language (ADL)
Architecture and Reuse
DSSA based reuse
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
History {1950s}
Machine language
programmers placed instructions and data explicitly in
the computer`s memory
Symbolic Assemblers
Symbolic names
Memory layout and update references could be
High-level Programming Languages
Procedures invocations, loops, modules,

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
History {1960s}
Problems of developing large-scale
software Systems
Software structure
Language issues

Abstract Data Types

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
History {1970s}
Software Design
Design is an activity separate from
Research results
CASE tools
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
History {1980s}
The focus of software engineering
Integrating designs and the design process
many of the notations and techniques
developed for software design have been
absorbed by implementation languages

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
History {1990s}
Software Architecture
Design Vs Architecture
"use the term architecture, in contrast to design, to evoke
notions of codification, of abstraction, of standards, of formal
training (of software architects), and of style " [Perry and

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
History {Summary}
1950s - High-level Programming Languages
1960s - large-scale software Systems
1970s - Software Design
1980s - Integrating designs and the design
1990s - Software Architecture
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Software Architecture {Definition}
There are several different definitions of software
architecture in the literature, all of them agree that it:

The most commonly used definitions:
[Perry & Wolf, 1992]
[Garlan & Shaw, 1994]
Describes the organization of the overall system
concentrate on the
topological view
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Software Architecture {Definition}
[Perry & Wolf, 1992]
Set of architectural elements that have a particular form, and an underlying

Elements - processing, data and connecting elements
Form - consists of weighted properties of architectural elements
Rationale - captures the motivation for the choice of architectural style,
the choice of elements, and the form

It is the connecting elements ("glue") that especially distinguish one
architecture from another

"Data element": ball
"Processing elements:
"Connecting element"
("glue"): water
It has a similar "architecture"
but differ in the "glue"
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Software Architecture {Definition}
[Garlan & Shaw, 1994]
Define software architectures as including components, connectors
and configurations. Where:

components - define the locus of computation,
connectors - define the interactions between components
configurations define the topology of the components and connectors

The structure of the components of a program/system, their
interrelationships, and principles and guidelines governing their
design and evolution over time.

Software architecture discussion group at the SEI, 1994

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Software Architecture
High cost of software
Software architecture simplifies our ability to
comprehend large systems by presenting them at a
level of abstraction at which high-level design can be
[Garlan and Shaw 1993; Perry and Wolf 1992]
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Software Architecture {Roles}
[Eden & Kazman, 2003]
Communication among stakeholders
Early design decisions
Transferable abstraction of a system

Main considerations [Szyperski, 2002]

Commonly, these aspects are ignored,
emphasizing functionality.
The consequences can be fatal!
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Software Architecture {Context}
Architectural styles
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Architectural styles
Many systems have a similar solution structure

Defines a family of architectures constrained by [Garlan & Shaw, 1994]:
Component/connector vocabulary
Semantic constraints

Benefits of styles
Reuse of experience
Reuse of code
Insight in/analysis of solution characteristics

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]
Pipes and Filters
Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented
Event-based, Implicit Invocation
Layered Systems
Table Driven Interpreters
Heterogeneous Architectures
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]
Pipes and Filters

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]
Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]
Event-based, Implicit Invocation

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]
Layered Systems

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]
Table Driven Interpreters

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Most Common Architectural
Styles [Garlan & Shaw]
Heterogeneous Architectures

There are different ways in which architectural styles can be
o pipe connector may be implemented internally as a FIFO

A single component using a mixture of architectural connectors
o an active database

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Architectural styles
Formal approach [Abowd, 1993]

Z especification
Architectural views
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Architectural views
[Gacek, 1994]
To accommodate the different expectations of the various stakeholders,
a software architecture must incorporate different, multiple views

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Architectural views
Views of a Software Architecture [Gacek, 1994]
Static Topological
Behavioral / Operational
Computing Environment
Process Environment

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Architectural views
[Kruchten, 1995]
The 4+1 View Model
Logical view
Process view
Physical view
Development view

Scenario-driven approach capture the system`s critical

Style Vs View
System engineers
End users, customers, data specialists
Project managers,
software-configuration staff members
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
ADL - Architecture Description

ADLs differ in their scope of use [Abd-Allah, 1994]

Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) lay the
formal basis for architecting
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
ADL - Architecture Description
Rapid Prototyping
Better understanding of overall system

Main problem
A lot of ADLs are loosely coupled to implementation languages,
causing problems in:

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
ADL - Architecture Description
Early ADLs were restricted to static connectivity

Later ADLs added support for dynamic
connectivity and dynamic reconfiguration
ArchJava [Aldrich, 2002]

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
ADL {ArchJava}
Key concept: Communication Integrity [Luckham &Vera, 1995]
A system has Communication Integrity if implementation
components only communicate directly with the components they
are connected to in the architecture

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
ADL {Design Model}
Integrating ADL with a Standard Design Method
[Robbins, 1998]
Wright`s CSP constructor C2 architecture expressed in UML
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Architecture and Reuse
DSSA Based Reuse
Product-line architecture (PLA)

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Domain Specific Software
Architecture Based Reuse
Artifact involved:
Reference architecture, design, requirements and code

General characteristics:
Requires thorough domain understanding
Domain specific repository
Domain model, reference architecture and repository evolution


SGS Reference Architecture [Gacek, 1995]
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
DSSA Based Reuse
Lifecycle [Balzer et al. 1993]
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
Product-line architecture
Product-line architecture (PLA) have received
special attention in software industry
Increase reuse
minimize product-specific development
Competitive advantage

Recent Area

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
PLA {Cases}
[Bosch, 1999]
Axis Communications AB

Securitas Larm AB

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
PLA {Problems}
Background knowledge
Information Distribution
Multiple versions of assets
Dependencies between assets
Assets in new contexts
Tool support
Effort estimation
Reuse in Software Engineering Group
PLA {recently}
PLA Development toolkit [Lesaint & Papamargaritis, 2004]
Support two operations:
Application configuration
Application generation
Specifying the architecture
Configuring the application
Generating applications

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
[Abd-Allah, 1994] Ahmed A. Abd-Allah. Architecture Description Languages. 1994.

[Abowd, 1993] Gregory Abowd, Robert Allen, David Garlan. Using Style to Understand
Descriptions of Software Architecture. 1993.

[Aldrich, 2002] Jonathan Aldrich, Craig Chambers, David Notkin. ArchJava: Connecting Software
Architecture to Implementation. 2002.

[Balzer et. al. 1993] R. Balzer, C. Braun, F. Belz, L. Coglianese, L. Erman, K. Harbison, R. Might,
R. Platek, and S. Vestal. DSSA Process Summary. Copies available from Chris Braun
(, 1993.

[Bosch, 1999] Jan Bosch Product-Line Architectures in Industry: A Case Study. 1999.

[Clements, 1996] Paul C. Clements. A Survey of Architecture Description Languages. 1996.

[Eden & Kazman, 2003] Amnon H. Eden, Rick Kazman. Architecture, Design, Implementation.

[Gacek et. al. 1995] Cristina Gacek, Ahmed Abd-Allah, Bradford Clark, Barry Boehm. On the
Definition of Software System Architecture. 1995.

[Gacek, 1994] Cristina Gacek. Domain Specific Software Architecture Based Reuse. 1994.

Reuse in Software Engineering Group
[Gacek, 1995] Cristina Gacek. Exploiting Domain Architectures in Software Reuse. 1995.

[Garlan & Shaw, 1994] David Garlan, Mary Shaw. An Introduction to Software Architecture. 1994.

[Garlan et. al.. 1995] David Garlan, Robert Allen, Jihn Ackerbloom. Architectural Mismatch: Why Reuse
is So Hard. 1995.

[Garlan, 1995] David Garlan. Research Directions in Software Architecture. 1995.

[Kruchten, 1995] P. Kruchten. The 4+1 View Model of Architecture. IEEE Software, Nov 1995.

[Lesaint & Papamargaritis, 2004] David Lesaint, George Papamargaritis. Aspects and Constraints for
Implementing Configurable Product-Line Architectures. 2004.

[Luckham & Vera, 1995] David C. Luckham, James Vera. An Event Based Architecture Definition
Language. IEEE Trans. Software Enginering 21(9), Sep 1995.

[Lutz & Gannod, 2003] Robyn R. Lutz, Gerald C. Gannod. Analysis of a software product line
architecture: an experience report. 2003.

[Meekel, 2001] Jacques Meekel, Thomas B. Hortont, Robert B. Francet, CharlieMellone L Sajid Dalvi.
From Domain Models to Architecture Frameworks. 1997.

Reuse in Software Engineering Group

[Perry & Wolf, 1992] Dewayne E. Perry, Alexander L. Wolf. Foundations for the Study of Software
Architecture. 1992.

[Robbins, 1998] Jason E. Robbins, Nenad Medvidovic, David F. Redmiles, David S.
Rosenblumart.Integrating Architecture Description Languages with a Standard Design Method. 1998.

[Shaw, 1995] Mary Shaw. Comparing Architectural Design Styles. 1995.

[Szyperski, 2002] C. Szyperski, D. Gruntz, S. Murer, Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented
Programming, Addison-Wesley, 2002, pp. 588

[Wallnau, 2001] Kurt Wallnau, Judith Stafford, Scott Hissam, Mark Klein. On the Relationship of
Software Architecture to Software Component Technology. 2001.

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