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IT5104: Professional

Issues in IT
Chapter 04 - Human Resources Issues
OpenArc Campus BIT Sem V - PIIT
Recruitment & Selection
2012 Question 02 - B
Soliciting Applications
Outsourced to specialized agencies
Selecting the applicants to
whom offers will be made
For a specific post
By Employer
Selection Techniques
Technical HR Managment
One-to-One Interviews
Favour applicants who are smooth talkers
Interview by a Panel
As a final check candidates are who they say they are
Assessment of
Ability tests Verbal /Numerical Skills(individual's
ability in a general area)
Aptitude tests IQ(Potential to learn skills for job)
Personality tests - Characteristics of person, behavior
Psychometric tests
Put into a variety of situations where their performance is
observed and assessed by the other participants in the
Situational questions
Situational Assessments
Carry out a simple task Task Assessment
2012 Question 02 - C
Nepotism : Choosing cousins, children or other family members

Cronyism : Choosing friends or former colleagues
Depending on the circumstances of the dismissal it can
be different.
Fair Dismissal
Constructive Dismissal
Unfair Dismissal
Wrongful Dismissal
2011 Question 04
What is
When your employer brings the contract of employment to
an end.

- Your employer ends your employment with or without notice .
- Your employer refuses to take you back after a strike.
What is NOT
-You resign without any pressure from your employer or leave by
mutual agreement.

Suspension on full pay
- You are suspended to await the outcome of a disciplinary
hearing or investigation

The prior written consent of the workman
and appeal meeting


The prior written approval of the Commissioner
of Labor

How To in Correct Way
Notice of Dismissal
It is a legal notice.

When the dismissal is to take effect
There should be a dismissal notice period.

Give to employee directly
Not by third party.

Labour Tribunal
If you think your employment rights were
violated in the dismissal process
Increase of compensation or demanding a
Reasons as Justifying Dismissal
Violence at work and harassment of other employees.
Refusal to obey a reasonable instruction from the employer.
(breach of health and safety rules)
Insolence or rudeness, including use of bad language.
(repeatedly even with given warnings)
Drinking or using/taking drugs during working hour.
Reasons as Justifying Dismissal
Lack of capability
Breach of the law
Criminal activity and fighting at work
Theft at work
Visa Issues
Unfair Dismissal
Who can claim for unfair dismissal ?
- below normal retirement age

What is
- dismissed for a discriminatory reason
- if employer not followed proper dismissal and
disciplinary procedures laid down by law
-Or as a result of transfer of the employers

Constructive Dismissal
This happens when your employer makes it impossible for you to
carry on working . So you resign under the pressure from your

Your work and responsibility is being given to other people by
ignoring you. Cutting your pay and changing your working

Self dismissal : An employer may argue that you have dismissed
yourself by behaving in a way that brings the contract to an end.
Wrongful Dismissal
Not give you the dismissal notice prior
(Not paying compensation or Not paying right amount of
Breach of the contract of employment by the employer
Retaliation (being fired for being a whistle blower or complaining,
or for not being willing to commit an illegal act when asked to by an
Reference :
Sri Lanka Labour Legislations

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