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Volunteerism: A Strategy

for Development

Outline of Presentation
RA 9418
Challenges: Next Decade

What is volunteerism?

Basic human impulse?
Culturally defined?
Social value?
Questions of parameters?
Concept is evolving?

A UN Definition:
Free will no compulsion;
Third Party Beneficiary;
Financial gain, not principal motivation
Other guiding principles:
Reciprocity , and
Inclusion rather than exclusion
Forms of Volunteerism:
Mutual aid or self-help;
Delivery of basic services;
Civic engagement; and
Advocacy or campaigning.
Why Adopt Volunteerism as a Strategy?

Economic contribution; and
Social cohesion and participation

RA 9418 - The Volunteer Act of 2007

An Act Institutionalizing A Strategy
for Rural Development,
Strengthening Volunteerism
And for Other Purposes

Why a law on volunteerism?

Clamor to put in place measures for volunteer
welfare, protection, proper coordination, etc.;
Response to UN declaration calling
governments to pass legislation on
volunteerism; and
Recognition by government on the role and
contributions of volunteers in development.

Goals and Objectives

Policy framework
Conduci ve and enabl i ng envi r onment
Strengthen PNVSCA.

VOLUNTEERISM as defined in RA 9418

An act involving a wide range of activities, including
traditional forms of mutual aid and development
interventions that provides an enabling and empowering
environment both on the part of the beneficiary receiving,
and the volunteer rendering the act, undertaken for
reasons arising from socio-development, business or
corporate orientation, commitment or conviction for the
attainment of the public good and where monetary and
other incentives or reward are not the primary motivating


Roles and Modalities of Volunteer Sectors

Volunteerism in the Academe technical
assistance and sharing of technology
within the academic circle, target
communities and other clienteles.

Volunteerism in the Corporate
employee volunteering as an expression of
corporate social responsibility.

Roles and Modalities of Volunteer Sectors

Volunteerism by Not-for-Profit Organizations
complementing the services of government in the
delivery of services to marginalized sectors and in
underserved communities.

Volunteerism by Foreign Volunteer
Organizations technical assistance not
locally accessible in priority sectors and
geographical areas.

Roles and Modalities of Volunteer
Role of Government -
Coordinate, facilitate and encourage public
participation in volunteerism through
Volunteering-friendly policies;
Opportunities for volunteering;
Technical and resources support; and
Why Define Roles and Modalities of
Volunteer Sectors

Distinctive competence and niche of each
Maximized complementation and sharing
of expertise and resources.
Recognition of unique sectoral contributions


Specific Proposal

Establishment of a national registration and network
of volunteer service organizations for coordination
and exchange of information and resources.

National Registration System
Database and Directory of Volunteer Service
National Network of Volunteer Service

Specific Proposal

Integration of volunteerism in basic and
higher education curriculum to develop
awareness and inspire young people to
Development of instructional materials.
Experiential learning thru volunteer engagement.
Volunteering opportunities as part of school
initiatives and through school-based and
student organizations.

Specific Proposal
Establishment of volunteer program in NGAs
and LGUs.
Bayanihang Bayan Program platform for
private sector volunteering in government
programs and projects, and
Government empl oyee vol unteeri ng i n
coor di nat i on wi t h t he Ci v i l S er v i ce
Specific Proposal

Strengthening the Institutional Mechanisms
for Research, Recognition and Modeling of
Best Practices
Creating a Volunteerism Consortium at
the national and local levels.

Specific Proposal

Strengthening the Institutional Mechanisms
for Research, Recognition and Modeling of
Best Practices
Establ i shi ng a Vol unteer Knowl edge and
Resource Center
repository of information and resources
referral and matching of opportunities
sharing new initiatives and good practices
developing partnerships

volunteering opportunities, etc.

Specific Proposal

Strengthening the Institutional Mechanisms
for Research, Recognition and Modeling of
Best Practices
Reviewing the National Volunteer Month
(NVM) celebration as platform for
volunteer recognition.

Specific Proposal

Provision of incentive package to volunteers
Subsistence allowance/s
Technical assistance
Project support
Recognition of volunteer status
Visa privileges for foreign volunteers


Why Strengthen PNVSCA
Increasing involvement in volunteerism
among various sectors of Filipino society,
including international volunteer organizations;
Expanding volunteer assistance into service
delivery, technical assistance, disaster
management, peace and development, etc.; and
Recognition by Government of contributions of
volunteerism to development.
PNVSCA Mandates
Policy formulation on volunteerism;
Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the
Clearinghouse for international volunteer services;
Development of volunteering prototypes/models;
Technical services and capability building;
Advocacy and recognition of volunteerism; and
Establishment of a national network of volunteer
PNVSCA Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body (MSAB)
Advice in policy formulation.
Consultative and technical advisory
services on volunteer matters.
Strengthening linkages.

PNVSCA Programs
Local Volunteer Service Program
Volunteers for Information & Development Assistance

Filipino youth and adults serve as volunteers in
development programs and projects in communities
where they live.
Frontline services in the fields of functional
literacy, health and nutrition, environment,
coastal resource management, agriculture,
rural enterprise development, and peace

PNVSCA Programs
Local Volunteer Service Program
Bayanihang Bayan (BB) Program

Engages the voluntary assistance of the
private sector (youth, professionals,
retirees, overseas Filipinos, NGOs,
academe and corporate groups) in the
implementation of government programs
and projects.

PNVSCA Programs
International Volunteer Service Program
Deployment of foreign volunteers in sectors and
areas that need technical manpower support, and
Critical elements in foreign volunteer
Technology transfer
Project and Community based
Benefit critical mass of beneficiaries

PNVSCA Programs
International Volunteer Service Program

Filipino professionals as volunteers to other
developing countries for technical assistance,
humanitarian efforts, and peace building.
Assigned in Asia, Africa,Latin America,
Caribbean, and Eastern Europe.
Partners with United Nations Volunteers and
VSO Bahaginan Foundation.

PNVSCA Programs
International Volunteer Service Program

AusAid Australian Volunteer Program
Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD)
Volunteering for International Development- Australia (VIDAustralia)
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
German Development Service (DED)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV)
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Korea Overseas Volunteers (KOV)
Organization for Industrial, Spiritual & Cultural Advancement (OISCA)
United States Peace Corps (USPC)
United Nations Volunteers (UNV)
VSO- International/Bahaginan Foundation (VSO/VSOB)

Other Strategic Services
Advocacy on volunteerism for development thru public
information and education activities, documentation of
best practices and volunteer recognition.

Continued development of volunteering knowledge and
resource through research, documentation and modelling of best
Volunteer recognition through the Search for Outstanding
Volunteers (SOV).
Coordination and promotion of volunteerism events, e.g.,
National Volunteer Month (NVM), International Volunteer Day (IVD)
and International Year of Volunteers (IYV).

Other Strategic Services

Networking and partnership thru registration of and
convening a national network of volunteer service

Partnership with the different sectors in the continuing promotion
of volunteerism and undertaking volunteering projects and

Other Strategic Services

Technical assistance in setting up volunteer program
and capability building for volunteers and volunteer

Institutional orientation for foreign volunteers and Filipino
volunteers for overseas assignment;
Orientation for VIDA volunteers; and
Volunteer management trainings for Bayanihang Bayan Desk
Officers and other agencies/organizations.

Current Efforts on RA 9418

Popularization and localization of RA 9418:
Public information; and
Strategic advocacy to policy makers and
program implementors;
Integrating volunteerism as a development
agenda in the PDP, RDPs and LDPs; and
Continued implementation of RA 9418 (thru a Road Map).

Challenges of Volunteerism

Volunteerism towards achieving the MDGs - 2015;
Volunteerism beyond the MDGs:
Climate Change Disaster Management
Creating a Sustainable Future in the Long Run

For more information, please contact

2F NEDA sa Quezon City, EDSA,
Diliman, Quezon City
Telephone: 381 0559
Telefax: 927 6847
Thank you

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