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Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome (SARS) is a serious,
potentially life-threatening viral
infection caused by a previously
unrecognized virus from the
Coronaviridae family, the SARS-
associated coronavirus (SARS-
*2002-2003 - outbreak of SARS
*Began in southern China
*According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a
total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick with SARS
(2003 outbreak).
*Of these, 774 died
*In the United States, only eight people had laboratory
evidence of SARS-CoV infection.
*People who were infected had travelled to other parts
of the world with SARS.
*Corononavirus (CoV)
- the probable causal agent of SARS.
*Coronaviruses (CoVs) are found in
a wide range of animal species,
including in cats, dogs, pigs,
rabbits, cattle, mice, rats,
chickens, pheasants, turkeys, and
whales, as well as in humans.
*SARS-CoV is an enveloped,
positive-strand, RNA virus in the
Coronaviridae family.
The main way that SARS seems to spread is by close person-
to-person contact.

*SARS is an airborne virus, it is spread in a similar way to flu
and the common cold.
*Also spread in small droplets of saliva coughed or sneezed
into the air by an infected person.
*SARS can also be spread indirectly if an infected person
touches surfaces, such as door handles, with unwashed
*The SARS virus may also be spread through an infected
persons feces (stools).

The portal of entry of
SARS appears to be
direct in mucous

*The incubation period for SARS-CoV is from 2
10 days, sometimes lasting up to 13 days, with
a mean of 5 days.
*So symptoms usually develop between 210
days following infection by the virus.
The hallmark symptoms are:
*Difficulty breathing
*Fever greater than 100.4
degrees F (38.0 degrees C)
*Other breathing symptoms

The most common symptoms are:
*Chills and shaking
*Cough -- usually starts 2-3 days after other
*Muscle aches

Less common symptoms include:
*Cough that produces phlegm (sputum)
*Nausea and vomiting
*Runny nose
*Sore throat

In some people, the lung symptoms get worse during the
second week of illness, even after the fever has stopped.

*Treatment of SARS is largely supportive with antipyretics,
supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation as needed.
*As of 2013, there is no cure or protective vaccine for SARS
that is safe for use in humans.
*Suspected cases of SARS must be isolated (in negative
pressure room, with complete barrier nursing precautions.
*Some of the more serious damage in SARS may be due to
the body's own immune system reacting in what is known as
cytokine storm.
Treatment is mainly supportive and may include:
*assisting with breathing using a ventilator to
deliver oxygen
*antibiotics to treat bacteria that cause pneumonia
*antiviral medications
*high doses of steroids to reduce swelling in the

SARS can result in serious illness and medical
complications that require hospitalization, intensive care
treatment, and mechanical ventilation. The most recent
numbers indicate that the death rate from SARS is higher
than that of influenza or other common respiratory tract
infections. Complications include altered lung function,
polyneuropathy, pulmonary fibrosis and avascular necrosis.
*Under some situations, people are
recommended to wear a mask.
*Maintain good personal hygiene
*Maintain a healthy lifestyle - a balanced diet,
regular exercise and adequate rest. Do not
*Maintain good environmental hygiene



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