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I. Networking with Professional Organizations
II. Networking with Foundation
III. Networking with Government Offices
IV. Networking with Media

Linkage and networking are different in the
degree of commitment by the partners.
In linkage, the relationship between partner
organizations is quite loose, while in networking,
it is much stronger, usually because the groups and
agencies have common objectives and
beneficiaries. Networking is basically extending
the outreach of the resources in different ways so
as to increase the effectiveness of the program.
The areas of operation can also be increased
through networking. (
-A network compose of several
institution (consortium) of several
colleges of different universities that
binds together for a common goal
-Work together to attain common
objectives, undertake innovative
practices and update members
regarding breakthrough in different
-The Philippine Education Network Project is a
directory of all education providers all over the
Philippines. The project aims to be an online
source of information on various schools, colleges,
and universities in the country.

- They believe that basic data and contact
information about the different learning
institutions in the country should be made
available to the public.
I. Networking with Professional Organizations
1. Consortium among Universities and Colleges
-Science teachers from each university met regularly for
discussion on best practices, and they even wrote a
book which can be use by their respective students
a. Taft Consortium
b. Mendiola Consortium

2. With Subject Specialist
a. BIOTA-Biology Teachers Association of the Philippines, Inc.
b. MATHED-Philippine Council of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Inc.
c. The Physics Teachers Association
d. The Chemistry teachers Association
3. Teacher Educational Institution
a. The Philippine Association for Teacher Education (PAFTE)
b. State Universities and Colleges Teacher Educators
Association (SUCTEA)

4. National Organization
a. Federation of Accrediting Association of the Philippines
b. The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities
Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)
c. Philippine Accrediting Agency for Schools, Colleges and
Universities (PAASCU)
d. Association for Accrediting Colleges and Universities of the
Philippines (AACUP)
II. Networking with Foundation
1. The Educational Research and Development Assistance
Foundation, Inc. (ERDA)
Supports programs and services in health, livelihood, and
continuing education
It organizes 128 children associations nationwide (National
Federation of Childrens Associations of the Philippines)
A dynamic human development organization committed to
create and sustain services for economically and socially
disadvantaged children, youth, women, families and
They envisions a nation where all children will have access to
quality education that they might have a decent human life;
and prepare children for a better future

2. Metrobank Foundation, Inc.-It recognizes and honors
outstanding teachers of the three educational levels from
They also support 30 teacher education students, 15 each
from third and fourth year level that are identified as Centers
of Excellence in Teacher Education in coordination with Pi
Lambda Theta
3. Network of Outstanding teachers and Educators (NOTED)
It nurture a culture of excellence and service among educators
through professional development, publications, research, and
advocacy in active partnership with government and non-
government organization. They are under the Metro Bank
Foundation and an honor society composed of the winners of the
SOT. Organized in 1997 and is committed to nurturing a culture of
excellence and service among educators through research,
publications, professional development, and advocacy in
partnership with government and non-government organizations.
All winners of the SOT are automatically granted membership to

4. Ayala Foundation, Inc. (AFI)
It extends benefits of recent technological developments to a
greater number of men, women and children

5. GMA Foundation
Its mission is to give hope and a future to the Filipino family by
safeguarding human rights and upgrading standards of education
6. SM Foundation, Inc.
Its aim is to Education Literacy

7. Foundation for Upgrading Standard Education (FUSE)
Supports training programs for teachers of English, Science,
and Mathematics via CONSTEL (Continuing Studies via

8. Philippine Foundation for Science and Technology (PFST)
Consist of Science exhibits which are visited by school children
via the Science Centrums all over the Philippines
9. Book for the Barrio and Asia Foundation
Donate books and other printed materials in

10. Bato Balani Foundation
Honors teachers through a Tribute to Teachers

11. Philippine Business for Education (PBeD)
It response to the need for consensus and
sustained advocacy in education reform
III. Networking with Government Offices
1. Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC)
Train trainors who handle literacy training courses
among the youth

2. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Supports undergraduate and graduate scholarship
programs in science and mathematics in the Regional
Science Teaching Centers

3. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Organizes Technical Panels for all profession and
benchmark the curricula of all degree with international

4. The Teacher Education Council (TEC)
Focuses on teacher education policies and standards
IV. Networking with Media

1. ABS-CBN and GMA
Through its educational broadcast, it provides assistance to
children and teachers

2. Government and Private Channels
Includes award-winning entries to national competition in the
field of education, sports and healthcare
3. Historic and Cultural Events

4. Publication and Prints
Daily newspapers and magazines
becomes a source of information

5. Projected Materials
Educational films and projected documentaries
As a professional teacher, you are
able to give better service to your
students and to other education
stakeholders in the community if
you are connected to a network of
possible sources of educational
assistance (Bilbao, P.P.,, 2012)
BRIGADA ESKWELA - also known as the Bayanihan Para Sa
Paaralan, is a nationwide voluntary effort of teachers, parents,
students, community members, and other organizations to do
minor repairs and clean-ups on their schools in preparation for the
start of the school year.
BALIK ESKWELA Oplan Balik Eskwela Program and National
Maintenance Week of the Department of Education (DepEd). It
encourages volunteers give out their time, effort, and even donate
materials such as paint, cement, lumber and other materials,
which could be used for minor repairs and building. Donations
from local corporations and businesses are given in kind.
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent-
Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is a formal organization
composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to
facilitate parental participation in a school.
ANTI-DENGUE CAMPAIGN The Department of Health (DOH)
turned over dengue information resources to the education and local
government departments and the Liga ng mga Barangay sa Pilipinas, to
add more power to their capabilities in helping curtail the dengue
problem in the country, as the DOH launched its National Anti-Dengue

Scholars, Technologies, and Books
School Alumni conducting a medical missions
School Alumni
School building donations
School Bldg./s donated by the SM Foundation,
School Instructional learning center
Audio/ Video Room
Books donated by the Sa Aklat
Sisikat Foundation, Inc.
Video materials donated by the
Knowledge Channel
Computers, Large LCD Screen, and
Computer materials donated by the
FUSE via CONSTEL Program
Computers and CDs

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