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Drafting the Background

September 08, 2010

Presenter: Suneet Gupta
Why Background?
Referring to what is already existing
Any relevant priorart
Bringing the need of the invention by
means of highlighting any disadvantages
or inadequacies of the existing solutions
Establishing credibility
Presenting your case
Before drafting!
Understand the invention disclosure
Analyze the priorart in light of the invention

Bring out the novel features of the invention
and shortcomings of the priorart

What to include?
Field of the invention
Mention the field to which invention relates to
Something in the line of .
The present invention relates generally to .More
specifically, it relates to
Description of the priorart
Existing technologies and the solutions to the problem
Citing patent/non-patent literature.
Briefly stating shortcomings/disadvantages/problem
areas that the invention tries to overcome.
Starting point
Decide on the structural flow of the section
Let the content follow in a logical manner
Begin with an overview of the existing technology or
may be the field of the invention very briefly
Explain the most close patent/non-patent literature
and move on with others
Brief about the shortcomings/disadvantages of the
abovementioned patent/non-patent literatures
This should implicitly bring out the need of the invention
Finally state the need of the invention
Gradually develop your case and put a strong value

How to..
Write an Overview of the existing technology
or the field of the invention

Example -
The present invention generally relates to outsourcing of business
processes. More specifically, the present invention relates to determining
outsourcing suitability of a business process in an enterprise.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) generally refers to the
delegation of certain operations of an enterprise to service
providers having expertise and specialization in dealing with these
operations. There are several factors in outsourcing certain
operations for an enterprise. The primary factors for ...

How to..
Brief about the shortcomings and
disadvantages of relevant patent/non-
patent literatures
Example -
However, each of these prior art suffers from one or more of the following
limitations. A majority of outsourcing decision are taken .
Therefore, the approach of is time consuming. Also, the technique
is ..
Concluding with the need of the invention -
There is therefore a need for an objective, robust and practical
method and system for determining outsourcing suitability of a business
process in an enterprise.
While drafting..
Follow a strict antecedent basis
Note the use of a, an and the

Describe every term, unless the term is used very
commonly in the field

Cut, Copy and Paste matter from other documents/web
Strong statements against any priorart cited in the section
Assume the disadvantages and the shortcomings of any priorart
Confirm with the inventors
Explain anything pertaining to the working or the novel feature
about the invention

How to..
Explain the patent/non-patent literatures
For patent/publication
An existing method as disclosed in US Patent/Publication No. <>,
titled Method of assigned to < > .
Another existing method ..
Yet Another method .

For Non-patent literature
A technique known as Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost), as disclosed in
Boosting with prior knowledge for call classification, IEEE Transactions on
Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 13, No. 2, March 2005 combines

For Product
A product that features.. is XXX
, manufactured by <company
Name>, <address>, <country>.

What's the TITLE..
USPTO Requirement
Title is to be limited to 500 characters
Does not determines scope of invention

Title is used to
Indicating subject matter and field of invention
Indexing and classification of patent

Quick tips
Should relate to the preamble and type of the main
Should be broad enough
Should not disclose the novelty of the invention

Computing devices are connected to each other in a network in a number
of ways for or example through Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area
Network (WAN), etc. It is seen many times that many computing devices
are connected together to share a common internet feed for example in a
cyber caf. Also for example in a public library many computers are
linked to a common server which stores a catalogue of the books that
can be searched from any of the computer in the network.

Various methods have been developed to facilitate monetizing network
sharing. One of these is through internet advertising. Internet advertising
is a quite common advertising mode these days. Generally, while
browsing internet a users browser screen may receive advertisements in
the form of pop-ups or banners associated with the page requested.
However, most of the time it is observed that these advertisements are
randomly selected and are not of any use or interest to the user. This
leads to blocking of the advertisement by the user and results in
monetary loss to the advertisement provider.

Therefore, there is a need to provide a method and system such that
only those advertisements are delivered to the user, which are of
use or interest to the user. Also, there is a need to provide a method
which prevents blocking of the advertisements by the user and
ensures that the advertisements are viewed by the user.

Your thoughts should flow like this:
Use of computer network to access information available on the
internet is ever increasing

Online advertisements is a growing industry that is targetting all the
user accessing various contents

There are many ways of providing advertisements

There are methods of blocking the advertisments

Users have become distrust or ignore these adverisements, as a
result of this, effectiveness of the known forms of advertisments may
diminish, even for advertisements that can be of interest to an user

There is therefore a need for a system and method for providing
relevant advertisements to a user in a reliable manner.

Internet has long proved to be the most exhaustive repository of
the information available in different domains, be it
telecommunications, science, engineering, celebrity talk or the
local news of a particular place. Consequently, the use of
computer network to access information available on the internet
is ever increasing. Internet is also a very powerful communication
tool and allows people spread across different continents come
together on a common platform. To keep themselves updated
with the latest happenings around the globe millions of people
across the world access internet on a regular basis.

It is no wonder that the advertisement industry too has targeted
the internet for reaching the consumers directly. Recent times
have seen an explosive growth in the online advertisement
industry and advertisement providers are targeting all the users
accessing various contents on the internet. There are several
dedicated advertisement providers that provide advertisements to
be shown alongside an electronic page. Several revenue sharing
models have also been developed which benefit the
advertisement providers.

There are many ways of providing advertisements on the internet.
For example, through email attachment, as pop up window and as a
multi-media clip. However, the plethora of advertisements is not
always appreciated by the end user and many times it is also
observed that these advertisements are randomly selected and are
not of any use or interest to the user. As a result, the user starts
ignoring or blocking these advertisements. This reduces the
effectiveness of the known forms of advertisements, even for
advertisements that can be of interest to the user.

There is therefore a need for a system and method for providing
relevant advertisements to a user in a reliable manner which ensure
that the advertisements are delivered to the device of the user
without getting blocked.


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