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Note the firmness of the muscle of the upper
and lower limbs. record our observation.
Dip one foot of the frog up to the ankle in to the
beaker containing 10% acetic acid solution. Note
the response.
Dip the foot in to a beaker of the water to wash
off the acid.
Isolate carefully the left sciatic nerve at the
thigh. Note the position of the left leg. Cut the
left sciatic nerve and note the position of the leg
after cutting its sciatic nerve.

Repeat procedure no 2 with the left leg where
sciatic nerve has been cut. Result? Wash off the
acid on the foot.
Pith the spinal cord down to the level of the
upper limbs.
Repeat the application of the acid to the foot.
What response do u boserve.why?
To determine and show the reflex
pathways in frogs
To prove that the brain is not always an
integral part of body reflexes
To demonstrate flexion reflex and its use


The spinal cord retains its many functions of the
multisegmental animal. Sensory signals are
transmitted through the spinal nerves into each
segment of the spinal cord, and these signals
can localize motor responses either in the
segment of the body from which sensory
information is received or in adjacent
segments. Essentially all the spinal cord motor
responses are automatic and occur
instantaneously in response to the sensory

The flexion reflex is a typical polysynaptic reflex
which occurs in response to a noxious and usually
painful stimulation of the skin or subcutaneous
tissue and muscle. The response is flexor muscle
contraction and inhibition of extensor muscles, so
that the part stimulated is flexed and withdrawn
from the stimulusAfter the separation the brain,
the animal entered the stage of spinal shock
during which showed a total loss of reflex
response, followed by a muscular atony.
After a period of time, the frog decapitated
resumed the muscle tone, particularly visible
limb level. After the spinal shock, the animal
responses to any impulse given to his back. It
was, therefore, clear that it was not the brain to
mediate the reaction reflected.Once the pithing
of the spinal cord upto the level of spinal cord is
done, the frog totally lost the muscle tone and it
was no longer responsive to stimuli.

Our daily activities are controlled locally by the
respective segmental level of the spinal cord,
and the brain plays only a modifying role in these
local controls. Flexor responses can be produced
by harmless stimulation of the skin or by stretch
of the muscle but strong flexor responses with
withdrawal are initiated only by stimuli that are
harmful or noxious potentially to the animal.
It, therefore has a survival value. Flexion of the
stimulated limbs is displayed to move it away
from the source of irritation. The pattern
assumed by all four extremities puts the animal
in position to run away from offending stimulus.
Reflex is still present unless the spinal cord is
destroyed completely.

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