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Ethics in Research

Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Asst Professor
Himalayan College of Nursing
Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dehradun
Code of ethics
According to belmont report it is articulated
with three primary ethical principal.
1. Beneficence
2. Respect for human dignity
3. Justice

Research participants at risk are individuals who
may be harmed physically, emotionally, spiritually,
economically, socially, or legally through
participation in a research study. A basic
responsibility of the researcher and those assisting in
carrying out the project, is to protect all research
participants from harm and while they are
participating in an investigation or as a result of the
Principals are as follow
A. Freedom from Harm
B. Freedom from exploitation
C. Benefits from research
D. The risk-benefit ratio

Respect for human dignity

It include:-
A. The right to self determination :- participants can
decide that he should participate or not. No one can
force him to participate. Clarify his doubts
B. The right to full disclosure:- make inform and
voluntary decision to participants with full disclosure
of fully described nature of study, his right s to refuse,
researcher responsibilities, risk & benefits
When the researcher fails to adequately
inform potential research participants about
full nature of the research, there by
preventing them from making an informed
decision on their participation is called

Issue relating to the principles of
1- Inability to make well informed judgments
about the cost and benefits of participants.
2- full discloser can sometime results in two
types bias:-
a. Resulting from distorted information
b. Resulting from failure to recruit a good

Principles of Justice
This include the participants :-
1. Right to fair treatment :- the right to fair &
equitable treatment before, during & after in
the study.
2. Right to privacy.

Informed consent
It content:-
Participants status
Study purpose
Type of data
Nature of commitment
Participants selection
Potential risk and cost
Potential benefits
Confidentially pledge
Voluntary consent
Right to withdraw
Contact information
Consent form of the participants
Dear respondent,
I am a final year M. Sc. Nursing student of Alvas College of
Nursing. As a partial fulfilment of the course, I am conducting a
research study on the following topic:
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching
programme on risk factors of coronary artery disease (CAD) to
create knowledge among administrative employees in selected
colleges of Dakshina Kannada district
As part of the study, I would like you to answer a
questionnaire. I assure you that the information obtained from
you will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for the
study purpose.
I expect your whole-hearted cooperation and will be
grateful to you for the same.
Yours sincerely,

Signature of the participant Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Vulnerable subjects
The rights of special vulnerable groups may
need to be protected through additional
procedures and heightened sensitivity on the
part of researcher.
Mentally or emotionally disabled people
Physically disabled people
Institutionalized people
Pregnant women


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