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Recruitment And Selection Of

Presented By:
Gagandeep Singh
Arvinder Singh
Recruitment means finding potential job
applicants telling them about the company
and getting them to apply. Recruitment is
the search for best available candidates for
various sales position.
Recruitment and Selection
Job Analysis
Job Qualifications
Job Description
Recruitment &
Selection Objec.
Recruitment &
Selection Strategy
Internal Sources
External Sources
Screening Resumes
and Applications
Initial Interview
Intensive Interview
Background Invest.
Physical Exam
Selection Decision
and Job Offer
Planning for
Recruitment & Selection
Step 1
Recruitment: Locating
Prospective Candidates
Step 2
Evaluation and Hiring
Step 3
Planning for Recruitment and
Job Analysis:
It is a detailed and systematic study of jobs to know
the nature and characteristics of the people to be
employed on various jobs.
Job Qualifications:
Refers to the aptitude, skills, knowledge, personal
traits, and willingness to accept occupational
conditions necessary to perform the job.
Planning for Recruitment and
Job Description:
A written summary of the job containing the job title,
duties, administrative relationships, types of products
sold, customer types, and other significant
Planning for Recruitment and
Recruitment and Selection Objectives:
The things the organization hopes to accomplish as a
result of the recruitment and selection process. They
should be specifically stated for a given period.
Planning for Recruitment and
Recruitment and Selection Strategy:
The plan the organization will implement to
accomplish the recruitment and selection objectives.
The sales managers should consider the scope and
timing of recruitment and selection.
Planning for Recruitment and
Sources of Sales Force
Internal Source
Sources within the Company:
Company Sales Personnel
Company Executives
Internal Transfers
External Source
Source outside the Company
Casual applicants
Employment Agencies
Employees of Customers
Sales Force of competing companies
Sales Force of non competing companies
Educational Institutions

Advantages of Internal Source
Improves morale
No error in selection
Promotes loyalty

Disadvantages of Internal Source
Limits the number of applicants
Lacks creativity and innovations
Selection of incapable persons

Advantages of External Source
Benefits of new skills & ideas
Larger pool of workers
Wider range of experience

Disadvantages of External Source
Longer Process
Problem of adjustment of new employees
Selection System
Preliminary Interview & Pre Interview Screening
Formal Application
Reference & Credit Check
Physical Examination
Employment Offer
Preliminary Interview & Pre
Interview Screening
Eliminating unqualified Applicants
Detects the presence or absence of predetermined
minimum qualifications
Criteria includes applicants basic qualifications,
education, experience, health
Questions about the company and the job are
Applicant fills Formal Application Form for
Formal Interviews
Formal Application Form
Central record for all pertinent information
collected during selection process
Customized Formal Application form tailored to
each companys specific requirement
Present job, dependents, education, employment
status, time with last employer, previous
positions, record of earnings, reasons for leaving
the job

Formal Interview
Most widely selection step & comprises the major
portion of selection system
Most satisfactory method in judging an
individuals ability in oral communication,
personal appearance and manners, attitude
towards selling & life in general, reaction to
obstacles presented face to face and personal
impact upon others
Formal Interview
Who Should do the interview:
HR Managers
District or Branch Sales Managers
Marketing Managers
How Many Interviews:
Varies with the selling style
Depends upon the job profile & Technicality of the
Interviewing Techniques
Patterned Interview:
Prepared outline of questions designed to elicit a basic
core of information
Interviewer works directly from the outline and records
answers as they are given
Non Directive Interview:
Applicant is encouraged to speak freely about
experience, training & future plans
Interviewer just directs the interview
Yields maximum insight into an individuals attitudes
& interests

Interviewing Techniques
Interaction (Stress) Interview:
Simulates the stresses the applicants would meet in actual selling
& provides a way to observe the applicants reactions
See how applicant reacts to the surprise situation & to size up to
selling ability
Rating Scales:
Constructed that interviewers ratings are channeled into a limited
choice of responses
Results in more comparable ratings of the same individual by
different interviewers
Objectivity restricts precise description of many personal qualities
Reference provides information on the applicant
not available from other source
References are excellent source for candid
Four classifications:
Present or Former employees
Former Customers
Reputable citizens
Mutual acquaintances
Credit Checks
Personal Debt records
Timely Payments
Large debts out standings for longer periods

Psychological Tests
Different sets of behavior or attributes can lead to
successful job performance
Test of Ability:
Measure how well a person can perform particular
tasks with maximum motivation
Includes Mental ability (Intelligence Tests) & Tests
of Special abilities ( Aptitude Tests)
Language usage & Comprehension, & abstract
reasoning or problem solving ability

Psychological Tests
Test of habitual characteristics:
Include attitude, personality & interests
Moral measuring techniques
Ascertain employees feelings towards working
conditions, pay, advancement opportunities.
Interests Tests:
Relationship between Interest & Motivation
Among two persons, one with greater interest will be
more successful
Physical Examination
Offer Letter


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