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Awareness and Inclusion

Serving Library Patrons with

Learning Differences
Presented by:
Lynne Cutler, Disability Services Advocate:
Lisa Stringer, Educator and Consultant:
Nina Ghiselli, Psychologist and Consultant:
Public Library Association's
Eleventh Annual Conference
March 2006

This session will cover:

• Outline of the California State Library disability Project
• Overview of learning disabilities
• How will learning disabilities manifest in library patrons?
• Ideas for your library
• Resources and best practices from one of California’s projects
California Library Services and
Technology Act Grant (2003-2004)

• Stipulations of grant:
- Services to people with disabilities
- Community based surveys for needs
- Community Partnership
- Outcomes measurement
Projects Implemented Under the Grant

• Staff Training

• LD programs for public

• Assistive Technology

• Collection Development

• 88 Pictograms of
Dewey subject areas
Sample Pictogram
Where to access the pictograms

• East Bay Learning Disabilities Association


• California State Library-

Library Literacy Services
Introduction to Learning Disabilities

• Impairment, Disability, Handicap

• Dyslexia: brain and manifestations

• Universal Design

bilit Handicap
Based on the work of Sally Shaywitz,
Overcoming Dyslexia
Universal Design
“Universal design is the design of products and environments to
be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the
need for adaptation or specialized design.” –Ron Mace

The brain uses an
eight-step process in
the left brain to
Dyslexia is caused
by many differences
in nerve pathway
development in
these eight areas.
The “bridges” along
the reading pathway
of these eight
regions are
damaged or not
Visual Dyslexia
Most People who are
dyslexic have
trouble interpreting
what they see in

The visual cortex of

the left brain does
not learn how to
recognize symbols
consistently or in
the correct

As a consequence,
letters, numerals
and other symbols
tend to reverse or
turn upside down.
Parts of words may
also transpose.
Auditory Dyslexia
The ears bring sounds
to the midbrain, which
is designed to recognize
and organize the
hard/fast and slow/soft
speech sounds. The
midbrain does this
extremely quickly.

Speech sounds are then

transported in the
correct sequence to
parts of the left brain
for blending and

Dyslexia is caused when

the midbrain is slow in
Sound Sound sorting these sounds
and the sequence
becomes confused.
Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome

Scotopic Sensitivity
Syndrome affects
individuals’ ability to see
clearly when reading,
writing and performing
visual tasks.

• Exists to some degree in 30% of the

Although scotopic general population
sensitivity does not
appear on regular eye • Is found in 60% of adults who score
below a forth grade reading level on
exams; nevertheless it
standardized tests
can result in extreme
difficulty distinguishing • Is a major barrier to reading for
between written words eighty percent of individuals who are
and shapes. dyslexic
How the Brain Carries Visual Information

from the
parietal lobe is
sent to the
visual cortex for

Mango and Parvo The midbrain filters,

cells deliver separate blends and organizes
parts of what is seen the images. These
to the midbrain at images are then sent
different speeds to the parietal lobe to
be sorted further

Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome

Scotopic Sensitivity is caused by a problem in the development of the mango
cells. Parts of these mango cells are missing, and some of the neurons that blend
the images in the midbrain are incomplete. This Cellular deficit sends unstable
images through the brain. Finally, the visual cortex “sees” print distortions –
Readers experience jumping, unfocused images that result in eye strain,
headaches and nausea.
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD)

Communication and

Sixty-five percent of all

communication and
information is nonverbal. Lack of Nonverbal
Tactile, kinesthetic, Communication Skills
visual-spatial affective
and experiential People with NLD have
information are extreme difficulty
processing and utilizing
examples of nonverbal
nonverbal communication
information. Nonverbal
and information. They
communication and
rely almost exclusively on
information can be used
their interpretation and
on its own, but is often
use of the spoken or
associated and
written word.
integrated with
The Neurology of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

The Right Hemisphere

(very generalized)
The right hemisphere
appears to be specialized for
nonverbal information. It
controls visual and spatial
perception and also plays a
dominant role in the
recognition of auditory tones,
objects and faces, and in the
recognition, interpretation
and expression of emotion.

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) result from dysfunctions in right

hemispherical systems, or in the inability to access right hemisphere
systems due to deficits in sub cortical white matter.
Learning Disability Challenges for Library Patrons
Area of Manifestations at Strategies & Accommodations
Difficulty the Library
Reading May have difficulty Offer orientations where applications are filled
with text-based out by librarian and library overviews are given
instructions and forms
• Decoding / Put application and other forms on computer with
(such as library card audio output and word predication software
reading fluently applications)
Expand collections to include more books on tape
and videos (have book and tape available for
Views library as text- read along)
• based institution -
Comprehension Does not use reading Collaborate with “Recordings for the Blind &
as preferred method of Dyslexic” or similar organizations with recording
gaining new ability
Install voice-output software onto computers and
have book scanning capability

In literacy programs, train volunteers in LD and

Needs assistance use reading programs specifically designed for LD
learning to read students (Such as Ortan-Gillingham)
fluently or completing
reading tasks around Collaborate with schools to support students with
school or work disabilities in homework and academic activities

Encourage literacy programs to provide support

around workplace specific tasks (E.G.: memos /
pay checks)
Learning Disability Challenges for Library Patrons

Area of Manifestations at Strategies & Accommodations

Difficulty the Library

May have difficulty Expand book collections to include age-
finding / understanding appropriate materials (E.G.: adult books with
higher-level texts, but haslow-level literacy, high school relevant texts
• Decoding and ability and need to access with lower-level literacy)
comprehension concepts. Expand Close Captioned video collection
Cont. (encourages reading for book reluctant
Can experience difficulty patrons)
• Confusing matching call #’s and
titles to those on books Provide shaded grids for transcribing call
sequences and numbers and titles
orders of text themselves
and numbers Implement use of pictograms for locating
materials and navigating library

Will have particular Designate space in the library specifically for

• Matching sets difficulty in matching adult readers with literacy challenges
of words and titles and numbers on
horizontal book / video Display LD relevant material in easy to
numbers navigate space in the library / Display
spines on library shelves
materials in front facing fashion

Enlarge call #’s on LD related / low-level

literacy books / materials
Learning Disability Challenges for Library Patrons
Area of Difficulty Manifestations at the Strategies &
Library Accommodations

Reading Cont. Will not be able to complete Extend borrow times for patrons with
readings within standard disabilities
• Reading at
“normal” rates borrow times
Allow reference material to be saved
(expect LD students (not re-shelved) for longer periods of
with reading Will have problems reading time. Allow LD patrons free
problems to take five reference materials for photocopying to enlarge and take
times longer to home reference materials
extended periods of time
complete reading during any given reading Have materials archived
tasks than non LD session electronically with alternative formats
peers) and speech output

• Maintaining / Will experience challenges in Supply “reading pens”, electronic

concentrating on reading small print or funky, spellers and other assistive
reading for periods unusual fonts. technology tools for use within
over 15 minutes designated library space
Will have increased Consider assistive technology lending
• Keeping place challenges with black on
during reading white print. Provide colored overlays and supply
card rulers to aid eye tracking
• Seeing an object /
word against its Will usually prefer reading Have non-fluorescent / adjustable
background. with softer lighting lighting for reading spaces
Learning Disability Challenges for Library Patrons
Area of Manifestations at the Strategies &
Difficulty Library Accommodations
Writing Provide portable, electronic note
takers (such as Alpha smart ®) for
Spelling Difficulty taking notes from
use in designated library areas
reference materials or non-
consumable texts (Process is
Thinking with words Consider partnering with non-profits
laborious and notes are
(Tendency to think to provide discount / free consumable
difficult to refer back to) texts for LD patrons (especially for
in images / ideas)
GED and other test-prep books)

Organizing written
work Difficulty utilizing library
materials for written Install word prediction or abbreviation
assignments or projects for / expansion software on computers
Handwriting school, work and hobbies
Install Inspiration or other essay
mapping software on computers

Provide voice recognition software

and allocate space / time for voice
recognition users

Encourage use of magazines, journals

and materials with graphic / pictorial
Learning Disability Challenges for Library Patrons

Area of Manifestations at the Strategies &

Difficulty Library Accommodations

Difficulty remembering Allow extended computer times for

• Computers disabled patrons
common sequences (Such as,
saving to disk, opening an
existing document, searching Avoid referencing left / right. Label
for Journals) directions on computers and mouse

Confusion with directionality Provide large, high contrast keyboard

(Such as left / right click) and number pads

Difficulty focusing on the Display visual summaries of common

screen / “seeing” small fonts tasks that require sequences, such as
and distinguishing shapes saving a file or accessing e-mail

Install text holders onto monitors for

Transcribing information to or easy transcribing
from the computer
Set up personal screen profiles with
larger, simpler fonts and alter
screen / text color
Learning Disability Challenges for Library Patrons

Area of Manifestations at the Strategies & Accommodations

Difficulty Library

•Concentration Talks out-loud while reading, Have places, times in the library that
finding materials allow patrons to engage in multi-
sensory learning (E.G: “talk aloud”
spaces, discussion rooms, interactive,
Asks the same question
multi-media spaces)
many times

Expect to repeat information, use

Becomes disoriented, has
concise and consistent language.
difficulty navigating the
Stay with someone until they have
Asks to check out more than actually located the wanted item
allocated number of items (Don’t simply direct them)

Avoid using left / right and numerical

references to give directions

Assist in screening for appropriate

Learning Disability Challenges for Library Patrons

Area of Manifestations at the Strategies & Accommodations

Difficulty Library

• Reluctant to None! Train staff in the needs of patrons with

Access and LD
Use Library (Bear in mind that
evaluations of and plans for
the needs of patrons must Partner with community consultants /
extend beyond the existing experts
clientele. Library
investigations into how to Survey the community to discover
serve people with individuals needs and wants
better must strive to reach
citizens who do not currently
Utilize findings of California State
interact with the library at
Library projects and similar reports

Hold LD support and focus groups

Host LD trainings and guest speakers

for patrons
Sample Library Call Number Sheet

Patrons may have difficulty transcribing call numbers and matching call
numbers to shelved books. Many patrons with learning disabilities may also
have difficulty with organization.

Differentiating between call number digits and providing structured grids to

prompt correct call number transcription is helpful. Sheets that prompt
large, organized copying of call numbers with notes for author and title also
assist readers in finding the book and tracking their book search.

A key or map that matches call number to book location in the library
would also be helpful. If your library adopts pictographs, these could be
referenced in your database besides call numbers.

Book Title: ____________________________________________

Author: _______________________________________________
Links to websites on learning disabilities LDOnline. The leading Web site on learning disabilities for parents, teachers,
and other professionals. Includes online LD store. The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) works to ensure that the nation's 15
million children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities have every opportunity to succeed in school,
work and life. Special Needs Project, a unique disability bookstore. We carry books, videos,
DVDs and related items about mental and physical disabilities...for parents, professionals, educators, family
members and persons with a disability. We have the largest collection of books about autism spectrum disorders
we know of. Schwab Learning. To help parents, we created Schwab Learning, a nonprofit

organization, dedicated to providing reliable, parent-friendly information from experts and parents San Francisco Public Library’s Resource Collection for

Learning Differences. The Resource Collection for Learning Differences provides extensive information for adults
and children with dyslexia, aphasia and other learning differences and also their families, friends and
professionals. Many useful linksEASI (Equal Access to Software and Information). EASI's
mission is to serve as a resource to the education community by providing information and guidance in the area
of access-to-information technologies by individuals with disabilities. We stay informed about developments and
advancements within the adaptive computer technology field and spread that information to colleges, universities,
K-12 schools, libraries and into the workplace. AccessIT promotes the use of electronic and information

technology (E&IT) for students and employees with disabilities in educational institutions at all academic levels.
This Web site features the AccessIT Knowledge Base, a searchable, growing database of questions and answers
regarding accessible E&IT. It is designed for educators, policy makers, librarians, technical support staff, and
students and employees with disabilities and their advocates. In 1996, Roads To
Learning, The Public Libraries’ Learning Disabilities Initiative, came into being. The goal of the initiative is to bring
information about LD to the general public through libraries while increasing public libraries’ capacity to serve in
this area of need. Roads to Learning bibliography. Learning

Disability Resources for Public Libraries. This is not an exhaustive list. It is a beginning guide for public libraries,
to develop materials collections for the general public. It includes mostly recent titles, plus a few older items for
background. All are available from jobbers, publishers or other organizations. Since listening can help
comprehension for some people with learning disabilities, availability of audio cassettes is noted as found in
bibliographic sources. The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) currently houses a database
called the Louis Database of Accessible Materials for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired. Louis contains
information about tens of thousands of titles of accessible materials, including Braille, large print, sound
recordings, and computer files from over 170 agencies throughout the United States. RFB&D's library contains more than 104,000 titles in a broad variety of subjects, from
literature and history to math and the sciences, at all academic levels, from kindergarten through post-graduate
and professional. Chances are, if the book is in your curriculum, it's in our library! Anyone with a documented
disability—including a visual impairment, learning disability or other physical disability which makes reading
standard print difficult or impossible—is eligible to use RFB&D's audio textbooks but in order to access our
library, you need to become a member. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) The Library of
Congress. Through a national network of cooperating libraries, NLS administers a free library program of braille
and audio materials circulated to eligible borrowers in the United States by postage-free mail. Those eligible
include persons certified by competent authority as having a reading disability resulting from organic dysfunction
and of sufficient severity to prevent their reading printed material in a normal manner. JAN, or Job Accommodation Network, is a free consulting service designed to increase
the employability of people with disabilities by: 1) providing individualized worksite accommodations solutions, 2)
providing technical assistance regarding the ADA and other disability related legislation, and 3) educating callers
about self-employment options. JAN is a free service of the U.S. Department of Labor. Call JAN for advice. One
is not allowed to ask about disabilities during the employment process. JAN might be of use if an employee self
disclosed that they have a cognitive or learning disability. They have a page of Accommodation Ideas for
Learning Disabilities at Steven Fullmer's “Where Can I Go to Find Disability-
Related Information?” Learning Disabilities Association of America. Since 1963, LDA has

provided support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other
professionals. At the national, state and local levels, LDA provides cutting edge information on
learning disabilities, practical solutions, and a comprehensive network of resources. See also
California LDA at and the East Bay LDA at
(pictograms will be mounted here and on the literacy section of the California State Library

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