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Ardra R S

English Optional
C.S.I. College of Education
Which season of the year do you like
the most?

Which time of the day is most attractive
to you?

Lines Written In March

-William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet
who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the
Romantic Age in English literature with the 1798 joint
publication Lyrical Ballads.
Born: April 7, 1770, Wordsworth House, United Kingdom
Died: April 23, 1850, Cumberland, United Kingdom
Nationality: English
Siblings: Dorothy Wordsworth, Christopher Wordsworth
Education: Hawkshead Grammar School, University of
Cambridge, St John's College, Cambridge

Lines Written in March
-William Wordsworth
The cock is crowing,
The stream is flowing,
The small birds twitter,
The lake doth glitter
The green field sleeps in the
The oldest and youngest
Are at work with the
The cattle are grazing,
Their heads never raising;
There are forty feeding like

Like an army defeated
The snow hath retreated,
And now doth fare ill
On the top of the bare hill;
The plowboy is whooping-
There's joy in the mountains;
There's life in the fountains;
Small clouds are sailing,
Blue sky prevailing;
The winter is over and gone!

Rhyming Words in the poem

crowing flowing
twitter glitter
youngest strongest
grazing raising
defeated retreated
ill hill
mountains fountains
sailing prevailing

Word Pictures in this Poem
Cock is crowing
Stream is flowing
Small birds twitter
Lake doth glitter
Green fields sleeps in the sun
Cattle are grazing
Snow hath retreated
Top of the bare hill
The fountains
Clouds are sailing
Blue sky prevailing


Lines written in March is a poem written by William
Wordsworth. The poem is about the happiness of the
withdrawal of winter season. All things in nature are happy. The
cock is crowing ,the stream is flowing, the cattle are grazing, the
small clouds are sailing and the blue sky is prevailing. There are
a lot of word-pictures in the poem which mark the arrival of
spring season. In the line 'the plough boy is whooping anon-
anon'-the word anon is repeated to show the happiness of the
plough boy. The poet has compared the retreating winter season
to a defeated army. Winter represents the bad time of the year
,when there is illness, poverty etc. The crowing of the cock
suggests the end of the winter season This is a beautiful poem
which has rhyme and rhythm too.

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