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Hi! That's an interjection. :-)

Interjection is a big name for a little word.
Interjections are short exclamations like Oh!,
Um or Ah! They have no real grammatical
value but we use them quite often, usually
more in speaking than in writing.
When interjections are inserted into a
sentence, they have no grammatical
connection to the sentence.

An interjection is sometimes followed by an
exclamation mark (!) when written.
Interjections like er and um are also known
as "hesitation devices". They are extremely
common in English. People use them when
they don't know what to say, or to indicate
that they are thinking about what to say.
You should learn to recognize them when
you hear them and realize that they have no
real meaning.
Here is a list of interjections with meanings and
example sentences. This list does not include all
interjections but it does show the more common
by: Sofia Pablo
Oh! Medicine, the grossest thing to me;
It doesnt taste like ice cream or sweet, sweet candy.
It makes me cry, it makes me slouch
When I swallow it to hard, I say OUCH!
I can say NO, but then my Mama would say, You listen to me
Or get sick and have it your way!
I tell her fine then she shouts, Well I never!
She tells me Im naughty and a little bit clever.
She makes tuna casserole and puts them in it;
I tell her, I know your scheme Mama, I wont eat a bit!
She pinches, scolds me, and starts to cry; And then I start to say,
Oh my, oh my!
I comfort her and say, Ill do it, Im in.
She jumps for joy and shouts,
A Conversation or Dialogue
(There is a knock at the door)

Erasmus: Come in!

John: Hello, Erasmus.

Erasmus: Ah! It's you John.

John: Just wanted to know; what's your current favourite on the music scene?

Erasmus: Juliana's latest song.

John: You mean the gospel hit, Kanyimbe?

Erasmus: Yes. Wow! What a cool tune, eh?

John: Oh! So rhythmic! I love it, too.

Erasmus: Makes one dance and think as well. Whew!

John: Shouldn't be surprised if it wins a Pan African Music award.

In the little dialogue above, you come across some single words or
brief exclamations, which express strong feelings (emotions) in
response to other expressions. These are called Interjections.
Some of them are not even ordinary words (e.g. Wow! Whew!); they
merely express feelings. Interjections fall into several categories
depending on what kind of feelings they express. For example, Oh!
may be an expression of excitement, pain or pleasure, and the way it
is said differs according to the kind or degree of feelings expressed.
Other kinds of feelings expressed by interjections are: joy, disgust,
surprise or contempt. Some interjections are the same as ordinary
exclamations -e.g. commands like Stop! or Don't! or strong agreement
and disagreement like Yes! and No! respectively or surprise Good
heavens! and What!! (like a question)


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