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English 7

Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. John W. Gardner

What I Know . . .
Those who facilitate your classes desire that you learn. They
want you to learn essential information in subjects they have
studied and enjoyed for years. You will develop some of the
skills which they have mastered, and acquire informed
perspectives, but only through practice.

Using various teaching techniques, I seek to promote your
learning and success. I seek to guide you, motivate you, and
outline for you the body of knowledge to be learned.

I facilitate, but only you can learn!

Knowing what I expect of you may help you to maximize
your learning opportunities.
I Expect You To . . .
be informed about policies which are presented in this class, as well as the policies of the Episcopal School of

attend all classes, except when emergencies arise. If health and weather allow, I will be present and on time for every
class. So should you.

be an active participant in class, taking notes, asking appropriate questions. Your involvement will benefit you and
your classmates (Harkness Method).

treat me and others with courtesy. Refrain from any behaviors that may distract others. You expect to be treated with
tolerance and respect. You expect a learning environment free of unnecessary distractions. So does every one

cultivate effective preparedness strategies. Being an effective student is not instinctive. Use your time wisely. Seek
help when you need it. Avail yourself of resources provided by me and Episcopal.

prepare for course material routinely after each class meeting. Prepare according to a regular schedule. Avoid
waiting until the last minute. Do not postpone working on assignments. Submit finished assignments on time.

accept the challenge of middle school studying, thinking, and learning. Anticipate that the level and quantity of work
in some courses will exceed your prior experiences. If you have significant responsibilities besides your
studies, such as athletics and family, set realistic goals and schedules for yourself. Select an academic load
whose work demands do not exceed your available time and energy. THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS IS

let no temptation cause you to surrender your integrity.
What Not to do in my class !
Who are You?
Zapper 3000
How Will I Be Graded?
You will be graded using a point system.

Each in-class assignment, project, test, or homework assignment has a certain number of points
possible. An in-class assignment or test may be worth 100 points, while a quiz or homework
assignment may be worth 20 points. To determine your individual grade, I will simply divide the
number of points earned by the student by the possible number of points in a semester period.
That percentage will be assigned a letter grade using the following scale: 90 100 (A), 80 89
(B), 70 79 (C), 60 69 (D), 50 59 (F).

Some assignments may have extra credit opportunities built into them. You are encouraged to
attempt all extra credit offered. Larger assignments and projects will be assessed with rubrics
that will specify how to meet the assignment expectations and earn full and/or extra points.

Extra Credit is not offered for the purpose of pulling up a grade or as make-up for missed work
during the grading semester! It is important to keep up with the expectations of the assignments
at all times!

It is your responsibility to make-up work after an excused absence. It is assumed that you will
get same number of days to complete the make-up work as the length of the absence. If you
were absent for one day, you may make-up work the next day and turn it in by the end of the
following day.

Late work is not acceptable, so please keep up with the work.
What Will I Be Doing This Year?
English 7 is shaped by the conviction that language is the essential means of
gaining self-knowledge and of participating in community.

You will develop the skills of expression and of listening and

You will use a plethora of tools to strengthen your reading and writing

You will be trained to be independent, self-motivated learners.

You will be preparing for the ESJ high school experience by participating
in rigorous coursework. This class is differentiated by the increasing
complexity and sophistication in the writing we expect and in the works we

You will, however, be expected to make mistakes; Continuous effort not
strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential. Winston

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