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Povoron coated wth
Dark Chocoate
(Group 1)

Choverone - Povoron
(Puvoron/Puboron/Puburon), s a sweet
mouded treat that consst of toasted our,
margarne or butter, sugar and powdered mk.
The avours that s on oher nowadays are
extensve, to name a few add on ngredents;
Pnpg, Nuts, Cookes, Cereas or Mo. To be
dherent on others, we choose to coat t wth
Dark Chocoate. When Dark Chocoate goes
wth Povoron, that w be a bast, taste ke
heaven. We named t Choverone because the
chocoate we use n coatng the Povoron s |ust
an ordnary cocoa powder but t taste ke
Toberone, snt t?
Choverone ob|ectves for the
rstoperatons are:

The purpose of our busness s for us to

earn money and use t for our nanca
needs and for the thngs we want to buy.

As the producton ncrease, the prot

w aso ncrease.

To be the best seng product n our

The keys to success w be:

Ahordabe Povorons that everyone can


Great Povorons that no one can resst.

Marketng strateges amed to bud a

sod base of oya customers, as we as
maxmzng the saes.

Frendy customer servce, saes ady,

and products of consstenty hgh
1 cup sfted a-purpose our
1/2 cup fu-cream powdered mk
1/2 cup whte sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
250 grams Cocoa powder
Povoron moder
In a pan, toast our unt ght brown, strrng constanty so the
our browns eveny. Transfer the toasted our to a medum-szed
mxng bow.
Add the powdered mk and sugar, and bend we. Add the
softened butter and mx we.
Shape powdered mxture usng a povoron moder. Pace formed
peces n a tray. Ch for 20 mnutes or unt rm.
When amost ready, met chocoate over a hot water bath or n
the mcrowave for about 20 seconds.
Usng a fork, carefuy punge povoron peces n meted chocoate
and cover competey.
Carefuy ft coated povoron and sde onto a bakng sheet ned
wth wax paper or fo. Ch brey to set.
Once set, wrap n |apanese paper or coored ceophane. Makes
about 2 dozen.

Choverone w be a genera partnershp,

equay owned by Na |oanna Amora,
Angeca Aano, Russe Ann Apo,
|hanze Kate Ansemo, A|ean Badado
and Cherre Mae Berte. Ms. Aano w
resde on the Fnanca consderatons.
Ms. Apo, Ms. Ansemo, Ms. Badado and
Ms. Berte the sharehoders, theyre gong
to se the product, presentng t. Ms.
Amora w be the manager to mantan
the busness operaton.

Tondo Hgh Schoo w be the ocaton or the market

area for our busness, so that ts pretty obvous that
our buyers w be the students or facuty members
whch anyone can ahord to buy 5.00 pesos
Choverone. Choverone s worth to buy at the prce
of 5.00 pesos! No regret.

Expenses- Accordng to our rst

operaton. We made 30 peces of
Four - 15
Sugar - 16
Powdered Mk - 30
Butter - 14
Cocoa powder - 20
Tota expenses: 95 pesos
Saes: The prce of the Choverone s,
5.00 x 30 = 150.00
- 95.00
55.00 = Prot
Thank you.
.o..o !

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