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Leadership on its way again.

Chak De India is the story of a coach's fight of making his team,
Team India, by overcoming their diverse backgrounds.

It's a story about honesty, determination, perseverance, sincerity
integrity, and human spirit to fight and win.
A story to remind the nation of its National sport

Kabir Khan- Once the hero of Indian Hockey, the best centre
forward in the world, the man a nation found a hero in. And the
man it sentenced to hell. Now he has decided to make a last
comeback to the game he once loved, to reclaim his lost honor
and prove his point to the nation he still loves.

Kabir Khan knows what it's like to come back from the dead.
The ex Indian Captain has now come back as the Coach of the
Indian Women's National Hockey team.
A team that exists more on paper and less in reality.

Kabir Khan aims to achieve the impossible by making a rag-tag
bunch of girls into a team. And he is eyeing nothing less than
World Championship.
The only problem is it is easier said than done.
The team is a rag-tag bunch of girls with their own agenda.

The girls have never known the thrilling energy of being Team
India. Of giving their all to see their country's name on a trophy.
They have played every game of hockey to make sure they get selected
every year in the Indian National team. But what does it really mean to
play for the Indian National team? To play for India?
The girls have never known the thrilling energy of being Team India

But Kabir Khan, once a captain, now forgotten, does.

Will to Win!

Kabir Khan knows what it takes to get there. And what it means to
return empty handed. This time, he wants to make sure that it's
different. He knows there are no second chances.

To believe in self
Kabir believes that it is not that we can't win. It's just that we
have never believed we can
The Khalnayak: Bindia Naik

At times, even the best and the most experienced person if not handled properly could lead to
disastrous results for the team. However if channelized in the correct direction, the same
person will certainly yield rich dividends (as seen in semi-finals and finals)

Despite all odds, Kabir believes that if only the girls
played as one, anything would be possible.
Race is Not Over--- BCoz we havent won yet
None of us are as Strong as all of us..
Team India Wins the World Cup.
Winners Dont quit, Quitters dont Win
An expert, an ex-captain of Team India.
A Leader who leads by examples.
A Leader who leads from the front.
A Mentor.
An architect of a TEAM-Team India.
It is not about individual brilliance but
all about Excellence as a TEAM.
A TEAM is for a common cause .

! World Champions in Womens Hockey!
A strict disciplinarian.
Ruthless about Processes & the
Implementation of those.
High concern for his coachees as well.
Very high levels of commitment,
sacrifice & determination.
Eye for details-A Perfectionist.

No place for Mediocrity in his Team.
Kabir wants the BEST out of his TEAM
& nothing less than that.
Kabir knows the S.W.O.T of his
Identified the Areas of Reinforcement
& also the Areas of Development.
Uses Different Strokes for different
Forks- Tailor Made Approach.

Explains & Demonstrates-But Never Does
their Job.

Encourages as Well.

Kabir reviews performances and gives
immediate Feedback for Course Correction.

Kabir is an expert in snubbing the No, No s
and the Demoralizers in the TEAM.

Always pumps in Enthusiasm &
Positive Energy in his Team.

Very skillful in utilizing an Individuals
talent for the greater interest of the

Seeks Commitment-Ensures Execution
as well!

KABIR is ..
A People Accepted Leader & not an
Institution Imposed Leader.

There is a KABIR in
ALL of US!

Can we bring him OUT!

By: Satinder Ahuja


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