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Origin of the solar system

Galaxies and molecular clouds
Solar disk
What meteorites tell us
Inner versus outer planets
Three-part Earth
Origin of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Chapters 1, 2: Cosmic Beginnings
Next lecture: Chapter 3
Origin of the solar system
Galaxies and molecular clouds
Solar disk
What meteorites tell us
Inner versus outer planets
Three-part Earth
Origin of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Chapters 1, 2: Cosmic Beginnings
Next lecture: Chapter 3
Galaxy similar to the Milky Way: 200
billion stars!
In this picture of the Eagle
Nebula taken by the Hubble
Space Telescope, we can
see star birth in action. Each
finger-like protrusion from
the molecular cloud is a
dense cluster of gas and
dust that will become a star
or solar system.
Star swarm, formerly a
molecular cloud
Origin of the solar system
Galaxies and molecular clouds
Solar disk
What meteorites tell us
Inner versus outer planets
Three-part Earth
Origin of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Chapters 1, 2: Cosmic Beginnings
Next lecture: Chapter 3
Pictoris, a solar disk becoming a solar
system. Image taken at Mount Palomar
observatory. The star itself has been
blocked out so that its brightness does
not swamp the dim dust ring. The dust
ring will condense to become asteroids
and planets.
Hubble pictures of
stars with girdles
of dark dust that
probably will form
new planet
systems. The
bright green
streaks emanating
upwards show the
early, violent solar
Origin of the solar system
Galaxies and molecular clouds
Solar disk
What meteorites tell us
Inner versus outer planets
Three-part Earth
Origin of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Chapters 1, 2: Cosmic Beginnings
Next lecture: Chapter 3
We also learn
about the early
solar system
from studying
meteorites, some
of which
material from
the earliest
times. Every
time we study a
meteorite we
might find a new
clue, or better
Science is a
enterprise. It is
never perfect,
and never
This rare type of meteorite
has iron and a green
mineral called olivine, two
important components of
the inner Earth. It
probably reflects a small
planet that was destroyed
early in the solar system,
Origin of the solar system
Galaxies and molecular clouds
Solar disk
What meteorites tell us
Inner versus outer planets
Three-part Earth
Origin of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Chapters 1, 2: Cosmic Beginnings
Next lecture: Chapter 3
Inner Planets
Outer Planets
Inner vs. Outer Planets
Inner planets are small and high
density, outer large and low density.
Inner vs. Outer Planets
Thousands of asteroids occupy
the gap between inner and outer
planets. Theres not enough
material there to form a planet of
their own, however.
Image from

Image credit: Joe Tucciarone
Were not sure of how the
Moon formed, but the most
popular current theory is that
the Earth was hit by another
small planet early in its history.
Origin of the solar system
Galaxies and molecular clouds
Solar disk
What meteorites tell us
Inner versus outer planets
Three-part Earth
Origin of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Chapters 1, 2: Cosmic Beginnings
Next lecture: Chapter 3
Three major
Earth divisions
Origin of the solar system
Galaxies and molecular clouds
Solar disk
What meteorites tell us
Inner versus outer planets
Three-part Earth
Origin of atmosphere and hydrosphere

Chapters 1, 2: Cosmic Beginnings
Next lecture: Chapter 3

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