Moore's Test

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Moores test

General overview

Its a test for the presence of reducing sugar.

When a solution of reducing sugar is heated with an

alkali (NaOH! it turns "ello# to orange and finall" dar$
%ro#n! li%erating the odor of cara&el. 'his is due to the
li%eration of aldeh"de #hich su%se(uentl" pol"&eri)es to
for& a resinous su%stance! caramel.

'his test is %ased on the principle that sugars boiled with

concentrated sodium hydroxide undergo polymerization
to form a resinous substance, caramel.

Place * &l of different sugars in + test tu%es

Glucose, -ucrose, .ructose, Galactose, /altose, 0actose.

1dd * &l of concentrated Na(OH.

2oil and note the change of colour and odour


1ll the sugars e3cept sucrose ga4e positi4e for /oores


1ll sugars except sucrose turn golden %ro#n and produce

the odour of cara&el.

-ucrose! %eing a non reducing sugar does not have a free

aldehyde or ketone group and therefore theres no
li%eration of aldeh"de and does not undergo
pol"&eri)ation reaction
Thank you!!

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