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1.How would you react with your father comments if you were john?
Ans. If I would john then I never follow my fathers comment because according to me managing people
is not much important because in present trend we need to motivate our employees first so we have to
interact with them politely. If we will be polite to them then they will not hesitate to give their views
regarding the benefit of the organization.
2. Do you think johns father understood and interpreted the Hawthorne studies correctly?
Ans. Johns father interpreted the Hawthorne studies correctly, according to his fathers experience
he tells that his first priority is to manage people properly and second is treated them nicely.
3. What phases of management do you johns father has gone through in this family business? Do you
think he understands the significance of recent trends in the environment and how the new paradigm
will affect his business?
Ans.I think johns father adopts old tactics of management that means he wants to bound his
employees. No I dont think so his father understand the significance of recent trends thats why he
gave so much boundations to his employees but recent trend is to give favorable enviornment to
employees who are working in organization.
4. How would you explain to your father the new perspective that is needed and how the study of
organizational behavior will help the business be successful in the new paradigm?
Ans. If I have to convince my father about the new perspective that is needed in the organization then
I would tell my father about the positive aspects of OB. OB is that area in which everything is included.
Lower management till upper management. If we want to increase our long term profitability then we
should tackle our employees if as nicely and should understand the behavior of all persons working in
the organization.
Q2: Do you think Imrans father understood and interpreted theH
awthorne studies correctly?
Ans: I think imrans father have not understood and interpreted t
he Hawthornestudies, as it is clear from his statement I
remember when we discussed theHawthorne studies when I was
in the university and everybody got excited aboutthem but believe
me, there is more in managing people than just being too niceto
them.He thinks that being too nice to people and making them feel
at ease and justsupervising is not enough in managing people and
getting best out of them.However he considered that being too
nice to people is the only criterion of human relation movement. By
pointing out that there is more to managing peoplethan just being
nice to them, he was right. Because apart from this we shouldgive
better working conditions to them so that we can motivate them to
achievehigher performance but we should also take care while
employing this behavior,whether the employee will come under the
assumption of theory x or theory ybecause this behavior can not
be suitable with the employees who will comeunder the assumption
of theory x

: How would you react to your fathers comment if you were
Ans: if I would have been in
imrans position, I would have highlighted theimportance of the human
element in the business in response to his
comment.Human resources play an important role in the
success of modern business.Human factor is very important and it
depends largely on human efforts whichultimately determine the
success of business. Thus if we are getting something outof them, we
should take care of them in return. And most important, the
humanskill is the only thing which gives an organization the
competitive edge over others.For developing the human skills, they
should remain in the organization for longer time, but if we will not
behave properly with them there are more chances
of workers attrition. Because the most important challenge in front of
modernbusiness organizations is the employ attrition, it is very easy
to get a new employin your organization but it is very difficult to get a
trained and effective worker
for your organization. In a nut shell I would like to make him understa
nd theimportance of human resource approach, which is concerned
with the growth anddevelopment of people towards high level
competently creativity and fulfillment,because people are the central
resources of any organization and in any society

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