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Service Marketing

Service marketing is a sub feld of marketing,

which can be split into the two main areas of
goods marketing (which includes the marketing
of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG and
durables and the marketing of services!

"here are man# t#pes of service marketing

telecommunications services, fnancial
services, all t#pes of hospitalit# services, car
rental services, air travel, health care services
and professional services!
"he purpose of the stud# is$

%dentif# the scope of earnings from

education service market in

Comparing the education cost among

&angladesh and foreign countries!
Purpose of the Study
Private University

'rivate (niversities are those

higher education institutions
established privatel# b# a
group of people or an
organi)ation with the
Government permission with
an aim to spreading the
opportunities of higher
education among larger
number of students under
'rivate (niversit# *ct!
Facilities of Private University for
Foreign Students

International Network
&angladeshi 'rivate (niversities are internationall#
recogni)ed having links with +, universities in -urope,
*merica, Canada, *ustralia, South and South -ast *sia!
Several other cooperation agreements are in the process of
&angladeshi private universities recogni)ed in .orth
*merica, -urope, *ustralia and transfer credits from
&angladeshi private universities are accepted b# foreign
Learning Atmosphere
Most of the &angladeshi private universit# students en/o#
several attractive advantages$
Most of the &angladeshi private universities have permanent
-ver# universit# have well designed and well structured!
0ealth# environment in universit# campus!
Classes with individuali)ed instruction
1ecord of scheduled classes that meet consistentl#
-nglish skills developed in all students
-2cellent national and international facult# including resident
facult# from .orth *merica, -uropean (nion countries and *ustralia
3ualit# learning e2perience
'rofessional counseling and guidance
*vailabilit# of housing within walking distance of the campus
"here is no session /am in private universities!

Mone#5 'robabl# the number5one concern of most
students! Can % a6ord it7
Culture Shock 5"his is another ver# common problem faced
b# students when the# frst arrive 5 mainl# due to the
change of environment, food, st#le of living etc!
"he language barrier 5*lthough -nglish is widel# spoken
throughout the world, but in &angladesh, -nglish is not
practiced thoroughl# in universities #et!
-ducation s#stem 5"he st#le of learning in &angladesh
private universit# is mostl# maintain international s#llabus!
%t is eas# to understand, but most of the universities do not
maintain it properl#! "eachers use general language in
Prolems those faces foreign students
in !angladesh
8ther 'roblems
"hough private universities have no session /am, but
there is political instabilit# in &angladesh all the #ear!
"hat discourages foreign students!
3ualit#5Most of the private universit# does not maintain
the 9ualit# education! 8nl# a few universities are
providing 9ualit# education and some are not 9ualit#
Students: satisfaction level is low on campus facilit#,
lab, and librar# facilities! * few universities are ensuring
standard classroom facilit# and librar# facilit#
'olitical environment is 9uiet unstable in &angladesh! %t
has been ver# sever last ; #ears! Foreign students face
ver# much problem for this unstable political situation!
"ear Pulic
#otal Foreign
;,<= ;>, =?@, =>?,
;,<; ;+< =<+? =A;+
;,<< ;A@ ;@?, ;BB@
;,<, ;;@ ;=+> ;?B?
Foreign student enrolment in Private University
Foreign students in Public and Private University
Universities $ost %tk&
.orth south universit# +,,,,,,
*hasanullah universit# of
=, A=,,,,
&rack universit# ?,=;,,,,
%ndependent universit# &angladesh ?,?,,,,,
*merican international
-astCest universit# =,>+,,,,
(nited international universit# A,,=,,,,
(niversit# of liberal arts &angladesh =,=<,B,,
"he universit# of *sia pacifc =,+>,,,,
(niversit# of %nformation "echnolog#
and Sciences
"op ranked universities and cost
(S universities and their cost in tk
Foreign Universities Average $ost tk
'epperdine (niversit# D<>,A>=E<;B=><,tk
Co6ord College D<>,,@E<;+,AB,tk
"homas *9uinas College D<@AA=E<;;<,<,tk
Stanford (niversit# D<+B,=E<<>=;<,tk
Fale (niversit# D<=@>+EB+?,;,tk
0askell %ndian .ations (niversit# (0%.(, D+++BEA++>=,tk
&erea College D<?;>,E<,+B+,,tk
Connecticut College D<?;>,E<,+B+,,tk
*mherst College D<=<,@EB<@AB,tk
'rincipia College D<=,,?EB<,=?,tk
From table =, we fnd that there is a huge tuition fees in other
countries! "uition fees in other countries like Canada for
international students have to paid D;?,?,, that is appro2imatel#
<@>?,,,tk! *nd average cost private universities in &angladesh
is A;@??,tk! %t is much less than an# other foreign countries and
it is ver# a6ordable!
%n table ;, we tr# to show that world largest universities are ver#
much good! &ut the# have a huge educational cost for foreign
students! Specifcall# poor countries as like South *sian
countries, this is 9uiet impossible to a6ord such big amount
educational fees!
"able < shows that the enrolment of foreign students in private
universit#! Few number of students are admitted in public
universities rather private universities! Foreign students in
private universities are increasing da# b# da#! %f private
universities can improve its 9ualit#, the# can attract man#
foreign students!
Cost of education is ver# much lower than other countries, but
our educational 9ualit# is not good as foreign countries
%n the conte2t of massive e2pansion of the countr#:s
secondar# and higher secondar# sector, and increasing
number of foreign students, a huge demand have been
create for the tertiar# level! 'rivate (niversities are
better options for foreign students! More than three
thousand foreign students were stud#ing in '(s when
onl# ;>, were in public universities!
"he purpose of our research is to identif# the scope of
earnings from education service market in &angladesh,
comparing the education cost among &angladesh and
foreign countries improve the eGcienc# of service
market in &angladesh
"hank Fou

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