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Graphics s/w

1.Special purpose packages.

2. General programming packages.
Special purpose packages are designed
for non programmers who want to
generate pictures, graphs or charts.
A set of menus that allows users to
communicate with the programs in their
own terms.
Eg: artists painting programs, various
architectural, business, medical and
engineering CAD systems.

General programming packages provides a
library of graphics functions that can be used in
a programming language.
Eg: GL (graphics library), OpenGL, VRML
(virtual reality modeling language), Java 2D,
Java 3D.
Basic functions in a graphics library is to
specifying picture components (straight
lines, polygons, spheres and other
objects), setting color values, selecting
views of a scene and applying rotations or
other transformation.

A set of graphics functions is often called a
CG API (computer graphics application
programming interface).
Because the library provides a s/w
interface between a programming
language and the h/w. so when we write
an application program in OpenGL the
graphics routines allow us to construct and
display a picture on an o/p device.
Graphic functions
Graphics o/p primitives - The basic
building blocks for pictures.
Include character strings and geometric
entities such as points, straight lines,
curved lines, filled color areas ( polygons),
and shapes defined with arrays of color

Attribute - properties of the o/p
primitives. it describes how a particular
primitive is to be displayed. includes color
specifications, line styles, text styles and
area filling patterns.
Geometric transformations we can
change the size, position, or orientation of
an object within a scene using geometric
Viewing transformations - are used to
select a view of the scene , the type of
projection to be used , and the location on
a video monitor where the view is to be
input functions are used to control and
process the dataflow from interactive
Introduction to OpenGL

A basic library of functions is provided in
OpenGL for specifying graphic primitives,
attributes, geometric transformations,
Viewing transformations , and many other
OpenGL is h/w independent.
Basic OpenGL syntax

Function names in the OpenGL basic library
are prefixed with gl, and each component
word within a function name has its first
letter capitalized.
Naming convention glBegin, glClear,
glCopyPixels, glPolygonMode.
Constants begin with uppercase letters
Component words within a constant name
are written in capital letters.
Underscore (_) is used as a separator.
Data types in OpenGL
OpenGL variable types and corresponding C data
OpenGL Data Type| Internal Representation| defined as C Type
GLbyte 8-bit integer Signed char
GLshort 16-bit integer Short
GLint 32-bit integer Long
GLfloat 32-bit floating point Float
GLdouble 64-bit floating point Double
GLboolean 8-bit unsigned integer Unsigned char
GLushort 16-bit unsigned integer Unsigned short
GLuint, GLenum, GLbitfield 32-bit unsigned integer
Unsigned long
Header files
#include <stdlib.h>

glutInt - Initialization function
Eg: glutInt (&argc ,argv);
glutCreateWindow -Caption for the title bar
Eg: glutCreateWindow (example);
glutDisplayFunc assigns the picture to the
display window.
Eg: glutDisplayFunc (lineSegment)
glutMainLoop(); all display windows that
we have created ,are activated. (the o/p
screen will wait there).

Graphics pipeline

Graphics pipeline or rendering pipeline
refers to the sequence of steps used to create
a 2D raster representation of a 3D scene.
once you have created a 3D model, in a video
game, or a 3D computer animation, the
graphics pipeline is the process of turning that
3D model into what the computer displays.
allowing greater flexibility in graphics
Stages of the graphics pipeline

3D geometric primitives
First, the scene is created out of geometric
primitives. this is done using triangles,
which are particularly well suited to this as
they always exist on a single plane.
Modeling and transformation
Transform from the local coordinate
system to the 3D world coordinate
Eg: A model of a teapot in abstract is
placed in the coordinate system of the
3D world.
Camera transformation
Transform the 3D world coordinate system
into the 3D camera coordinate system,
with the camera as the origin.
Illuminate according to lighting and
Eg: If the teapot is a brilliant white color,
but in a totally black room, the camera
sees it as black. In this step the effect of
lighting and reflections are calculated.

Projection transformation
Transform the 3D world coordinates into the
2D view of the camera.
In the case of a Perspective projection,
objects which are distant from the camera
are made smaller. This is achieved by
dividing the X and Y coordinates of each
vertex of each primitive by its Z coordinate
(which represents its distance from the
In an orthographic projection, objects retain
their original size regardless of distance from
the camera.

Geometric primitives that now fall
completely outside of the viewing frustum
will not be visible and are discarded at this

Scan conversion or rasterization
Rasterization is the process by which the
2D image space representation of the
scene is converted into raster format and
the correct resulting pixel values are
Texturing, fragment shading
At this stage of the pipeline individual
fragments (or pre-pixels) are assigned a
color based on values interpolated from
the vertices during rasterization, from a
texture in memory, or from a shader
The graphics pipeline in hardware
The rendering pipeline is mapped onto current
graphics acceleration hardware such that the
input to the GPU (graphics processing unit) is in
the form of vertices.
These vertices then undergo transformation and
per-vertex lighting. At this point in modern GPU
pipelines a custom vertex shader program can be
used to manipulate the 3D vertices prior to

Once transformed and lit, the vertices
undergo clipping and rasterization resulting
in fragments. A second custom shader
program can then be run on each fragment
before the final pixel values are output to the
frame buffer for display.
The graphics pipeline is well suited to the
rendering process because it allows the GPU
to function as a stream processor since all
vertices and fragments can be thought of as

This allows all stages of the pipeline to be
used simultaneously for different vertices or
fragments as they work their way through the
In addition to pipelining vertices and
fragments, their independence allows
graphics processors to use parallel
processing units to process multiple vertices
or fragments in a single stage of the pipeline
at the same time.

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