Prototyping: Teaching Materials To Accompany

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Teaching materials to accompany:

Product Design and Development

Chapter 12
Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D.Eppinger
2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Product Design and Development
Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D.Eppinger
2nd edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.
hapter Ta!le o" ontent#
$. Introd%ction
2. Develop&ent 'roce##e# and (rgani)ation#
*. 'rod%ct 'lanning
+. Identi",ing %#to&er -eed#
.. 'rod%ct Speci"ication#
/. oncept Generation
0. oncept Selection
1. oncept Te#ting
2. 'rod%ct 3rchitect%re
$0. Ind%#trial De#ign
$$. De#ign "or Man%"act%ring
$2. 'rotot,ping
$*. 'rod%ct Develop&ent Econo&ic#
$+. Managing 'ro4ect#

'rod%ct Develop&ent 'roce##

oncept Develop&ent 'roce##

'rotot,ping E5a&ple6
3pple 'ower7oo8 D%o Trac8!all

9o%r U#e# o" 'rotot,pe#
: ;earning
< an#wering =%e#tion# a!o%t per"or&ance or "ea#i!ilit,
< e.g., proo"-o"-concept &odel
: o&&%nication
< de&on#tration o" prod%ct "or "eed!ac8
< e.g., *D ph,#ical &odel# o" #t,le or "%nction
: Integration
< co&!ination o" #%!-#,#te&# into #,#te& &odel
< e.g., alpha or !eta te#t &odel#
: Mile#tone#
< goal "or develop&ent tea&># #ched%le
< e.g., "ir#t te#ta!le hardware

T,pe# o" 'rotot,pe#

'h,#ical v#. 3nal,tical
Physical Prototypes
Tangible approximation of

the product.
May exhibit unmodeled
Some behavior may be an

artifact of the
Often best for
Analytical Prototypes
Mathematical model of the product.
an only exhibit behavior arising
from explicitly modeled
phenomena. !"o#ever$ behavior
is not al#ays anticipated.
Some behavior may be an artifact
of the analytical method.
Often allo# more experimental
freedom than physical models.

9oc%#ed v#. o&prehen#ive 'rotot,pe#
9oc%#ed 'rotot,pe#
: I&ple&ent one or a "ew
attri!%te# o" the prod%ct.
: 3n#wer #peci"ic
=%e#tion# a!o%t the
prod%ct de#ign.
: Generall, #everal are
o&prehen#ive 'rotot,pe#
: I&ple&ent &an, or all
attri!%te# o" the prod%ct.
: (""er opport%nitie# "or
rigoro%# te#ting.
: ("ten !e#t "or &ile#tone#
and integration.

7oeing 000 Te#ting
7ra8e# Te#t
: Mini&%& rotor thic8ne##
: Ma5i&%& ta8eo"" weight
: Ma5i&%& r%nwa, #peed
: ?ill the !ra8e# ignite@
?ing Te#t
: Ma5i&%& loading
: ?hen will it !rea8@
: ?here will it !rea8@

o&prehen#ive 'rotot,pe#

'rotot,ping Strateg,
: U#e protot,pe# to red%ce %ncertaint,.
: Ma8e &odel# with a de"ined p%rpo#e.
: on#ider &%ltiple "or&# o" protot,pe#.
: hoo#e the ti&ing o" protot,pe c,cle#.
< Man, earl, &odel# are %#ed to validate
< Aelativel, "ew co&prehen#ive &odel# are
nece##ar, to te#t integration.
: 'lan ti&e to learn "ro& protot,pe c,cle#.
< 3void the Bhardware #wa&pC.

Aapid 'rotot,ping Method#
: Mo#t o" the#e &ethod# are additive, rather
than #%!tractive, proce##e#.
: 7%ild part# in la,er# !a#ed on 3D &odel.
: S;3DStereolithogrpah, 3pparat%#
: S;SDSelective ;a#er Sintering
: *D 'rinting
: ;(MD;a&inated (!4ect Man%"act%ring
: (ther# ever, ,ear..

Eirt%al 'rotot,ping
%& A& models enable many 'inds of
( )it and assembly
( Manufacturability
( )orm and style
( *inematics
( )inite element analysis !stress$ thermal+
( rash testing
( more every year...

7M? Eirt%al ra#h Te#t

Traditional 'rotot,ping Method#
: - &achining
: A%!!er &olding F %rethane ca#ting
: Material#6 wood, "oa&, pla#tic#, etc.
: Model &a8ing re=%ire# #pecial #8ill#.

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