1.4 Cells and Batteries - Student Version

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1.3 - 1.4
Electrical Safety
Cells and Batteries
Chemical reactions release free ______________
These free electrons must flow from the (-) terminal of a cell
to the (+) one to complete a circuit
An ____________ is a paste or liquid that conducts electricity
because it contains ions (Recall Unit B: Chemistry)
An ____________ is a conductor through which electric current
enters or leaves a device or material
Electrochemical Cell
Is a package of chemicals designed to produce small amounts
of electricity; electricity comes from chemical reactions
Two Types:
DRY CELLS called dry because chemicals are in a
________ and are sealed to prevent chemicals from leaking
Example: AA batteries

WET CELLS called wet because they use _________
electrolytes, usually acids; generally cheaper and easier to
Example: Car battery
Dry Cell
See pg. 288 Figure 1.20
The acidic electrolyte eats away the
zinc electrode , leaving behind
electrons (leaving zinc ___________)
The acidic electrolyte leaves the
copper electrode alone but makes it
_________________ charged
Electrons _______ along the wire from
the (-) zinc to the (+) copper electrode.
The electric current will provide the
energy for a _________ (i.e. light)
Wet Cell
Rechargeable Cells
The Dry and Wet cells we have studied so far are called:
PRIMARY CELLS meaning they produce electricity from
chemical reactions that cannot be ______________
However, there are rechargeable cells called:
SECONDARY CELLS meaning an external electrical
source (plug-in) can run electricity back though the cell and
this ___________ the original reactants. Then the cells can
be used over and over again (i.e. cell phone batteries)

Will they wear out over time?? Yes but nickel oxide and
cadmium batteries __________ efficiently so can be
recharged hundreds of times

The study of chemical reactions involving electricity
We will study the following:
The ________________ of a substance
by an electric current
Many industrial processes use
electrolysis to _____________ useful
Electrolysis of water produces the fuel
for the space shuttle
____________ produced by electrolysis
is used to make our drinking water safe
Using electricity to _______ a thin layer of metal onto an
Jewelry Pure gold jewelry would bend and deform easily,
so we use less expensive but ____________ metals and
then coat them a thin layer of gold
The item to be coated and a bar of the coating metal are
immersed in an electrolyte, like electrodes in a wet cell
A source of ____________ is connected between the metals
The flow of electricity deposits atoms of the positively
charged metal onto the negatively charged one
Used to protect metals
from _______________
How to Electroplate:
Anodizing - is a process to coat aluminum parts with a
layer of _______________.The oxide coating is much harder
than pure aluminum.

Used in aluminum screen doors, airplane and car parts, etc.

Advantages of Aluminum Anodized Surfaces:
Corrosion resistance
Clean surface
Non-conductive surface
Color stability
Electrorefining removing ______________ from metal
Example: Impure gold is put into a strong acid with a thin
strip of pure gold. When current is applied, the dissolved
pure gold moves from the impure electrode, into the
electrolyte and then moves to the pure gold electrode where
it is deposited. The impurities are left _____________.
Electrical Safety Worksheet
Read pg. 284-287 to complete the Electrical Safety
Assignment: pg. 294 #1-8

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