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-Todays Global environmental problem.

- Oil crises and impact on business.
-Water resources and review with business
- Pollutions
-Share the equal responsibility of industries by
Environmental Issues related to

-The global avg. air temp. near earth surface
near the earth surface 0.74 0.18 degree
Celsius in 100 years.
- IPCC concludes most of the observe
temperature is due to anthropogenic green house
gas emissions.
- Projections reported that, temperature rise
further 1.1-6.4 degree Celsius 21

Green House Effect-
- Sun rays travel through a GHGs warm the air inside which
acts as a barrier to escape the heat.
-Glass in atmosphere.
- Jean Babe Peptidase, French Scientist discover the
concept of green house gas.
- Clouds, water vapours and green house gases
like carbon dioxode, methane, nitrous oxide and
ozone allow the solar radiation to pass through
but serve as a barrier to outgoing infrared
- Carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere have
increased by about 35%.
- Doubling of the carbon dioxide concentration by
around 2050.
Green House gas emission-
- GHG emissions are increased by 25-
90% by 2030.

- Fossil fuel production rise during 20

- Petroleum responsible for 42%
carbon emission.
- Coal 36% carbon emission.
- 5% population of USA emits one
quarter of carbon dioxide emission.

-Increase in global carbon dioxide emissions about 27%
between 1990 and 2004.
- Coal and Oil are major contributor of global warming.
Effects of Climate Change-
-Loss of land area beaches and wet
-rise in sea level,
-loss of bio-diversity,
- Loss of agricultural out-put,
- Disruption of weather pattern,
- Melting of polar ice caps,
- Frequencies of natural disaster has
been increased.
Pacific island disappear as ocean rise.
Veu Lesa,73 year old villager in Pacefic island
nation of Tuvalu tells the story of sea rising. As
the crop feed his feed him is poisoned by salty
soil. The beaches are no more and it also threats
to the village settlements.
Source- Harris and roach,2004.
Gangotri is shrinking 23 meter every year.
Himalayan glacier Gangotri is shrinking by 23
meter per year due to global warming
Source- The Times of India, 19

Policy responses to climate Change-
Preventive measures-
- Reducing emissions of green house gases.
-Enhancing carbon sinks.
- Carbon credit.

Adaptive measures-
- Construction of dykes and seawells to protect
against rising sea level.
- Shifting agricultural pattern.
- Adapt with climate changes.

*India Govt. approach for Climate Change*
1. Enabling access to clean energy.
2. Mitigate GHG emissions.
3. Adaptation to climate change-
Current government expenditure to adapt
variability exceeds 2% of the GDP.
Source- Green Energy, 2008
- UN Framework Convection of Climate
Change. (UNFCC)
- More than160 nation adapt this
convection in 1992.
- Initial failure of UNFCC need to
develop Kyoto Protocol in 1997.
- Kyoto Protocol establish Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM).

Under article 3.1 Annex-I Parties agrees to reduce the
GHG emission by 2008 & 2012.
Example US agrees to 7% reduction, France 8%, Japan
Overall goal is 5% reduction by all participated countries.
Economy is collapse because of the declining GHG
emissions. For example Australia, Eurpian Countries.
Canada agree to reducing the Green House Gas emission
by 3% but emission is increased by 27%.
Kyoto Protocol & Indias
India stated to commit the 10% GHG
India have reduces emission of 6%
carbon related to energy sector.
Referance- Pandey D.N.,2004.

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