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Human Resource Management

Dessler : Human Resource Management refers to the
policies and practices involved in carrying out the
people or Human Resource aspects of a Management
position , including recruiting, screening, training,
rewarding and appraising.
HRM is a management function concerned with
hiring, motivating, and maintaining people, in an
organization. It focuses on people in organization.

HRM refers to acquisition, retention, motivation and
maintenance of Human Resources in an organization.

What is difference between Human Resource
and other resources?
- Resources are controlled by human resources.
- Human resources have intellect and emotion
- Human resources can be developed through
development and training

Meaning and Nature of HRM
Pervasive force
People Oriented: both at individual level and
group level
Development oriented
Integrating Mechanism
Auxiliary Service
Inter-disciplinary function
Continuous function

Scope of HRM
Personnel Aspect- eg recruitment and
selection , training, remuneration etc.
Welfare Aspect- working conditions, lunch
room , housing, transport etc
Industrial relation-union and management
relationship etc.
Objectives of HRM
To help organisation reach its goal
To employ the skills and abilities of the workforce
To provide the organization with well- trained and
well motivated employees
Increase employees job satisfaction and self
To develop and maintain a quality of work life.
To communicate HR policies to all employees
To be ethically and socially responsive to the
needs of the society

Importance of HRM
At the enterprise level
At the individual level
At the society level
At the national level

History of HRM
The industrial Revolution
Scientific Management
Trade Union
Human Relation movement
Human resource approach

Difference between Personnel
Management and HRM
Employment Contract
PM- Careful delineation of written contracts
HRM- Aim to go beyond contract
Guide to management action
PM- Procedures
HRM- Business needs
Behavior referent
PM- Norms, customs and practices
HRM-Values and mission
HRM through a shared vision between
management and staff create a corporate
vision and mission which are linked to
business goals and the fulfillment of mutual
interest where the organizations needs are
satisfied by employees and employees' needs
are well-taken care by the organization.
Key relations
PM- the relationship between management and
employees are merely on contractual basis where
one hires and the others perform.
HRM- focuses more on Unitarist where the word
"uni" refers to one and together.
Relation of power and management
PM-The distribution of power in personnel
management is centralized where the top
HRM- empowerment

PM- Piecemeal
HRM- Integrated
Speed of Decision
PM- Slow/ reactive
HRM- Fast / proactive
Management Role
HRM- Transformational Leadership

PM- Indirect
HRM- Direct
Management skills
PM- Negotiation
HRM- Facilitation
PM- Separate
HRM- Integrated
Job design
PM-Division of work
HRM- Team Work
Conflict handling
PM-Reach temporary truce
HRM-Managing climate and culture
Respect for employees
PM-Labour is treated tool which is replaceable
HRM- Employees are treated as assets

Functions of HRM
There are two types of HRM function
Managerial and Operative

1Procurement function:
Job analysis
Induction and Orientation
Internal Mobility
2. Development
Executive development
Career planning and development
Human resource development
3. Motivation and Compensation
Job design
Work scheduling
Job evaluation

Performance appraisal
Compensation administration
Incentive and benefits
4 Maintenance
Health and safety
Employee welfare
Social security measures
5 Integration function
Grievance redressal
Teams and Teamwork
Collective bargaining
Employee participation and empowerment
Trade union and employee association
Industrial relations
6.Emerging Issues
Personal records
Human Resource research

Human resource accounting: It is
measurement of cost and value of HR to the
Stress and Counseling

Policies are plan of action
Organisation need to evolve HR policies as they
ensure consistency and uniformity in treating
Personnel policies are guides to action. They serve
as roadmaps for managers on a number of issues
such as recruitment, selection and promotion. They
cover almost all functions of personnel mgt.
A good personnel policy should be easy to
understand, based on facts, equitable, reasonably
flexible, precise and related to objectives.

Why HR Policies
HR policies allow an organisation to be clear
with employees on: The nature of the
What they should expect from the company
What the company expects of them
How policies and procedures work at your
What is acceptable and unacceptable
Advantages of HR policies
Better Control
Standards of efficiency
Speedy decision
Coordinating devices.
A few HR Policies are
Policy of hiring taking in to consideration like
reservation, gender etc.
Policy in terms of condition of employment
Transfer, promotion , hours of work etc.
Policy in terms of medical assistance

Restrict the scope of Management
Conflicts arise
Requires constant revision
Not easy to communicate

Roles of an HR Manager
Todays managers were a number of hats the
play varied roles.
Administrative Role

Policy maker
Administrative expert
Welfare officer
Legal consultant
Operational roles
Trainer, developer, motivator
Coordinator/linking pin
Employee champion ( employee advocates)
Placing people on the right job
Charting a suitable career path
Rewarding good performance

Resolving differences
Adopting family-friendly policies
Ensuring fair and equitable treatment
Striking balance between employee expectations
and Organisational requirements
Representing workers' problems and concerns to

Strategic roles
Change agent
Strategic partner

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