Duty To The Courts

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To The Courts

I will do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing

of any court; I will not wittingly nor willingly
promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful
suit, or give aid nor consent to the same;
Prayer : individual and
Prayerful reflection on
scripture (Lectio Divina)
Opus Dei --the "work of God."
The ordinary things of daily
life, done carefully and
lovingly, with attention and
reverence, can be a way of
prayer, a way to God.
Inseparable from living and
Lawyers duty to the court:
1. Respect and loyalty
2. Fairness, truth and candor
3. No attempt to influence courts

A Lawyer owes candor, fairness and good faith
to the court.
The burden cast on the judiciary would be
intolerable if it could not take at face value what is
asserted by counsel.

Rule 10.01
A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor
consent to the doing of any in court; nor shall
he mislead or allow the court to be mislead by
any artifice.

disciple of truth
to correctly inform the court upon the law and the facts of
the case
aid in doing justice and arriving at correct conclusion
courts are entitled to expect only complete honesty from
lawyers appearing and pleading before them. While a
lawyer has the solemn duty to defend his clients cause, his
conduct must never be at the expense of the truth. (Young
v. Batuegas, A.C. 5379, May 2003)
NOT: in the defense of his client, distort the facts in
disregard of the truth and the law by putting a witness on
the stand whom he knows will give a false testimony.
(People v. Manobo, 18 SCRA 30, 1996)

Rule 10.02
A lawyer shall not knowingly misquote or
misrepresent the contents of the paper, the
language or the argument of opposing counsel,
or the text of a decision of authority, or
knowingly cite as law a provision already
rendered inoperative by repeal or amendment,
or assert as a fact that which has not been
It would lead to the detriment of other courts,
layers and the public who may be misled.

Rule 10.03
A lawyer shall observe the rules of procedure
and shall not misuse them to defeat the ends of
The Rules on Procedure is intended to facilitate
the delivery of justice to those whom it is due
without unnecessary expense and waste of time
for truly justice delayed is justice denied.

A lawyer shall observe and maintain the respect
due to the courts and to judicial officers and
should insist on similar conduct by others.
Disrespect toward the court : undermine the
confidence of the people in the honesty and
integrity of the members of the court
lower or degrade the administration of justice by
the court.

All lawyers are expected to recognize the
authority of the Supreme Court and obey its
lawful processes and orders. Despite errors
which one may impute on the orders of the
Court, these must be respected, especially by
the bar or the lawyers who are themselves the
officers of the court (Yap-Paras v. Atty. Paras,
A.C. 4947, June 7, 2007)

Rule 11.03
A lawyer shall abstain from scandalous,
offensive, or menacing language or behavior
before the courts.
Respectful subordination Even those gifted with
superior intellect, are enjoined to rein up their
tempers (Zaldivar v. Gonzales, 166 SCRA 316,

Rule 11.04
A lawyer shall not attribute to a Judge motives
not supported by the record or having no
materiality to the case.
Primary duty to assist the court in the
administration of justice.
The relation between counsel and judge should
be based on mutual respect and on a deep
appreciation by one of the duties to the other

cordial relationship and mutual cooperation for
speedy and efficient justice (Cervantes v. Atty.
Sabio, A.C. No. 7882)

Rule 11.05
A lawyer shall submit grievances against a judge to the
proper authorities already.
The public duties of the attorney take precedence
over his private duties. His first duty is to the courts.
Where duties to the courts conflict with his duties to
his clients, the latter must yield to the former.

Criticisms of courts must not spill the walls of
decency. There is a wide difference between fair
criticism and abuse and slander of courts and judges.
A lawyer shall exert every effort and consider it
his duty to assist in the speedy and efficient
administration of justice.
A lawyer shall rely upon the merits of his cause
and refrain from any impropriety which tends to
influence, or gives the appearance of influencing
the court.

Rule 13.01
A lawyer shall not extend extraordinary
attention or hospitality to, nor seek opportunity
for, cultivating familiarity with judges.
The judge has the corresponding duty not to
convey or permit others to convey the impression
that they are in a special position to influence the
Discussing cases with the judge privately should
be avoided.

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