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Research methodology

An introduction
In common parlance research refers
to a search for knowledge
Research is a systematic attempt to obtain
answers to meaningful questions about
phenomena or events through the application
of scientific procedures
Research is an objective, impartial,
empirical and logical analysis and
recording of controlled observations
that may lead to the development of
generalization, principles or theories,
resulting into some extent in prediction
and control of events that may be
consequence of causes of specific
Research Definition!
Acc. to Advanced Learners Dictionary of
Current English
Research is a careful investigation or
inquiry specially through search for new
facts in any branch of knowledge
Definition Cont..
Research is a movement, a movement
from the known to the unknown

* Redman & Mory
Fred N. Kerlinger defines research as:
A systematic, controlled, empirical and
critical investigation of hypothetical
propositions about the presumed
relations among natural phenomena
Definition Cont..
Acc. to Berelson and Steiner:
Research is a form of enquiry in which
procedures are public, definitions are
precise, data collection is objective,
findings are replicable
Definition Cont..
In summary:
Research is a systematic attempt to
obtain answers to meaningful questions
about phenomena or events through the
application of scientific procedures
Definition Cont..
Characteristics of
Research is directed towards the
solution of a problem
Research emphasizes the development
of generalisation, principle or theories
that will be helpful in predicting future
Research is based upon observable
experience or empirical evidence.
Research demands accurate
observation and description.
Research involves gathering new data
from primary or first hand sources or
using existing data for a new purpose
Characteristics of Research
Research requires expertise. The
researcher knows what is already known
about the problem and how others have
investigated it.
Research strives to be objective and
logical, applying every possible test to
validate the procedures employed, the
data collected and the conclusions
Characteristics of Research
Research is characterised by patient and
unhurried activity.
Research is carefully recorded and
Characteristics of Research
Goals of Research
An attempt to determine whether or
not a phenomenon exists.

An attempt to answer question of the
form does X happens?
Involves examining a phenomenon to
more fully define it or to differentiate it
from other phenomena.
Involves description of an object, a
person or an event at the time data are
collected. But that description may
change over time.
Goals of Research..contd..
Prediction / identification of

Prediction of one phenomena by
knowing other phenomena
Goals of Research..contd..
Explanation of cause and effect
relationship between two or more

Explanation about validity of cause
and effect relationships
Goals of Research..contd..
Refers to research conducted to
solve a problem
Action research can involve any of
the previously mentioned goals, but
adds to such goals the requirement of
finding a solution of doing something
Goals of Research..contd..
Why do Research
Four important reasons
- Promotes basic knowledge
- Development of new tools
- Informs public
- Effective planning

Aims & Objectives of a PG
To teach fundaments of research
To simulate an interest in research
Helps to develop the necessary skills
required to do research
Helps to critically analyse literature
Role of guide

Role of PG

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