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Data Communication &

Computer Networks
Dr. Nguyen Minh Hoang
Jan. 2013
3 hours/week for 10 weeks
6:30am-9:00am, Wed @402B4
Office hours
feel free to stop by if you see me at Dept office
email is the best way to communicate with me
Course mailing list:
Course homepage:
Text books:
Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach Featuring the Internet, 2/e by
Kurose and Ross
Reference books:
Truyn s liu v Mng thng tin s, 2005,
byTran V. S
Computer Network by A. S. Tanenbaum
Data & Computer Communications by
William Stallings
Data communications, computer networks
and open Systems, by Fred Hasall
Supplementary texts: will be given at
the beginning of each chapter

What Are the Goals of These
Learn data and computer

Learn networking principles

Have fun!
What Will We Cover?
Overview of Data and Computer Communications
History, Organization, Architecture, and design phylosophy
Layering (OSI, Internet), Protocols, QoS
Data communications
Data transmission; Encoding
Digital Data communication techniques
Error control; Multiplexing
Link and physical
multiple access; queueing analysis
Ethernet, 802.11
network services; routing algorithms
IP/IPv6; mobile IP
Computer Communication Architecture

Tentative Schedule
Week Topics
1 Overview of Data and Computer Communications
3 Data communications


6 Data Link and physical Layer

Tentative Schedule (condt.)
Week Topics
9 Network Layer
network services; routing algorithms

IP/IPv6; mobile IP
12 Computer Communications Architecture

14 seminar
Final Exam

What youd achieve from this
Have a good overall picture of data
communications, computer networking
Be able to identify research problems in
networking, have a good idea of how to go
about solving them.
Improve research skills significantly, from
critical thinking, problem solving, to writing
and presentation.

You are a graduate student. Grade should not
be the main issue!
Grading (tentative)
assignment/homework (10%)
No late assignment will be accepted
research projects and group
presentations (30%)
Class participation (5%)
final-term exam (remain)

Working in Group (Teamwork)
Group division (random?)
You can form your own group, later. Size
at most 2
Groups name?
Group study/discussion is encouraged,
but the submission must be your
group-own work
Research Project
Investigate new ideas and solutions in a
class research project
Define the problem
Execute the research
Work with your partner
Write up and present your research
Ideally, best projects will become
conference papers (e.g., SIGCOMM,

Research Project: Steps
Ill distribute a list of projects
You can either choose one of these projects or come up with
your own
Pick your project, partner, and submit a one page
proposal describing:
The problem you are solving
Your plan of attack with milestones and dates
Any special resources you may need
A midterm presentation of your progress (five
Final project presentation (ten minutes) + poster
session (optional)
Submit project papers
Paper Reviews
Goal: synthesize main ideas and concepts in the
Number: up to two papers per class
Length: no more than half page per paper
Main points intended by the author
Points you particularly liked/disliked
Other comments (writing, conclusions)
On-line submission
Via email
Hardcopy submission
Details to be announced
There will be a lot of self-reading
Goal: To prepare you for a career in
data communication networks and
Get ready to work hard


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