Bangladesh Out of Basket

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Low per capita income

Worlds most densely populated country

Huge portion of population swept by devastating flood in each year
Weak Private Sector
Widely perceived as having corrupt and dysfunctional government
What We Visualize.
Bangladesh is better performer than most countries at improving the
basic standard of living of its people

Bangladeshis can expect to live four years longer than Indians even
though they are much poorer

Bangladesh has achieved some of the largest reductions in early deaths of
infants, children and women in childbirth ever seen anywhere.
But surprisingly.
So that is the puzzle.

Bangladesh combines economic disappointment with social

As per The Economist
Improving the status of women
Boosting incomes in the country
Maintaining basic social spending
Public spending by non-government organizations
Improving the Status of Women
Big family-
Reduced fertility but raised the status of women in the
family as they started to control the size of the family
Boom in the
textile sector
Leading to the financial independence of the
women as 80% of the workers were women
Boosting Incomes in the Country
Green Revolution Country could grow two crops a year
Around 6 million Bangladeshis work abroad,
mostly in the Gulf
Maintaining Basic Social Spending
Mandatory primary education
Reduction of dropout
Stipend schemes for girls in rural areas
Social Safety Net programme
Ekti Bari, Ekti Khamar
Reduction of child and infant mortality rate
Control of diarrhea
Supplementation of Vitamin-A
Public Spending by NGOs
Reached to 43% of all Bangladeshi households and
about 70% of poor households
About 1.5 million children, approximately 8% of the
primary enrollment, are in schools run by NGOs
Cure rate averaged 85%in the tuberculosis program
and malnutrition rated dropped by about 20% among
the poor
Greater social achievements of Bangladesh than the economic ones doesnt
mean economic growth is pointless

Though Bangladesh shows that its not needed to wait for lots of growth, it
might have done even better had its economy grown faster

Bangladesh falls behind by most of the standards, but these positive
phenomenon has started to draw attention of the outsiders and its high time to
say Bangladesh.Out of the Basket
Way Forward

Thank You!

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