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Graphical Method when Tool

diameter is given
1′, 2′and 3′

1. The profile of the work piece is, first,

2. Next, the basic points of the profile on
axis 1-1 are projected, drawing them
perpendicular to the work piece axis. The
projected points are1′, 2′and 3′
3. From point O2 as the center, circles
corresponding to i.e .radii r1 , r2 and r3
are described.
1′, 2′and 3′ 4. After assigning definite angles γ and α
and the outside diameter of the tool,
determine the location of the centre O2
of the circular form tool. It is on line II-II
which is drawn a distance, Ht = R1 x sin
α above the center of the work piece.
Material Hardness (BHN) Rake angle (Deg.) (γ )

Mild steel Up to 150 25

Hard steel 235.290 12 - 20

Soft cast iron Up to 150 15

Hard cast iron 150-200 12

Aluminium, copper - 20 - 25

Bronze, leaded brass - 0-5

The relief angle (α ) depends upon the type of form tool.

On circular form tools it is 100 to 120 and on flat form tools
it varies from 120 to 150.
Centre O2 is found by setting a compass to the outside radius R1 of the
form tool and drawing an arc from point 1 which is the intersection of
horizontal axis I-I with the circle of radius r1.
Point O2, the intersection of line II-II with the arc drawn from point 1, is the
center of the circular form tool.
Draw a perpendicular from O2 to the line drawn at an angle
 =200. This perpendicular line will be O2M.
Next, draw line aM along the tool face. For this purpose,
draw a line from point 1 at an angle γ to line I-I.
The perpendicular distance from o2M is called as “H” and is
calculated by formula H= R1 Sin  1.
By connecting points 1, 2 and 3 (points of intersection of the line
representing the tool face with the corresponding circles of radii r1, r2
and r3) with center O2 of the form tool, obtain the corresponding radii
R1, R2 and R3 of the form tool.
Show the angles  1= 32 0
,  2= 37 0
and  3=47 0
Next, to construct the tool profile in a radial cross-section, it is necessary to draw radial line
N/N and to lay off dimensions to the right on a line perpendicular to line NN (in the case
when the axis of the work piece and circular tool are parallel to each other).
The dimensions are equal to the corresponding axial dimensions of the work piece.
From the end point of the axial dimensions, lay off dimensions P2 and P3 in a direction
parallel to line NN. Dimensions P2 and P3 are equal to the differences between the
corresponding radii of the form tool ( R1- R2 and R1 – R3, respectively). On the intersections
of the lines corresponding to dimensions P2 and P3 with the lines determining dimensions ,
obtain points 2” and 3”.By connection points 1” , 2” and 3” by straight lines, one obtains the
profile of the form tool in a radial cross-section.
Connecting points 1,2,3, etc. with centre O1 of the
work piece we have series of right angle triangles
1aO1, 2aO1, 3aO1etc.
Show A1,A2 AND A3 which are distances between
point “a” and point 1,2 and 3 respectively.
Show dimensions C2,C3, B1,B2 and B3 as well as ht

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