No 3 Teachers Ettique

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Issues on teachers ethics

Ethics Definition
According to Oxford Dictionary

Moral principles that govern a persons
behaviour or the conducting of an activity:
Teacher Ethics Definition
A system that have been set up for the
teachers to follow as a guide, so that teachers
respect each other, have good manners,
concern for the profession and can manage a
good life.
Why ethics should be in the teaching
profession :
Teacher behavior is in accordance with the
custom of the place and did not clash with the
public rights.
Teachers behavior being controlled by the
Teachers did not get overboard.
Issues in teachers ethics
Teachers politeness
Teachers concerns
Teachers appearance
Business at school
Time management
Financial management
Teachers politeness
Dress etiquette
Modest behaviour
Courtesy in language
Dress etiquette
Type of dress used
Style of fashion used
Mild make-up
Decently dressed according to the dress code
Using appropriate dress for formal occasions
or casual occasion.

Modest behaviour
How teachers act when dealing with a
particular situation.
Example :
Parents that came to school
Sitting posture in class
Walking in public places
How to eat properly
Courtesy in language
The way teachers communicate reflect their
courtesy in language
Teachers should considerate and sensitive about
certain issues when talking or giving opinions.
Choice of words and language used should be
appropriate to the situation when
Teachers should know how to adapt with the
language used by the local community.

Teachers concern
composite representation of the feelings,
thoughts, and attention given to the issue / task
The combination of feelings, thoughts and
attention given by teachers on issues
encountered during the execution of his duty.
(Havelock 1995)
Concern is a power that will be the agent of change
Teachers need to:
a) Be aware of changes
b) Interest on changes happened
c) Understanding why changes happened
d) Manage changes
e) Assess the impact of changes
f) Collaborate with friends
g) Make enhancements for betterment
Focus on every students
Meet the needs of students
Concern for student development from the aspects of spiritual, intellectual,
emotional & physical
Foster good relationships with students by being caring & listen to their
opinion and views
Creating a conducive learning environment, understand each of the
students, empathy & support student emotionally and academically
Teachers Appearance
Stewart (2005) :
> Character & personality traits that determine
teacher success are : responsibility, creativity,
empathy & professionalism.
It is important for teacher as educators to know &
understand the effectiveness of good appearance
help to encourage student to learn
Crick et al. (2004) - Appearance includes
combinations of past experience, social relations,
values, attitudes & beliefs.
Howard (2007) There are four key features of appearance &
personality that teachers should possess to
generate betterment in learning .

i. Look for differences
- Teachers need to have skill or ability to identify and recognize the
various culture diversity that exists in classrooms.
- Teachers need to know how to deal with the differences in the form
of race, religion, gender and color.
ii. Appearance for dialogue
- Have the desire & passion to explore the similarities & differences
between individuals.
- Able to identify two types of dialogue which professional dialogue
between colleagues & dialogue in the classroom between teachers
and pupils.
iii. Disillusionment
- Teachers can explore & set aside their delusion
is more responsive in terms of culture in a
wide range.
iv. Democracy
- Teachers can effectively identify the
importance of democracy & provide equal
opportunities for students to engage in various
learning activities.
Business at school
Business means the process of transaction involving
goods and to seeks profit.
Teachers should be honest and take the responsibilities
as educators in classroom & did not doing business at
Teachers that doing business in school have been
violate the public ethics services
Teachers that are eager to do business at school, has
disregard their responsibility, so school administration
should take stern and appropriate action in order not
to tarnish the teaching profession.

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