Environmental Pollution

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Environmental POLLUTION
Pollution is the introduction of
contaminants into the natural environment
that cause adverse change, in the form of
killing of life ,toxicity of environment ,
damage to ecosystem and aesthetics of
our surrounding .

Definition (contd)
An unwanted change in the environment
which involves the physical, biological and
chemical changes involving air, water and
land which affects the human life in one way
or the other.
Pollution has become a serious issue after
World War II in developing countries due to
unchecked rapid industrialization. Pollution is
the root cause of many diseases that kill and
disable living organisms.
A Broader View of Pollution
Contamination by
Pollution is everywhere.....
Air Pollution.
Water Pollution.
Noise Pollution.
Littering (spilling of oils in oceans)
Soil contamination (by lead, heavy metals)
Radioactive contamination.
Thermal pollution.
Visual Pollution.

Air Pollution
Air Pollution

Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment
by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the
natural characteristics of the atmosphere.

Sources & Pollutants
Sources Of Air Pollution
Natural sources :
Forest fires
Sea salt sprays
Volcanic eruption
Biological decay
Pollen grains of flowers
Radio active minerals present in earthetc.
Man made sources:
Thermal plants
Agricultural activities etc.

Classification of air

Primary pollutants
These are directly emitted by the point source e.g. CO
oxide of
nitrogen, hydrocarbons etc.

Secondary pollutants:
These are formed by interaction of primary pollutants example
ozone, photochemical smog etc.

Pollutants causing Air
Include particulate matter.
Carbon monoxide.
Nitrogen dioxide .
Sulfur dioxide
Effects of Air Pollution
Air Pollution affects???

Human health
The atmosphere as a whole
Acid Rain
How to control air
How to control air
Maintaining a healthy distance between the industrial and residential

The chimneys should be constructed tall in size so that the emissions
must be released higher up in the environment

The sulphur must be removed after burning.

The gasoline must have anti knocking agents.

The mining area should be planted with trees.
How to control air pollution?
The coal fuel should be replaced with gas fuel to control the air

The automobiles must be designed with emission control system.

The wastes must be removed and recycled in the industrial plants and

Plants like pine and ribes need to be planted to metabolize the
nitrogen oxides and other pollutants.

How to control air
Timely servicing of the car helps to keep it in a good condition, and
also minimizes fuel exhaustion

Using public transportation helps to prevent the air pollution

Using alternative energy sources like solar energy, hydroelectric
energy, and wind energy

Water Pollution.
Water Pollution

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes,
rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater).

Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or
indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove
harmful compounds.

Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies
of water. In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to
individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological

Polluted Water
Sources of water pollution
Surface water pollution:
Domestic sewage.
Industrial effluents
Synthetic detergents
Waste heat etc
Ground water pollution:
Deep well injections
Mining etc

Water Pollutants.
Petroleum hydrocarbons
Heavy metals
Radioactive waste
Thermal effluents

Water Pollutants
Food processing waste, (fats and grease)
Insecticides and herbicides.
Petroleum hydrocarbons, (gasoline, diesel
fuel, jet fuels, and fuel oil).
Lubricants (motor oil).
From stormwater runoff.

Effects of Water Pollution
Diseases like Cholera
Typhoid (spread during the rainy season )
Aquatic life gets destroyed
Preventing Water
Conserve water by turning off the tap.
Mind what you throw down your sink or toilet.
Dont throw paints and oils in water channels.
Use environment friendly household products, such as washing
powder, household cleaning agents etc.
Take great care not to overuse pesticides and fertilizers.
Dont throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans. Help clean up any
litter you see on beaches or in rivers and lakes, make sure it is safe
to collect the litter and put it in a nearby dustbin.
Treating Polluted Water...
Suspended, solid particles and inorganic material can be removed
by the use of filters.

Use of biological filters and processes can naturally degrade the
organic waste material.

After above two steps chemical additives are supplied to get rid of
any left-over impurities.
Treating Polluted water
Noise Pollution..
Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is displeasing or excessive noise that may disrupt
the activity or balance of human or animal life.
Noise means disgust or discomfort hearing from environment.
Sources of Noise
Transportation systems.
Motor vehicles.
Poor urban planning.
Traffic Noise
Air craft Noise
Noise from construction and civil engineering works.
Noise from the Industries.
Noise from other sources.
Effects of Noise Pollution
Noise pollution affects both health and behavior.
Unwanted sound (noise) can damage psychological health.
Noise pollution can cause
Aggression .
Hypertension .
High stress levels .
Hearing loss.
sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects.
Effects of Noise Pollution
Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss.
Older males exposed to significant occupational noise demonstrate
significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-exposed

Controlling noise..
Control of noise pollution

Reduction in sources of noise
Use of sound absorbing silencers.
Through law
Planting more trees having broad leaves
Proper oiling will reduce the noise from machinery
Land pollution pictures
Soil Pollution..

Soil contamination or soil pollution is caused by the presence of
xenobiotic (human-made) chemicals or other alteration in the natural
soil environment.
It is typically caused by
industrial activity.
agricultural chemicals.
improper disposal of waste.
Soil Contaminating
Petroleum hydrocarbons.
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.
Lead and Other heavy metals.

Effects of Land Pollution
The Land Cannot be construct house
Man cannot be farming
Ground water will gets Affected
House hold Garbage like putting Plastics
How to control soil
How to control soil
Limit the use of fertilizers and pesticides
Awareness about biological control methods and their implementation
The grazing must be controlled and forest management should be
done properly
The afforestation and reforestation must take place
Proper preventive methods like shields should be used in areas of
wind erosion and wind breaks
Treating Wastes of industries.
Treating nuclear waste.
Proper disposing of plastics and other garbage materials.

Air Pollution do have.
Health effects
Effects on cardiovascular health
Effects on breathing (asthma).
Links to cancer
Effects on children
Health effects in relatively "clean" areas
Most Polluted World Cities..
Cairo, (Egypt)
Delhi, (India)
Kolkata, (India)
Tianjin, (China)
Chongqing, (China)
Kanpur, (India)
Lucknow, (India)
Jakarta, (Indonesia)
Shenyang, (China)
A Single Solution..
Go green.

Thermal pollution
An increase in the water temperature by industrial process may be
called as thermal pollution.
It is rise in temperature of water through human activity.
The sudden rise in temperature of water has very harmful effects on
the aquatic organisms such as fish and algae.

It is defined as presence of waste heat in the water which can cause
undesirable changes in the natural environment .
Causes of thermal pollution:
Heat producing industries i.e. thermal power plants , nuclear
power plants, refineries, steel mills etc.

Effects of thermal pollution
The dissolved oxygen content of water is decreased as the solubility of
oxygen in water at high temperature.

High temperature becomes a barriers for oxygen penetration into deep cold

Toxicity of pesticides , detergents and chemicals in the effluents increases
with increase in temperature.

The composition of flora and fauna changes because the species sensitive
to increased temperature due to thermal shock will be replaced by
temperature tolerant species.

Metabolic activities of aquatic organism increase at high temperature and
requires more oxygen where as oxygen level falls under thermal pollution
Discharge of heated water near the shores can disturb spawning and
can even kill young fishes.

Fish migration is affected due to formation of various thermal zones.
Control of thermal pollution
Cooling ponds : water from condensers is stored in ponds where
natural evaporation cools the water which can than be recalculated
or discharged in near by water bodies
Spray ponds : the water from condensers is received in spray
ponds. Here the where is sprayed through nozzles where fine
droplets are formed . Heat from these fine droplets is dissipated to
the atmosphere.
Cooling towers :
a) Wet cooling tower:
b) Dry cooling tower:

Nuclear pollution happens when radioactive elements come in
contact with other elements in environment and emits alpha and
gamma rays which is a serious threat to living organisms.
The phenomenon of nuclear fission creates nuclear pollution.

Sources of nuclear pollution
Natural sources: sources of natural nuclear pollution include:

Cosmic rays from outer space
Radioactive radon 222 ,
Soil rocks air water and food which contain one or more radioactive substances
Anthropogenic sources:
Nuclear power plants
Nuclear accidents
X- rays
Diagnostic kits
Test laboratories etc. where radioactive substances are used

Effects of nuclear pollution
Genetic damage:
Somatic damage:
Effects On Living Organisms:
Skin Diseases.
Damages Of Reproductive Organs.
Causes Abnormality In Bone Marrow.
Destroys Retina Of Eyes.
Shortening Of Life Span.
Control of nuclear pollution

Siting of nuclear power plants should be carefully done after
studding long term and short term effects.
Proper disposal of wastes from laboratory involving the use of
radioisotopes should be done.
Maintenance of nuclear plants.
Preventive nuclear experiments.
Safe transportation.
Ban usage of nuclear weapons.
Proper storage.
Minimize use of nuclear elements.
Extraction of radio active elements from nuclear waste.
Solid Waste Management
Waste is the by product of matter that is
consumed by the livng organizamsand is
used in industry as well as agriculture and
other fields
Solid waste are also called as refuse,
rubbish or garbage.
Solid waste can be classified as
municipal,industrial, agricultural, medical,
mining waste and sewage sldge.
Solid Waste Management
Domestic Waste
Combustible waste
Biomedical waste
Industrial Waste
Construction/ demolition waste
Horticulture waste/ waste from
Sewage waste
Power Plant waste
Mining waste
Solid Waste Management
Waste can be biodegradable
Non Biodegreadable
Management of Solid Waste:

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