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Brand Equity
Kotler Keller

A Name




or A Combination of All

Known Name

Identifes Goods/Services from the Crowd

Diferentiates Goods/Services from Competitors

Creating a Brand Requires

The Role of Brands

Identify the maker

Simplify product handling

Ofer legal protection

Signify quality

Create barriers to entry

Secure price premium

Technique to Provide Power of a brand to Products & Services
Brand Equity
Or The diferential efect that brand knowledge has on consumer response to
the marketing of that brand.
The Reputation that the Brand Holds in the mind of the customer
Brand Knowledge
It is the Consumers Response towards marketing, Based on Brand Knowledge
Customer-Based Brand Equity
Brand Knowledge Creates the Differential
Effects that Drives Brand Equity
Brand Association
Depends on..
Brand Promise
The marketers vision of what
the brand must Be and Do for
Brand Equity Models: 4 types (We shall learn Brand Resonance)

Brand Salience relates to How Often and Easily

the brand comes into mind during Purchase
(Depth) or Consumption (Breath) Situations.

Brand Performance relates to how the product

or service Meets customers' Functional Needs.

Brand Imagery deals with the ways in which

the brand attempts to Meet customers'
Psychological or Social Needs.

Brand Judgments focus on customers' Own

Personal Opinions and Evaluations.

Brand Feelings are customers' Emotional

Responses & Reactions with respect to the brand.

Brand Resonance refers to the nature of the

Relationship hat Customers Have with the brand
and the extent to which customers feel that they are
"in sync" with the brand.
Building Brand Equity

Drivers of Brand Equity

Brand Elements

Marketing Activities

Meaning Transference

Brand Elements
Criteria for Choosing Brand Elements

Easily Recognize

Easily Recalled



Fun and interesting

Rich visual & verbal imagery


Within and across product categories

Across geographic boundaries and cultural






Sort !ut and Choose "#$% &otential 'ames
Do (xtensive Local and International )e*al Search
'ow do Market Survey on that 'ames
'ow +hoose $#, 'ames
'ow Do Survey on Memora!ility" Meaningfulness" Spo#en $ %riting
-lso Do Survey on. Product. Price. Pac#aging or Promotion to /ustify the Brand 'ame
0inally 1Register he !ame2 3mmediately
Developing Brand Elements

Logos & Symbols

)o*o +an Be Cor"orate !ame or rademarks
Some are with Strong #ord Marks and 'o )o*o -ccompanied
$%stract Logo&Sym%ol' Some 4as only )o*o5 Rolex Crown, Olympic Rings
)o*o +an be +reated by the Shortened 6ersion of the +ompany 'ame.

Jingles: Musical Message Around the brand

/in*les are 'ot 7eally 8ransferable (Across Countries) li9e other Brand (lements
:ay +ommunicate Benefits and often +onvey product :eanin*. Bangla Link Desh Song
(xcellent 8ool;(lement for $ttention & brand $(areness
+onsumer may :entally Rehearse or 7epeat +atchy /in*le

Slogans: Short Phase; 13nformation < =our 0in*er 8ips2

)el"s >nderstandin* the :eanin* of the Brand5 What Makes it Special
Slogan Can )el" for Country Branding
New York - The City That Never Sleeps
Malaysia - Truly Asia
?0reedom of +hoice
?7hythm of )ife
?>ltimate Drivin* :achine
?(xpress =our#self

:ust be *ni+ue. Credi%le and Meaningful
:ust be Short & Sim"le that people can ,asily Remem%er
:ust be Registered
Optional Tactics for Brand Elements: Cont

+haracters are (xcellent $ttention @ettin* 8ools
+haracter Can Make the Brand -s Fun & Interesting
)uman +haracters +an ,nhance Likea%ility
ransferred -cross &roduct +ate*ory. as they Don-t have Direct Product Meaning

Packaging: Containers/Wrappers for a product

8amperproof 8amperproof

(asy to 4old (asy to 4old

(asy to !pen (asy to !pen

SiAe SiAe

Shape Shape

:aterial :aterial

@raphics @raphics
Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations
Figure 9.3
Building Brand Equity
Measuring Brand Equity

Brand Audits
8rue :eanin* of Brand to 8ar*et
&otential 7ivals
+urrent 4ealth of the Brand
How to &mprove 8he Health of 8he Brand
Recommend 8o 'ncover Source of E(uity

Brand Valuation

Brand Tracking
:onitor BrandBs Health & 3ts E(uity for -dCustments
Collects 3nfo. from customers on a routine
basis & 'nderstandsDD
How :uch &
%hat Eays the Brand /alue is bein* +reated
3t ,stimates the otal Financial )alue of the Brand
Brand 6alue is over 0ne1)alf of the Total Company Market Capitalization.
Branding Terms

Brand ,.tension' Ehen a firm uses an esta!lished !rand to introduce a new product

Su%1%rand' Ehen a new brand is com!ined with an existin* brand. Adobe Acrobat Softare

Parent Brand' -n E*isting +rand that *ives birth to a brand extension. Toyota

Family Brand' 3f parent !rand is already associated with multiple products throu*h brand
extensions. !"A#

Line ,.tension' Parent +rand is used to brand a new product that tar*ets a new mar9et
se*ment within a product category currently served. #apa $ #apa %&tra

Category ,.tension' Parent +rand is used to enter a different product category from that
currently served. Bashundhara 8issue & 7eal#(state
Branding Terms Cont

Brand Line' consists of ,ll Products FOriginal as well as -ine & Category E*tensions
F sold under a particular !rand. &7-' 1Chanachur' Chatni' (al' )uice2 etc

Brand Mi.&$ssortment' - Set of ,ll +rand -ines that a Particular Seller Ma#es

Branded /ariants' which are specific !rand lines supplied to specific retailers or
distri!ution channels.

Licensed Product' Brand 'ame has been licensed to other manufacturers who actually
ma9e the product.

Brand Dilution' occurs when consumers no longer associate a !rand with a specific
product or hi*hly similar products and start thin9in* less of the brand.

Brand Portfolio' is the Set Of ,ll +rands $ +rand -ines a particular firm offers for sale
to buyers in a particular cate*ory. (ifferent brands may be designed and mar9eted to appeal
to different market segments.
Brand Naming/Branding Decision:
Individual !ames' )>G. 7adhuni
Blanket Family !ames' &7-'
Se"arate Family !ames For $ll Products Category' Sears Separate 0amily 'ames
Cor"orate name com%ined (ith individual "roduct names' 8!=!8- +orolla

&romotion +ost is High

4ere +ompany 'ame le*itimiAes & the 3ndividual 'ame 3ndividualiAes. the new product.

Kenmore for appliances

Craftsman for tools

*omart for maCor home installations etc

Promotion Cost is :oderate

-ow cost to &romote

High ris# on parent Brand 3ma*e

E*pensive to &romote

)ess ris9 on parent Brand 3ma*e


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