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What is

Etymological Meaning
Derived from Latin words
Educare to bring up or to nourish
Educere to lead out or to draw out
Educatum the act of training or teaching
Words in other Languages
Shiksha from the Sanskrit root shas to discipline,
to control, to instruct
Vidya from the Sanskrit verbal root vid to know
Gyan - knowledge
Taleem - education

Synonyms of Education
Pedagogy from Gk. to lead a boy

Visual Images
Indian Concept
Rig Veda Education is something
which makes a man self-reliant and
Upanishads Education is that whose
end-product is salvation
Shankaracharya Education is the
realization of the self
Kautilya Education means training for
the country and love for the nation
Western Concept
Plato Education is the capacity to feel pleasure
and pain at the right moment
Aristotle Education is the creation of a sound
mind in a sound body
Pestalozzi Education is natural , harmonious and
progressive development of mans innate

Western Thinkers
Dewey Education is the process of living through
a continuous reconstruction of experiences
Reddens Definition
Education is the deliberate and
systematic influence, exerted by the
mature person upon the immature
though instruction, discipline and
harmonious development of physical,
intellectual, aesthetic, social and
spiritual powers of the human being,
according to individual and social
needs and directed towards the union
of the educant with his creator at the
final end
Narrow and Broad
Meaning of Education
Modern Concept of
Bipolar to Tripolar Process

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