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By Meena Sharma

In school building other than classrooms we need to maintain
separate rooms for other subjects, one of the important part
is school laboratories. Not only science labs but as per
subjects there are following different types of labs.
Literature Lab
Geography Lab.
Science Lab

In science lab there 3 different types of labs i.e.
Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs.
State Importance of Literature,
Geography, Science Labs in School.

What Things should be considered
while developing Science labs?
1. Literature Lab
As per Three language Formula students should learn least 3 Languages
in secondary school.
To learn new languages literature lab plays an important role.
To hear, speak, read and to write are the important aspects need to be
considered while learning a new language.
Among all above mentioned aspects, for hearing and speaking blackboard,
chalk and books are not sufficient. For effective practice they need to have
earphones, microphones, amplifier, tape recorded etc.
Literature lab helps students to get personal guidance. It helps them to
develop their language vocabulary and pronunciation.
Importance of Labs
1. Literature LAB
Importance of labs
2.Geography Lab
Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its
atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by
these, including the distribution of populations and resources and
political and economic activities.
Students can perform practical and this the reason schools should
have Geography labs.
If Geography lab is available , maximum use of educational aids by
teachers can be possible.
3. Science Lab
Science lab helps students to develop their experimental skills.
Students get opportunity to perform or practice by themselves
which leads to develop their knowledge.
During board exams science practical are to be conducted in
schools itself so the school need to maintain a fully featured
science lab.
Things to be considered while
Developing/Preparing a Science Lab
Laboratory should be on ground floor.
Lab should be spacious so that students can move freely.
Each student should get 3 square meters of free space.
For Example: For batch of 50 students the lab should be 15 meters in length and 10
For bright light and proper ventilation there should be enough windows and doors.
Exhaust fans, Gas connection, water and light supply should be enough.
Table size should be 90cm X 180 cm X 75 cm.
There should be various charts of scientists and their inventions and reference books in
the lab.
First aid box and fire extinguisher should be there in lab.

For example: For batch of 50 students the lab
should be 15 meters and 10 meters in width
or 18.75 meters in length and 8 meters in
Students Working in Groups

In todays scientific world, developing students interest in science will
lead them to become future scientist and researcher's this can only
be possible if schools have updated laboratories.

In the development of labs, safety measures and basic needs for the
practical should be considered.

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