Bunker Fuel Analysis

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Generally six fuel grades numerical specifications.

The boiling point and carbon chain length of the fuel increases with fuel oil number.
Viscosity also increases with number, and the heaviest oil has to be heated to get it to flow.
Price usually decreases as the fuel number increases.
Number 1 fuel oil is a volatile distillate oil - kerosene, gasoline
Number 2 fuel oil distillate - diesel fuel with a cetane number limit describing the ignition quality of the
Number 3 fuel oil distillate oil for burners requiring low-viscosity fuel. ASTM merged this grade into the
number 2 specification, and the term has been rarely used
Number 4 fuel oil is a commercial heating oil for burner installations not equipped with preheaters.
Number 5 fuel oil is a residual-type industrial heating oil requiring preheating to 170 220 F (77 104
C) for proper atomization at the burners. This fuel is sometimes known as Bunker B. It may be obtained
from the heavy gas oil cut, or it may be a blend of residual oil with enough number 2 oil to adjust viscosity
until it can be pumped without preheating.
Number 6 fuel oil is a high-viscosity residual oil requiring preheating to 220 260 F (104 127 C).
Residual means the material remaining after the more valuable cuts of crude oil have boiled off. The
residue may contain various undesirable impurities including 2 percent water and one-half percent
mineral soil. This fuel may be known as residual fuel oil (RFO)
Mazut is a residual fuel oil often derived from Russian petroleum sources and is either blended with
lighter petroleum fractions or burned directly in specialized boilers and furnaces.
Table of fuel oils
Name Alias Alias Type Chain Length
No. 1 fuel oil No. 1 distillate No. 1 diesel fuel Distillate 9-16
No. 2 fuel oil No. 2 distillate No. 2 diesel fuel Distillate 10-20
No. 3 fuel oil No. 3 distillate No. 3 diesel fuel Distillate
No. 4 fuel oil No. 4 distillate
No. 4 residual
fuel oil
No. 5 fuel oil
No. 5 residual
fuel oil
Heavy fuel oil Residual 12-70
No. 6 fuel oil
No. 6 residual
fuel oil
Heavy fuel oil Residual 20-70
Small molecules like those in propane, naphtha, gasoline for cars, and jet fuel have
relatively low boiling points, and they are removed at the start of the fractional
distillation process.
Heavier petroleum products like diesel and lubricating oil are much less volatile
and distill out more slowly, while bunker oil is literally the bottom of the barrel;
The only things more dense than bunker fuel are carbon black feedstock and
bituminous residue which is used for paving roads (asphalt) and sealing roofs.
Bunker fuel or bunker crude is technically any type of fuel oil used aboard ships. It
gets its name from the containers on ships and in ports that it is stored in; in the
early days of steam they were coal bunkers but now they are bunker fuel tanks.
Bunker A is No. 2 fuel oil, Bunker B is No. 4 or No. 5 and bunker C is No. 6.
No. 5 or 6 are also commonly called heavy fuel oil (HFO) or furnace fuel oil (FFO);
the high viscosity requires heating, usually by a re-circulated low pressure steam
system, before the oil can be pumped from a bunker tank. Bunkers are rarely
labeled this way in modern maritime practice.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been the accepted
standard for marine fuels (bunkers). The standard is listed under number 8217,
with recent updates in 2005 and 2010.
They have broken it down to Residual and Distillate fuels.

The most common residual fuels in the shipping industry are RMG and RMK. The
differences between the two are mainly the density and viscosity, with RMG
generally being delivered at 380 centistokes or less, and RMK at 700 centistokes or
Ships with more advanced engines can process heavier, more viscous, and thus
cheaper, fuel.
Governing bodies (i.e., California, European Union) around the world have
established Emission Control Areas (ECA) which limit the maximum sulfur of fuels
burned in their ports to limit pollution, reducing the percentage of sulfur and
other particulates from 4.5% m/m to as little as .10% as of 2015 inside an ECA.
As of 2013; 3.5% is continued to be permitted outside an ECA.

They have similar properties to Diesel #2 which is used as road Diesel around the
world. The most common grades used in shipping are DMA and DMB.

Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the use of international bunker fuels are
currently included in national inventories

MGO (Marine gas oil) - roughly equivalent to No. 2 fuel oil, made from
distillate only
MDO (Marine diesel oil) - A blend of heavy gasoil that may contain very
small amounts of black refinery feed stocks, but has a low viscosity up to
12 cSt so it need not be heated for use in internal combustion engines
IFO (Intermediate fuel oil) A blend of gasoil and heavy fuel oil, with less
gasoil than marine diesel oil
MFO (Marine fuel oil) - same as HDO (just another "naming")
HFO (Heavy fuel oil) - Pure or nearly pure residual oil, roughly equivalent
to No. 6 fuel oil

Standards and classification
CCAI and CII are two indexes which describe the ignition quality of residual fuel oil, and
CCAI is especially often calculated for marine fuels. Despite this, marine fuels are still
quoted on the international bunker markets with their maximum viscosity (which is set
by the ISO 8217 standard ) due to the fact that marine engines are designed to use
different viscosities of fuel. The unit of viscosity used is the Centistokes and the fuels
most frequently quoted are listed below in order of cost, the least expensive first-
IFO 380 - Intermediate fuel oil with a maximum viscosity of 380 Centistokes (<3.5%
IFO 180 - Intermediate fuel oil with a maximum viscosity of 180 Centistokes (<3.5%
LS 380 - Low-sulphur (<1.0%) intermediate fuel oil with a maximum viscosity of 380
LS 180 - Low-sulphur (<1.0%) intermediate fuel oil with a maximum viscosity of 180
MDO - Marine diesel oil.
MGO - Marine gasoil.
LSMGO - Low-sulphur (<0.1%) Marine Gas Oil - The fuel is to be used in EU community
Ports and Anchorages. EU Sulphur directive 2005/33/EC
ULSMGO - Ultra Low Sulphur Marine Gas Oil - referred to as Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
(sulphur 0.0015% max) in the US and Auto Gas Oil (sulphur 0.001% max) in the EU.
Maximum sulphur allowable in US territories and territorial waters (inland, marine and
automotive) and in the EU for inland use.

564 IFO380 (RMG380 RMH380)
589 IFO180 (RME180 RMF180)
570 LS380 (1.00% Sulphur)
594 LS180 (1.00% Sulphur)
847 LSMGO (0.1% Sulphur)
Sulphur oxides (SOx) Regulation 14
SOx and particulate matter emission controls apply to all fuel oil, as defined in regulation 2.9,
combustion equipment and devices onboard and therefore include both main and all
auxiliary engines together with items such boilers and inert gas generators.
These controls divide between those applicable inside Emission Control Areas (ECA) established
to limit the emission of SOx and particulate matter and those applicable outside such areas
and are primarily achieved by limiting the maximum sulphur content of the fuel oils as
loaded, bunkered, and subsequently used onboard.
These fuel oil sulphur limits (expressed in terms of % m/m that is by weight) are subject to a
series of step changes over the years, regulations 14.1 and 14.4:

* depending on the outcome of a review, to be concluded in 2018, as to the availability of the
required fuel oil, this date could be deferred to 1 January 2025.

Outside an ECA established to limit SOx
and particulate matter emissions
Inside an ECA established to limit SOx and
particulate matter emissions

4.50% m/m prior to 1 January 2012

1.50% m/m prior to 1 July 2010

3.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2012

1.00% m/m on and after 1 July 2010

0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020*

0.10% m/m on and after 1 January 2015

The ECA established are:
Baltic Sea area as defined in Annex I of MARPOL (SOx only);
North Sea area as defined in Annex V of MARPOL (SOx only);
North American area (entered into effect 1 August 2012) as defined in Appendix VII of Annex
VI of MARPOL (SOx, NOx and PM); and
United States Caribbean Sea area (entered into effect 1 January 2014) as defined in Appendix
VII of Annex VI of MARPOL (SOx, NOx and PM).
Most ships which operate both outside and inside these ECA will therefore operate on
different fuel oils in order to comply with the respective limits. In such cases, prior to entry
into the ECA, it is required to have fully changed-over to using the ECA compliant fuel oil,
regulation 14.6, and to have onboard implemented written procedures as to how this is to be
undertaken. Similarly change-over from using the ECA compliant fuel oil is not to commence
until after exiting the ECA. At each change-over it is required that the quantities of the ECA
compliant fuel oils onboard are recorded, together with the date, time and position of the ship
when either completing the change-over prior to entry or commencing change-over after exit
from such areas. These records are to be made in a logbook as prescribed by the ships flag
State, in the absence of any specific requirement in this regard the record could be made, for
example, in the ships Annex I Oil Record Book.

The first level of control in this respect is therefore on the actual sulphur content of the fuel
oils as bunkered. This value is to be stated by the fuel oil supplier on the bunker delivery note
and hence this, together with other related aspects, is directly linked to the fuel oil quality
requirements as covered under regulation 18 . Thereafter it is for the ships crew to ensure, in
respect of the ECA compliant fuel oils, that through avoiding loading into otherwise part filled
storage, settling or service tanks, or in the course of transfer operations, that such fuel oils do
not become mixed with other, higher sulphur content fuel oils, so that the fuel oil as actually
used within an ECA exceeds the applicable limit.
Consequently, regulation 14 provides both the limit values and the means to comply.
However, there are other means by which equivalent levels of SOx and particulate matter
emission control, both outside and inside ECA, could be achieved. These may be divided into
methods termed primary (in which the formation of the pollutant is avoided) or secondary (in
which the pollutant is formed but subsequently removed to some degree prior to discharge of
the exhaust gas stream to the atmosphere). Regulation 4.1 allows for the application of such
methods subject to approval by the Administration.
As of October 2010 there are no guidelines in respect of any primary methods (which could
encompass, for example, onboard blending of liquid fuel oils or dual fuel (gas / liquid) use).
In terms of secondary control methods, guidelines (MEPC.184(59)) have been adopted for
exhaust gas cleaning systems which operate by water washing the exhaust gas stream prior to
discharge to the atmosphere, in using such arrangements there would be no constraint on the
sulphur content of the fuel oils as bunkered other than that given the systems certification.

Bunker Fuel Analysis

ensures marine fuel oil quality.
helps prevent costly ship engine failure, downtime, and repairs.
Analyzing marine bunker fuel also helps ship owners meet marine fuel
environmental regulatory compliance.
Bunker analysis labs analyze to ISO 8217, Marpol Annex VI and other
industry specifications.
Bunker fuel testing and inspection capabilities are located in major
shipping centers around the world, including Singapore, Rotterdam,
Shanghai, Panama, UK, UAE, and the USA.

Bunker fuel oil analysis and inspection:
Carbon Residue
Density at 15 C,
Hydrogen Sulfide IP 570
Microbes Contamination
Pour Point
Sulfur content,
Total Sediment Potential (TSP)
Kinematic Viscosity
Water Content
Bunker Fuel Chemical Contamination Screening
Cetane index,
Acid number
Oxidation stability
Cloud point
ISO 8217 bunker fuel oil testing capabilities:
ISO 2719: Flash Point, Pensky-Martens
ISO 3679: Flash point, rapid equilibrium
ISO 3015: Cloud Point
ISO 3016: Pour Point
ISO 3104: Kinematic viscosity
ISO 3675: Density, Hydrometer method
ISO 12185: Density, Oscillating U-tube
ISO 3733:Water Content
ISO 4264: Cetane index
ISO 6245: Ash content
ISO 8754: Sulfur content, energy-dispersive x-ray (XRF)
ISO 14596: Sulfur content, wavelength-dispersive x-ray (XRD)
ISO 103071: Total sediment
ISO 10307-2: Total sediment
ISO 10370: Carbon residue
ISO 10478: Aluminium and silicon in fuel oils (ICP, AA)
ISO 12156-1: Lubricity (HFRR)
ISO 12205: Oxidation stability

ISO 8217 bunker fuel oil testing capabilities:
ISO 12937: Water content, Karl Fischer titration
ISO 14597: Vanadium and Nickel content
EN 14078: Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) content
EN 14214: Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for diesel
IP 470: Aluminium, Silicon, Vanadium, Nickel, Iron, Calcium, zinc and Sodium in residual fuel
IP 500: Phosphorus content of residual fuels by ultra-violet spectrometry
IP 501: Aluminium, Silicon, Vanadium, Nickel, Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Zinc and Phosphorus in
residual fuel oil
IP 570: H2S Testing for Bunker Fuels (Hydrogen Sulfide in bunker fuel oils)
ASTM D664-09: Acid Number
ASTM D6751: Biodiesel fuel blend stock (B100)

Bunker Fuel Adulterant Testing ISO 8217
Marine bunker fuel testing detects and identifies adulterants which can harm ship engines
and violate emission regulations.
Marine bunker fuels should not contain added substances or chemical waste products, per
section 5 of ISO-8217.
Adulterated Bunker Fuel jeopardizes the safety of ships, adversely affects the performance
of machinery, and may prove harmful to personnel and the environment.
Adulterated bunker fuel incidents occur when marine bunker fuels are blended with
chemical waste products such as styrene, chlorinated solvents, and other volatile solvents.

Bunker Fuel Chemical Contamination Screening
GC/MS (Gas chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) analysis for detecting volatile
contaminants in bunker fuel - A small amount of fuel oil is heated in a sealed vial for one
hour, after which time a portion of the vapour above the sample is taken for GC/MS
analysis. Solvents, such as chlorinated compounds, dry cleaning fluids, and chemical
wastes such as styrene, are easily detectable down to low ppm levels.

additional tests

ISO-8217 bunker fuel oil tests:
Kinematic Viscosity
Density at 15 C, ISO-3675 or ISO-12185
Cetane index, ISO-4264
Sulfur content, ISO-8754, ISO-14596
Flash Point Test, ISO-2719
Hydrogen sulfide, IP570
Acid number, ASTM D664
Total sediment by hot filtration, ISO-103071
Oxidation stability, ISO-12205
Carbon residue, ISO-10370
Cloud point, ISO-3015
Pour point, ISO-3016
Water volume, ISO-3733
Ash, ISO-6245
Lubricity, ISO-121561
additional tests

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