Begging Problem in India: By: Karuna Karan

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Karuna Karan

Of the various problems which our
country faces today, the problem of
begging is one of the most acute ones.

It is true that ours is a country of saints, sages
and sadhus; yet the problem of beggars as it
exists in our society today, is a matter of great
shame for everyone.
It has assumed wide dimensions. It is
estimated that there are about forty lakh
beggars in India.
Indeed, begging has become a profession. It
is carried on as an art.

Everyone of us has seen numerous kinds
of beggars. Some are blind, lame or
crippled, and so take to begging.

Some people, who have lost their
homes, become beggars. Child and orphan
beggars also are very common.

There are people how are physically
sound but who undertake begging as their
profession, for it enables them to earn
their living easily.

Some give up their family life. When
they become old they are known as
Sadhus. The kids of beggars are
numerous. Their methods of begging are
equally varied and strange.


The causes of begging are many. First of
all, some people are physically incapable
of doing any work. The only way of
getting food open to them is begging.
Such beggars easily win the sympathy of
others. They deserve it also.

Secondly, some people take to begging
due to religious sanction. In Hindus as
well as in Muslims, some religious
teachers encourage people to become
beggars. Many a criminal finds refuge in
the guise of such religious 'Sadhus and
'Fakirs'. It is indeed very difficult to
distinguish between the genuine religious
sadhus and the non-genuine ones.

Thirdly, there are organization which
train children in the art of begging.
Orphans and kidnapped children are
engaged in this profession form early
childhood. After a time, they become
experts. This type of begging is indeed
very harmful. It must be checked without
any delay.
Fourthly, some criminals when they
come back from jails are not treated
sympathetically by society. They are not
given any chance to begin their life
afresh. They become beggars and find
shelter in this profession. Finally, when
some people see the beggars earning
their livelihood in a very easy way, they
enter the profession. Such beggars are
on the increase. We must safeguard our
society against them.

The problem of begging is a knotty one.
We will have to fight it from all sides. First
of all, public opinion must be created
against it. Only those who are crippled,
helpless or homeless should be helped.

Further, the Government should start its
own institutions, where widows, orphans,
and other helpless people may find shelter.
This will prevent them from joining the

The Government should also pass laws,
which should make begging by persons
below a certain age a crime. Many people
with sound health and in their prime
become beggars. The law should prevent
such people from begging.

Though the problem of begging is gigantic, yet it can
easily be solved, if there is will and determination to do
so. By creating healthy public opinion against it and by
passing laws which make this profession a punishable
offence, the problem can be solved within no time.

Inmates of the Nirashritra Parihara Kendra (Beggars
Rehabilitation Centre) in Bangalore: File photo: K. Murali
Disabled people
Old aged people


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