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Managing Economies of Scale in the

Supply Chain: Cycle Inventory

Learning Objectives
Understand the role of cycle inventory in a
supply chain
Define the effects of quantity discounts on lot
size and cycle inventory
Identify the appropriate discounting schemes for
the supply chain, taking into account cycle
Understand the effects of trade promotions on
lot size and cycle inventory
Role of Inventory in the Supply Chain
Improve Matching of Supply
and Demand
Improved Forecasting
Reduce Material Flow Time
Reduce Waiting Time
Reduce Buffer Inventory
Economies of Scale
Supply / Demand
Cycle Inventory Safety Inventory
Figure Error! No text of
Seasonal Inventory
Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain
Lot, or batch size: quantity that a supply chain stage
either produces or orders at a given time
Cycle inventory: average inventory that builds up in the
supply chain because a supply chain stage either
produces or purchases in lots that are larger than those
demanded by the customer
Q = lot or batch size of an order
D = demand per unit time
Inventory profile: plot of the inventory level over time
Cycle inventory = Q/2 (depends directly on lot size)
Average flow time = Avg inventory / Avg flow rate
Average flow time from cycle inventory = Q/(2D)
Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain: Example Jean-Mart
The demand for jeans at Jean-Mart, a department store, is
relatively stable at D= 100 pairs of jeans per day. The store
manager at Jean-Mart currently purchases in lots of Q =
1000 pairs. Calculate the cycle inventory and average flow
time for jeans.

Cycle inventory = lot size/2 = Q/2 = 1000/2 = 500
Avg flow time = avg inventory / avg flow rate
= cycle inventory / demand
= Q/2D = 1000/(2)(100) = 5 days

Cycle inventory adds 5 days to the time a unit spends in the
supply chain
Lower cycle inventory is better because:
Average flow time is lower
Working capital requirements are lower
Lower inventory holding costs
Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain [2]
Cycle inventory is held primarily to take advantage of
economies of scale in the supply chain
Supply chain costs influenced by lot size:
Material cost = C ($C/unit)
Fixed ordering cost = S ($S/lot)
Holding cost = H = hC (h = cost of holding $1 in
inventory for one year or denoted by $H/unit/year)
Primary role of cycle inventory is to allow different
stages to purchase product in lot sizes that minimize
the sum of material, ordering, and holding costs
Ideally, cycle inventory decisions should consider costs across
the entire supply chain, but in practice, each stage generally
makes its own supply chain decisions increases total cycle
inventory and total costs in the supply chain
Estimating Cycle Inventory
Related Costs in Practice
Inventory Holding Cost
Cost of capital: holding cost for products that do not become obsolete
Obsolescence or spoilage cost: estimate the rate at which the value
of the stored product drops because of its market value or quality falls
(e.g. perishable products)
Handling costs: include only incremental receiving and storage costs
that vary with the quantity of product received
Occupancy costs: reflect the incremental change in space cost due to
changing cycle inventory
Miscellaneous costs: theft, security, damage, tax, insurance
Ordering Cost
Buyer time: incremental time of the buyer placing the extra order
Transportation costs: a fixed transportation cost if often incurred
regardless of the size of the order
Receiving costs: e.g. administration work cost such as purchase order
matching and any effort associated with updating inventory records
Economies of Scale
to Exploit Fixed Costs [2]
Annual demand = D
Number of orders per year = D/Q
Annual material cost = CD
Annual order cost = (D/Q)S
Annual holding cost = (Q/2)H = (Q/2)hC
Total annual cost = TC = CD + (D/Q)S + (Q/2)hC

Fixed Costs: Optimal Lot Size
and Reorder Interval (EOQ)
D: Annual demand
S: Setup or Order Cost
C: Cost per unit
h: Holding cost per year as a
fraction of product cost
H: Holding cost per unit per year
Q: Lot Size
Q*: Optimal Lot Size (Economic
Order Quantity or EOQ)
n*: Optimal order frequency
Material cost is constant and
therefore is not considered in
this model
hC H

Example Economic Order Quantity

Mr. Fu is the manager at Allied Electrics. He is planning to manage the stores
inventory costs more efficiently. In a pilot study, he asked the planning team
to apply the EOQ model to a particular model of Samsung television. Annual
demand for that product is 12000 units, with a monthly demand of 1000.
Administrative, transportation and receiving form the fixed cost of $4000 each
time an order is placed. Each television costs the wholesaler $500 to buy and
20 percent of the value of the item to hold each year. What would be the EOQ
in this case?

Demand, D = 1000 x 12 = 12,000 computers per year
Unit cost per television, C = $500
Holding cost per year as a fraction of unit cost, h = 0.2
Order cost per lot, S = $4,000

Q* = Sqrt[2DS/hC] = Sqrt[(2)(12000)(4000)/(0.2)(500)] = 980 computers
Cycle inventory = Q*/2 = 490
Average Flow time = Q*/2D = 980/(2)(12000) = 0.041 year = 0.49 month
Optimal order frequency = n* = Sqrt[(12000)(0.2)(500)/(2)(4000)]
= 12.24 orders
Annual ordering and holding cost =
= (12000/980)(4000) + (980/2)(0.2)(500) = $97,980
Example Economic Order Quantity [2]
Suppose lot size is reduced to Q=200, which would reduce
flow time:
Annual ordering and holding cost =
= (12000/200)(4000) + (200/2)(0.2)(500) = $250,000

To make it economically feasible to reduce lot size, the fixed
cost associated with each lot would have to be reduced
Example Relationship between Lot Size and
Ordering Cost
If desired lot size = Q* = 200 units, what would S (order cost) have
to be?

Desired lot size = Q* = 200
Annual demand = D = 12000 units
Unit cost per television = C = $500
Holding cost per year as a fraction of inventory value = h = 0.2

Use EOQ equation and solve for S:
S = [hC(Q*)
]/2D = [(0.2)(500)(200)
]/(2)(12000) = $166.67

KEY POINT: To reduce optimal lot size by a factor of k, the fixed
order cost must be reduced by a factor of k

Aggregating Multiple Products
in a Single Order
Transportation is a significant contributor to the fixed cost per
Can possibly combine shipments of different products from the
same supplier
same overall fixed cost
shared over more than one product
effective fixed cost is reduced for each product
lot size for each product can be reduced
Can also have a single delivery coming from multiple suppliers
or a single truck delivering to multiple retailers
Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single
order allows for a reduction in lot size for individual products
because fixed ordering and transportation costs are now spread
across multiple products, retailers, or suppliers
Example: Aggregating Multiple Products
in a Single Order
Suppose there are 4 computer products in the previous
example: Deskpro, Litepro, Medpro, and Heavpro
Assume demand for each is 1000 units per month
If each product is ordered separately:
Q* = 980 units for each product
Total cycle inventory = 4(Q/2) = (4)(980)/2 = 1960 units
Aggregate orders of all four products:
Combined Q* = 1960 units
For each product: Q* = 1960/4 = 490
Cycle inventory for each product is reduced to 490/2 = 245
Total cycle inventory = 1960/2 = 980 units
Average flow time, inventory holding costs will be reduced
Lot Sizing with Multiple
Products or Customers
In practice, the fixed ordering cost is dependent at least in
part on the variety associated with an order of multiple
A portion of the cost is related to transportation
(independent of variety)
A portion of the cost is related to loading and receiving
(not independent of variety)
Three scenarios:
Lots are ordered and delivered independently for each
Lots are ordered and delivered jointly for all three models
Lots are ordered and delivered jointly for a selected
subset of models
Lot Sizing with Multiple Products
Applied Electrics, the electrical wholesaler, wants to expand
inventory ordering system to 3 models of its Samsung
televisions: L, M, H.

Demand per year
= 12,000; D
= 1,200; D
= 120
Common transportation cost, S = $4,000
Product specific order cost
= $1,000; s
= $1,000; s
= $1,000
Holding cost, h = 0.2
Unit cost
= $500; C
= $500; C
= $500
Delivery Options
No Aggregation: Each product ordered separately
Complete Aggregation: All products delivered on each
Tailored Aggregation: Selected subsets of products on
each truck
No Aggregation: Order Each Product

Litepro Medpro Heavypro
Demand per
12,000 1,200 120
Fixed cost /
$5,000 $5,000 $5,000
order size
1,095 346 110
11.0 / year 3.5 / year 1.1 / year
Annual cost $109,544 $34,642 $10,954

Total cost = $155,140
Aggregation: Order All
Products Jointly
Combined order cost = S* = S + s
+ s
+ s

= 4000+1000+1000+1000 = $7000
Optimal order frequency = n*
= Sqrt[(D
+ D
+ D
)/2S*] = 9.75
Optimal order size:
= D
/n* = 12000/9.75 = 1230
= D
/n* = 1200/9.75 = 123
= D
/n* = 120/9.75 = 12.3

Cycle inventory = Q/2
Average flow time = (Q/2)/(weekly demand)
Annual holding cost = QhC / 2

Complete Aggregation:
Order All Products Jointly
Litepro Medpro Heavypro
Demand per
12,000 1,200 120
9.75/year 9.75/year 9.75/year
order size
1,230 123 12.3
holding cost
$61,512 $6,151 $615
Annual order cost = 9.75 $7,000 = $68,250
Annual total cost = $136,528
Exercise 1 pg 320
1. Harley-Davidson has its engine assembly plant in Milwaukee and its
motorcycle assembly plant in Pennsylvania. Engines are transported
between the two plants using trucks, with each trip costing $1,000.
The motorcycle plant assembles and sells 300 motorcycles each day.
Each engine costs $500, and Harley incurs a holding cost of 20
percent per year. How many engines should Harley load onto each
truck? What is the cycle inventory of engines at Harley?
2. As part of its initiative to implement just-in-time(JIT) manufacturing
at the motorcycle assembly plant in Question 1, Harley has reduced
the number of engines loaded on each truck to 100. If each truck still
costs $1,000, how does this decision impact annual inventory costs at
Harley? What should the cost of each truck be if a load of 100 engines
it to be optimal for Harley?
Exercise - 2
3. Harley purchases components from three suppliers. Components
purchased from Supplier A are priced at $5 each and used at the rate
of 20,000 units per month. Components purchased from Supplier B
are priced at $4 each and are used at the rate of 2,500 units per
month. Components purchased from Supplier C are priced at $5 each
and used at the rate of 900 units per month. Currently Harley
purchases a separate truckload from each supplier. As part of its JIT
drive, Harley has decided to aggregate purchases from the three
suppliers. The trucking company charges a fixed cost of $400 for the
truck with an additional charge of $100 for each stop. Thus, if Harley
asks for a pickup from only one supplier, the trucking company
charges $500; from two suppliers it charges $600;and from three
suppliers it charges $700. Suggest a replenishment strategy for
Harley that minimizes annual cost. Compare the cost of your strategy
with Harleys current strategy of ordering separately from each
supplier. What is the cycle inventory of each component at Harley?
Lot size based
Discounts based on the quantity ordered in
a single lot
Volume based
Discounts based on the total quantity
purchased over a given period, regardless
of the number of lots purchased over that

How should buyer react?
What are appropriate discounting schemes?
What is the appropriate discounting
For commodity products for which price is set
by the market, manufacturers with large fixed
costs per lot can use lot size-based quantity
discounts to maximize total supply chain profits
This however, increase cycle inventory
in the supply chain
For products for which the firm has market
power (product has demand curve), two-
part tariffs or volume-based quantity
discounts can be used to achieve coordination in
the supply chain and maximize supply chain
Economies of Scale to
Exploit Quantity Discounts
All-unit quantity discounts
Marginal unit quantity discounts

Why quantity discounts?
Improved coordination to increase total supply
chain profits
Extraction of surplus through price
All-Unit Quantity Discount Procedure
Step 1: Calculate the EOQ for the lowest price. If it is
feasible (i.e., this order quantity is in the range for that
price), then stop. This is the optimal lot size. Calculate
total cost (TC ) for this lot size.
Step 2: If the EOQ is not feasible, calculate the TC for
this price and the smallest quantity for that price.
Step 3: Calculate the EOQ for the next lowest price. If it
is feasible, stop and calculate the TC for that quantity and
Step 4: Compare the TC for Steps 2 and 3. Choose the
quantity corresponding to the lowest TC.
Step 5: If the EOQ in Step 3 is not feasible, repeat Steps
2, 3, and 4 until a feasible EOQ is found.
All-Unit Quantity Discount: Example
Drugs Online (DO) is an online retailer of prescription drugs
and health supplements. Vitamins represent a significant
percentage of its sales. Demand for vitamins is 10,000
bottles per month. The price charged by the manufacturer is
as follows:

Order quantity Unit Price
0-4,999 $3.00
5,000-9,999 $2.96
10,000- $2.92

q0 = 0, q1 = 5,000, q2 = 10,000
C0 = $3.00, C1 = $2.96, C2 = $2.92
D = 120,000 units/year, S = $100/lot, h = 0.2

All-Unit Quantity Discount: Example
Step 1: Calculate Q2* = Sqrt[(2DS)/hC2]
= Sqrt[(2)(120,000)(100)/(0.2)(2.92)]=6,410
Not feasible (6,410 < 10,000)

Calculate TC2 using C2 = $2.92 and q2 = 10,000
TC2 = (D/Q2)S + (Q2/2)hC2 + DC2
= 1,200 + 2,920 + 350,400 = $354,520

Step 2: Calculate Q1* = Sqrt[(2DS)/hC1]
= Sqrt[(2)(120,000)(100)/(0.2)(2.96)]=6,367
Feasible (5,000<6,367<9,999) Stop

TC1 = (120,000/6,367)(100)+(6,367/2)(0.2)(2.96)+(120,000)(2.96)
= $358,969

TC2 < TC1 The optimal order quantity Q* is q2 = 10,000

All-Unit Quantity Discounts
What is the effect of such a discount schedule?
Retailers are encouraged to increase the size of
their orders
Average inventory (cycle inventory) in the
supply chain is increased
Average flow time is increased
Is an all-unit quantity discount an advantage in
the supply chain?
Marginal Quantity Discount: Example
Drugs online is an online retailer of prescription drugs and
health supplements. Vitamins represent a significant
percentage of its sales. Demand for vitamins is 10,000
bottles per month. The price charged by the manufacturer is
as follows:

Order quantity Unit Price
0-5000 $3.00
5001-10000 $2.96
10001- $2.92

q0 = 0, q1 = 5,000, q2 = 10,000
C0 = $3.00, C1 = $2.96, C2 = $2.92
D = 120,000 units/year, S = $100/lot, h = 0.2

Let Vi be the cost of ordering qi units;
= C
) + C
) + + c

Marginal Quantity Discount: Example

Let Vi be the cost of ordering qi units;
= C
) + C
) + + c

Optimal lot size for price, C
, is Q

= (D/Qi)S+[Vi+(Qi-qi)Ci]h/2 + D/Qi[Vi+(Qi-qi)Ci]

= 0;
= 3(5,000-0)=15,000;
= 3(5,000-0)+2.96(10,000-5,000)=29,800

Start with i=2

qiCi Vi S D ) ( 2
Marginal Quantity Discount: Example
Step 1: Calculate Q2* = Sqrt[(2D(S+V2-q2C2))/hC2]
= Sqrt[(2)(120,000)(100+29,800-
29,200)/(0.2)(2.92)] = 16,961
Feasible ( 16,961 > 10,000) Stop

Calculate TC2 using C2 = $2.92 and Q2 = 16,961; q2 = 10,000

TC2 = (D/Q2)S+[V2+(Q2-q2)C2]h/2 + D/Q2[V2+(Q2-q2)C2]

= $ 360,365

Volume-based Discounts
In the case of Drug Online (DO), consider the
scenario in which the manufacturer has invented a
new vitamin pill, Vitaherb, which is derived from
herbal ingredients, so it can be argued that the
price at which DO sells Vitaherb influences
demand given by
demand curve 360,000 60,000p;
where p is price at which DO sells Vitaherb.
The manufacturer incurs a production cost of
= $2 per bottle.
The manufacturer must decide on the price to
charge DO and DO in turn must decide on the
price to charge the customer.

Volume-based Discounts
When the two make their decisions independently,
it is optional for DO to charge a price of p $5 and
for the manufacturer to charge DO a price of C

The total market demand for this case is
360,000 60,000p = 60,000 bottles of Vitaherb
The profit at DO = (Prof
60,000 (p-C
) = 60,000 x 1= $ 60,000
The profit at the manufacturer = (Prof
60,000 (C
) = 60,000 x 2 = $ 120,000

Total SC profit = $ 180,000
Volume-based Discounts
If the two stages coordinate and DO prices at p =
$4, market demand is 120,000
Total SC profit will be 120,000 x (4 2) =
$ 240,000
As a result of each stage settings its price
independently, the supply chain thus loses
This is called double marginalization

There are two pricing schemes that the
manufacturer may use to achieve the coordinated
solution: two-part tariff and volume-based
quantity discount
Two-part tariff
In this case, the manufacturer charges its entire
profit as an up-front franchise fee and then sells
to the retailers at its suppliers cost
DO case: the manufacturer charges DO an up-
front fee of $180,000 and gives DO C
= $2
DO maximizes its profit if it prices the vitamins at
It has annual sales of 120,000
Profits = $ 60,000
Recall: the manufacturer makes a profit of
Observe that two-part tariff is really a volume-
based quantity discount
Volume-based Discount
DO case:
The average material cost for DO declines as it
increases the quantity it purchases per year
This observation can be made explicit by
designing a volume-based discount scheme that
also achieves coordination
The objective here is to price in such a way that the
retailer buys the total volume sold when the two stages
coordinate pricing.
Recall that 120,000 bottles are sold per year when
the supply chain is coordinated
The manufacturer must offer DO a volume
discount to encourage DO to purchase this
Volume-based Discount
The manufacturer thus offers a price of CR
$4 per bottle if the quantity of DO purchases
per year is less than 120,000
$3.5 if the total volume in the year is 120,000
or higher
It is then optimal for DO to order 120,000 and
price at p = $4 to the customers.

Total profit earned by DO = $ 60,000
Total profit earned by the manufacturer = $
Total SC profit = $ 240,000
Quantity vs Volume-based Discounts
Lot size-based discounts tend to raise the cycle
inventory in the supply chain by encouraging
retailers to increase the size of each lot.
Volume-based discounts in contrast, are
compatible with small lots that reduce cycle

Lot size-based discounts make sense only when
the manufacturer incurs very high fixed cost per
Otherwise, it is better to have volume-based
Short-Term Discounting:
Trade Promotions
Trade promotions are price discounts for a limited period
of time (also may require specific actions from retailers, such
as displays, advertising, etc.)
Key goals for promotions from a manufacturers perspective:
Induce retailers to use price discounts, displays, advertising
to increase sales
Shift inventory from the manufacturer to the retailer and customer
Defend a brand against competition
What is the impact on the behavior of the retailer and on the
performance of the supply chain?
Retailer has two primary options in response to a promotion:
Pass through some or all of the promotion to customers to spur
Purchase in greater quantity during promotion period to take
advantage of temporary price reduction, but pass through very
little of savings to customers FORWARD BUYING
Short-Term Discounting:
Trade Promotions
When the retailer takes the second option i.e., forward buying
And the following assumptions hold:
Discount is offered once, with no future discounts
Retailer takes no action to influence customer demand
customer demand remain unchanged
In a period over which demand is an integer multiply of Q*,
then, the optimal order quantity at the discounted price is
given by


Forward buy = Q

d C
h d C

) (
: Normal order quantity
C: Normal unit cost
d: Short term discount
D: Annual demand
h: Cost of holding $1 per
: Short term order quantity
Short Term Discounts:
Forward Buying
DO is retailer that sells Vitaherb, a popular vitamin diet
Annual demand, D = 120,000
Normal cost, C = $3 per bottle
Holding cost, h = 0.2
Normal order size, Q
= 6,324 bottles
Discount per tube, d = $0.15

Optimal lot size during promotion:
= dD/(C-d)h + CQ*/(c-d)
= [(0.15)(120000)/(3.00-0.15)(0.2)] + [(3)(6324)/(3.00-0.15)]
= 38,236 bottles
Forward buy = Q
= 38,236 6,324 = 31,912 bottles

Trade Promotions
When a manufacturer offers a promotion, the goal for the
manufacturer is to take actions (countermeasures) to
discourage forward buying in the supply chain
Counter measures
EDLP (every day low pricing): price is fixed over time
and no short-term discounts are offered
Eliminates any incentive for forward buying
As a result, all stages of the supply chain purchase in
quantities that match demand
Scan based promotions: e.g. retailer receives credit
for the promotion discount for every unit sold
Customer coupons
Exercise pg 322
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Chopra S. and P. Meindl, Supply Chain
Management, 5e, Prentice Hall, 2013
Handfield, Monczka, Giunipero and Patterson,
Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, 4e,
South-Western, 2009
Cachon and Terwiesch, An Introduction to
Operations Management, 2e, McGraw-Hill, 2009

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