Kristi Krabbenhoft Wants To Continue With President Obama's Policies

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Kristi Krabbenhoft

wants to continue with

President Obama’s

 Are President Obama’s

policies what America
President Obama is accused of

being Socialist and that all of his

policies are socialist. What is

Basically socialism is state owned

or controlled industry which

dictates how much people can
produce and have for themselves.
Not quite communism...but getting
very close.
Obama wants everyone to be
equal so the world is "fair" to
everyone. He constantly talks
about re-distribution of wealth,
which is basically taking from
the rich and giving to the poor.
"If your only opportunity is to be equal then it is not
--Margaret Thatcher

"To take from one because it is thought that his

own industry and that of his fathers has acquired
too much, in order to spare to others, who, or
whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry
and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of
association -- the guarantee to every one of a free
exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by
-- Thomas Jefferson
All of Obama’s ideas on taxes are for a
more "progressive" tax code, which is
another way of taking from the rich
(raising their tax obligations) and giving
to the poor (adding more tax writeoffs
and loopholes for the poor). He has
stated over and over that he won't raise
anyone's taxes unless they make over
$250,000 a year, but he really wants
to tax those horrible rich people!
"A wise and frugal government
which shall restrain men from
injuring one another, which shall
leave them otherwise free to
regulate their own pursuits of
industry and improvement, and
shall not take from the mouth of
labor the bread it has earned. This
is the sum of good government.”
--Thomas Jefferson
Obama’s Universal Healthcare bill is the
most radical socialist bill of all. Under the
terms and conditions of the current
proposed bill, the government will eventually
take over and run the healthcare system in
America. They control all the costs, what
care people can get, who gets covered, etc.
This bill will give them control of around 20%
of our entire economy, and healthcare WILL
be rationed and hard to get when it is fully
implemented. Obama thinks this is better
than our current system because it is "more
fair" to the poor!'
And that is not all. If
Krabbenhoft wants to follow
in President Obama’s
footsteps she wants to
threaten our national security.
“I will slow our development of future
combat systems.” --BarackObama

Obama plans to disarm America and

stop military technological advances.
Our military is what keeps us safe and
we are the country the world depends
on to keep them safe.
Forced requirement for military training for our
young citizens.

“We got to have a Civilian National Security Force

that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well
funded as the U.S. military.”—Barack Obama

“Citizenship is not an entitlement program. It

comes with responsibilities. Everybody somewhere
between the ages of 18 -25 will serve three
months basic training and understanding any kind
of civil defense. It is not a draft, it is a Universal
service. It is required of anybody 18-25 for three
months.” –Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of Staff
Another Democrat in office
following President Obama’s
policies is dangerous. Its time to
defend our freedoms and our
American dream.
Vote for Erin James December 12,

Brought to you by Concerned Citizens for America

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