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Anuj Gupta Gopal Krishan
100201 100209

Under the guidance of
Mr. Puli Kishore Kumar
NIT Delhi
ReedSolomon (RS) codes are non-
binary cyclic error-correcting codes invented
by Irving S. Reed and Gustave Solomon. They
described a systematic way of building codes
that could detect and correct
multiple random symbol errors. By
adding t check symbols to the data, an RS
code can detect any combination of up
to t erroneous symbols, or correct up to t/2
The ReedSolomon code is a [n, k, n k + 1] code;
in other words, it is a linear block code of
length n with dimension k and minimum Hamming
distance n k + 1. The ReedSolomon code is
optimal in the sense that the minimum distance
has the maximum value possible for a linear code
of size (n, k); this is known as the Singleton bound.
Such a code is also called a maximum distance
separable (MDS) code.
In digital communication, Reed-Solomon (RS)
codes refer to as a part of channel coding that
had becoming very significant to better
withstand the effects of various channel
impairments such as noise, interference and
fading. This signal processing technique is
designed to improve communication
performance and can be deliberate as
medium for accomplishing desirable system
Galois field arithmetic is used for encoding and
decoding of Reed Solomon codes. Galois field
multipliers are used for encoding the information
block. The encoder attaches parity symbols to the
data using a pre-determined algorithm before
transmission. At the decoder, the syndrome of the
received codeword is calculated. VHDL impleme -
ntation creates a flexible, fast method and high
degree of parallelism for implementing the Reed
Solomon codes. Computer simulation tool and
MATLAB will be used to create and run extensively
the entire simulation model for performance
evaluation and VHDL is used to implemented the
design of RS encoder.

Objective :

To analyze the important characteristics of RS coding
techniques that could be used for error control in a
communication system for reliable transmission of digital
information over the channel.
To study the Galois Field Arithmetic on which the most
important and powerful ideas of coding theory are based.
To study the Reed Solomon codes and the various
methods used for encoding and decoding of the codes to
achieve efficient detection and correction of the errors.
Implementation of the Reed Solomon codes in MatLab
& RS encoder in VHDL.

Application :
Reed Solomon codes are error correcting codes that
have found wide ranging applications throughout the
fields of digital communication and storage. Some of
which include :
Storage Devices (hard disks, compact disks, DVD,
Wireless Communication (mobile phones,
microwave links).
Digital Television
Broadband Modems (ADSL, X DSL, etc).
Deep Space and Satellite Communications
Networks (CCSDS).
07 FEB,2013
These are the simplest form of error detecting codes,
with a hamming distance of two (d=2),and a single
check bit (irrespective of the size of input data). They
are of two basic types: Odd and Even. For an even-
parity code the check bit is defined so that the total
number of 1s in the code word is always even; for an
odd code, this total is odd. So, whenever a fault
affects a single bit, the total count gets altered and
hence the fault gets easily detected. A major
drawback of these codes is that their multiple fault
detection capabilities are very limited.
In these codes the summation of all the information
bytes is appended to the information as b-bit
checksum. Any error in the transmission will be
indicated as a resulting error in the checksum. This
leads to detection of the error. When b=1, these codes
are reduced to parity check codes. The codes are
systematic in nature and require simple hardware
In this scheme the codeword is of a standard weight m
and standard length n bits. Whenever an error occurs
during transmission, the weight of the code word
changes and the error gets detected. If the error is a 0
to 1 transition an increase in weight is detected,
similarly 1 to 0 leads to a reduction in weight of the
code, leading to easy detection of error. This scheme
can be used for detection of unidirectional errors,
which are the most common form of error in digital
Berger codes are systematic unidirectional error
detecting codes. They can be considered as an
extension of the parity codes. Parity codes have one
check bit, which can be considered as the number of
information bits of value 1 considered in modulo 2. On
the other hand Berger codes have enough check bits
to represent the count of the information bits having
value 0. The number of check bits (r) required for k-bit
information is given by

BCH codes are the most i mportant and power ful cl asses of l i near
bl ock codes whi ch are cycl i c codes wi th a wi de vari ety of
parameters. The most common BCH codes are characteri zed as
fol l ows. Speci fi cal l y, for any posi ti ve i nteger m (equal to or greater
than 3) and t [l ess than (2m 1) / 2 ] there exi sts a bi nar y BCH
code wi th the fol l owi ng parameters:
Bl ock l ength: = 2m 1 n
Number of message bi ts k n mt
Mi ni mum di stance 2 1 mi n d t +
Where m i s the number of pari ty bi ts and t i s number of errors that
can be corrected. Each BCH code i s a t error correcti ng code i n
that i t can detect and correct up to t random errors per codeword.
The Hammi ng si ngl e error correcti ng codes can be descri bed as
BCH codes. The BCH codes of fer fl exi bi l i ty i n the choi ce of code
parameters, bl ock l ength and code
Hamming codes can also be defined over the non
binary field. The parity check matrix is designed by
setting its columns as the vectors of GF(p) m whose
first non zero element equals one. There are
n = ( p
1) /( p 1) such vectors and any pair of
these is linearly independent.
Burst errors mean that a no. of errors occur si multaneously i n
a code. If a parti cular symbol i s i n error, then the chances are
good that i ts i mmediate nei ghbors are al so wrong. Burst
errors occur for i nstance i n mobi l e communications due to
fadi ng and i n magnetic recording due to media defects.
Reed Sol omon code i s one of the most i mportant type of
burst- error correcting codes.

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