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An introduction to Ayurveda

• Ayurveda is one of the traditional ways of

healing various ailments, being practiced in India
since time immemorial.

• It has come to us as a gift for the

well being of the humanity, through
our great sages.
Ayurveda – It’s meaning
Ayurveda is the combination of 2 words
Ayur - Veda
• Ayur meaning The Whole Lifespan
• Veda meaning Total Knowledge

The science of Ayurveda, therefore, encompasses

treatment of the total knowledge of the whole Lifespan.
Ayurveda – It’s Purpose

Preserving the health of healthy and

eliminating suffering of the sick
Balance in Doshas, Balance in Agnis,
Balance in Dhatus, Proper elimination,
Blissful Senses, Mind and Bliss at the
deepest level of Soul is
Aim of Ayurveda
The aim of Ayurveda is proper
maintenance of metabolic equilibrium of
the human psychosomatic material and
the restoration of the same to the normal
when disturbed
Health According to Ayurveda
Health according to Ayurveda
is perfect balance between
body, mind, spirit (soul) and the
environment. Ayurvedic
techniques focus on achieving
that balance
Basic Principles of Ayurveda

• Ayurveda is based on 3 energies. Their balanced

stated is health and imbalance is disease

VATA – the kinetic energy

PITTA – the thermal energy

KAPHA - the potential energy

• These are the basic functional units of the cell i.e.

they work on cellular level
Concept of 5 Basic Elements
All matter in this universe is composed of 5 basic
elements. The sense of which is perceived by 5
sense organs
Element Sense Sense organ

Earth (Prithvi) Smell Nose

Water (Jal) Taste Tongue

Fire (Agni) Sight Eyes

Air (Vayu) Touch Skin

Ether (Aakash) Sound Ear

Six Taste (Rasa) Concept
All food, herbs and medicines have 6 Tastes and
are composed of 5 basic elements.
Taste Composition Example
Sweet Earth + Water Clarified Butter, Mango,
Banana, Milk
Sour Earth + Fire Yogurt, Lemon, Orange,
Cheese, Vinegar

Salty Earth + Water Sea Salt

Pungent Air + Fire Spicy food, Black pepper,

Ginger, Cumin

Bitter Air + Ether Bitter gourd, Neem,

Astringent Earth + Water Spinach, Lentils, Guava,

Elementary Composition of three
basic energies
Energy Composition

Potential Energy Earth + Water


Thermal Energy Fire

(Pitta )

Kinetic Energy Air + Ether

Relationship between Six Tastes (Rasa),
Five Elements and Three Energies
Six tastes directly effect the 3 energies, according to
their elementary composition
Taste Composition Effect on Three Energies
K.E = Kinetic Energy (Vata)
T.E = Thermal Energy (Pitta)
P.E = Potential Energy (Kapha)

Sweet Earth + Water K.E. = T.E = P. E =

Sour Earth + Fire K.E. = T.E = P. E =

Salty Fire + Water K.E. = T.E = P. E =

Pungent Air + Fire K.E. = T.E = P. E =

Bitter Air + Ether K.E. = T.E = P. E =

Astringent Air + Earth K.E. = T.E = P. E =

What is Disease
According to Ayurveda
disease is imbalance of three
energies i.e.

VATA ( Kinetic energy),

PITTA (Thermal energy )
KAPHA (Potential energy)
Diagnosis according to Ayurveda
Diagnosis according to Ayurveda is not
naming the disease, but identification of
the imbalance of these three energies by
examination of the following

Pulse Eyes
Urine Tongue
Faecal matter Voice or Speech
Skin ‘Aakriti’(Body build)
What is Cure
According to Ayurveda
any method used to
restore the balance of
these 3 basic energies is
Concept of Endotoxins i.e.
• Ayurveda is the only system which offers true answer to
all auto-immune disorders like Ulcerative colitis,
Rheumatoid arthritis, Scleroderma, Sarcoidosis, Multiple
Sclerosis, Nephrotic syndrome, Psoriasis etc.

• Endotoxins formed within the body are the root cause of

all auto-immune diseases

• Complete removal of Endotoxins from the system offers

complete cure of auto-immune disease
Methods of healing in Ayurveda
Healing by use of herbs, minerals
and products from natural resources

Healing by five purification

methods known as “Panchkarma”

Healing through divine blessings, prayers

meditation and enchanting of mantras etc.

Healing through counseling and psychological

Healing by use of Herbs and
Products from Natural Resources

• Ayurveda utilizes herbs and products

from natural resources for healing

• Herbs like Neem , Aloe vera, Arjuna, Turmeric,

Tulsi ( Holy basil) fight many illnesses including

• Corals, Pearls and Conch etc. are also utilized for

Healing by Five Purification
methods known as “Panchkarma”

The diseases not cured by

herbs or minerals are
uprooted forever by five
purification methods
known as “ Panchkarma”
Preparatory procedures for
• Snehan (Oleation- Massage with Oils)
The first preparatory step is to saturate
the body with herbal and medicated oils

• Swedan (Hot fomentation)

The second preparatory step is therapeutic
application of the heat to the body
Five main procedures of
Vamna (Therapeutic Emesis) Procedure to cure the diseases
related to Potential energy i.e. Kapha by inducing therapeutic emesis

Virechana (Therapeutic Purging) Procedure to cure the

diseases related to Thermal energy i.e. Pitta

Vasti (Therapeutic purification and rejuvenation of the colon)

Procedure to cure the diseases related to Kinetic energy i.e. Vata

Nasya ( Therapeutic cleansing of the head region)

Procedure to cure the diseases related to head, neck
(ear, nose, throat and eyes etc.)

Rakt-Mokshan (Therapeutic blood letting)

Procedure to cure the chronic diseases related to
skin, blood and thermal energy by using suction pumps or leeches
Post Panchkarma Procedures

Samsarajan Karma – These are the set of

procedures adopted to restore the
digestive fire, healthy metabolic functions,
immunity etc. by graduated diet and
• Ayurveda heals by activating the natural inherent
curative force of the body
• It believes in complete cure and not only control
of signs and symptoms
• It gives more stress on why is the problem rather
than what is the problem
• Being natural, it is free from side effects, rather
side benefits are there
• It believes not only in restoration of the static
balance but also the Dynamic balance
• It is a holistic system of medicine and does not
have segregated approach, as it cures the patient
as a whole and not the disease only

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