Lab 3 - Diffusion and Osmosis Fall 2014

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Diffusion and Osmosis

Kidney Dialysis Simulation Lab

#NSB2014 1
After completing this activity,
students will be able to:
Define the terms diffusion, osmosis,
hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic
Construct a model to simulate the action
of a kidney
Relate changes in color, turgor, and salt
concentration to evidence of osmosis
Evaluate the function of the kidney as an
evolutionary adaptation to life on land.
#NSB2014 2
Think about the diffusion of
Smells and Gases
Sugar in iced tea
A drop of food coloring in
#NSB2014 3
Diffusion: High concentration
to low concentration
#NSB2014 4
Diffusion is passive doesnt require any energy
Perfume molecules expand to
fill all the space (because
they are in motion)
#NSB2014 5
Semi permeable membrane
allows certain molecules to
diffuse through it
#NSB2014 6
Small molecules fit through the
membrane, larger ones do not
The spontaneous net movement of solvent
molecules through a semi-
permeable membrane into a region of
higher solute concentration, in the
direction that tends to equalize the
solute concentrations on the two sides
#NSB2014 7
Turgor Pressure internal
cellular pressure
#NSB2014 8
Water (osmosis) balance in cells
The outside of a red blood cell is a semi permeable membrane
What affects the rate of diffusion?
higher temperature = faster diffusion
Adding energy
(when you stir sugar into your coffee, does it dissolve
faster or more slowly?)

What affects rate of diffusion across a semi-permeable
Difference in concentration of a substance inside vs.
outside the membrane > bigger difference = faster
#NSB2014 10
Vocabulary to know
Isotonic water enters and leaves at
same rate (equilibrium, balance,
Hypertonic salt water (what would
happen to your body if you ate too much
Hypotonic distilled water (what would
happen to your body if you drank too
much water?)
#NSB2014 11
Vocabulary to know
#NSB2014 12
Could we put a salt water fish
like a clownfish in a freshwater
fish tank with a goldfish?
#NSB2014 13
Todays Lab: Simulated
#NSB2014 14
Why are we going to talk
about Kidneys?
Metabolism, Homeostasis
All the blood in the body must pass
through the kidneys.
Kidneys filter all waste out of your
body (urea, ammonia, salts, drugs,
water, and other toxic substances)
If you have no kidney function, you
have to get dialysis, or you will be
poisoned with waste.

#NSB2014 15
Kidney Dialysis
#NSB2014 16
What is Dialysis Tubing?
Dialysis Tubing is a type of semi-permeable membrane
tubing made from regenerated cellulose (plant
material) or cellophane. It is used for diffusion. It
allows the passage of small molecules but not larger

#NSB2014 17
Biological Processes
#NSB2014 18
Things that affect diffusion
#NSB2014 19

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