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Basic Measurements

Liji P
Instrumentation and Control
Deals with measurement and control
Why Instrumentation?
What is a process?
Objective of measurement
RD, Quality , Automated operations
Basic elements measurement loop
Sensors, Transmitters, Controllers

Basic Parameters
Field Instrumentation
Switches, gauges, Transmitters, SOVs, Control valves,
Control Relays, DAS , SCADA, PLC , DCS

Instrumentation and Control
Basic Measurement
Measurement ?
Direct/ Indirect
Indication , alarm , Control

Main parameters - Pressure
- Level
- Flow
- Temperature

Pressure Scales
Absolute , Gauge , atmospheric

Pressure Detectors Bellows
Bourdon tube
Bourdon tube

DP Transmitter

Abnormalities and failures
- Over pressure
- Loss of power supply
- Sensing lines
Impact of operating Environment
- Temperature ,
- Vapour content

2.Level Measurement
Direct and Indirect method
DP type
RADAR method of level detection
Open tank and closed tank
Impact of operating environment

DP method of level measurement

Consists of Transmitter,
Antenna, receiver/signal
processor, operator interface.
Electromagnetic wave sent
downward toward surface of
process fluid, reflected back
and collected
Level of tank based on
difference of time from
emission to collection to EM
Radar Level Measurement
Open tank and closed tank
P high = Patm + SH
P low = Patm
Diff pressure P = Phigh Plow
= S.H
Phigh = Pgas + SH
Plow = Pgas
P = Phigh - Plow = SH
Effect of Environment
Effect of temperature
H P/
1/ T

Effect on pressure
Over pressure
Sample Lines

3.Temperature Measurement
Temperature coefficient
Sensors using- RTD
Resistance Temperature Detector
- Material of construction
- Properties
- 2 / 3 wire configurations
- Adv / Disadv
- Failure

RTD configurations

2 wire configuration

3 wire configuration

Principle of Operation
Hot and cold junction

Metal A

T1 T2 ( V1)
Metal B

4.Flow measurement
Types - Differential Pressure Method
Magnetic Flowmeter
Mass flowmeter
Turbine flowmeter
DP method

Obstruction type detectors
- Orifice
Volumetric Flow Rate,Q

Magnetic flow meters

Faraday's law of electromagnetic
Conductive fluids
Accuracies to 0.5%
Corrosive liquids

E = B D Vfluid

Mass Flowmeter
A mass flow meter, also known as inertial flow meter and
coriolis flow meter, is a device that measures how much fluid is
flowing through a tube. It does not measure the volume of the
fluid passing through the tube; it measures the amount of mass
flowing through the device.
Volumetric flow metering is proportional to mass flow rate only
when the density of the fluid is constant. If the fluid has varying
density, or contains bubbles, then the volume flow rate
multiplied by the density is not an accurate measure of the mass
flow rate.
In a mass flow meter the fluid is contained in a smooth tube,
with no moving parts that would need to be cleaned and
maintained, and that would impede the flow.
Turbine Flowmeter


Flow measurement in GTG
2 HSD , 2 Naphtha and 1 water injection
Turbine flowmeters- Flow technology make
Working Range 0- 100 GPM
Elements- Turbine flowmeter,
Magnetic pickoff coil
Electronics circuitry

Specification of Instrument
Range of instrument
Our operating range
Max allowable limit
Operating environment
Hazardous area

Pressure measurement - Example
Technology Used Mechanical, Piston type, stain
gauge, capacitance
Pressure Reading- Absolute, Vacuum, Gauge,
Application Liquid, Gas, Hazadous
Display analog, Digital
Working range

Signal Output
Electrical characteristics
Voltage, Current

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