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Environmental Pollution

Name: Tan Chai Shiuan (29)

Chee Hui Fen (7)

Class: 2A2

Band: Band 6

Where is Water Come From
Rain Water
Water Pollution

Water pollution is the contamination of
water bodies. Water pollution occurs when
pollutants are directly or indirectly
discharged into water bodies without
adequate treatment to remove harmful

Water pollution affect plants and organism
living in these bodies of water. In almost all
cause the affect is damaging not only to
individual species and popuations, but also
to the natural biological communities.

Types of Pollution - Pollutants
Industrial waste - Toxic chemicals
- Radioactive residues
Domestic waste - Garbage or litter
- Untreated sewage
Agricultural waste - Excessive fertilisers
- Pesticides
Siltation - Mud, silt, sand and other solids in the oil
Accidental spillage - Oil
Effect of the pollution

Death of aquatic (water) animals
Disruption of food-chain
Destruction of ecosystems
Industrial Waste

Mercury, lead and heavy metals accumulate in the
body of aquatic animals through the food chain,
poisoning these animal.
Radioactive subtanes can cause cancer.
Some chemicals can cause skin diseases or harm
our body system.

Domestic Waste

A person who dinks water polluted with domestic
waste may suffer from cholera, dysentery and
If the water is used for bathing, it can cause skin
Aquatic organism die lack of oxygen
Agricultural Waste

Algae grow fast in water polluted by fertilisers.
They form a thick layer on the water surface and
block sunlight from reaching the aquatic plants.

Aquatic plants die as they cannot make food.

Bacteria that decompose the dead plants multiply
and use up oxygen in the water and causes death
of aquatic organism due to oxygen shortage.

Mud and silt cause rivers to become shallow and
hene, falsh floods will occur more frequently.

Mud also block sunlight from reaching the aquatic
plants and disrupts photosynthesis. These plants
will soon die.
Accidental Spillage

The oil layer block oxygen fro dissolving into the
water and deprive aquatic organism of oxygen.
As oil is toxic, it kills fishes and sea birds.
The beach will also be polluted with oil and
organism living in the seshore will be affected as
Ways to Control the Pollution

stop smoking or at least follow the "No Smoking"
use unleaded gasoline in your cars
keep your car propely maintained to keep it in
good running condition to advoid smoke
share a ride or engage in car pooling

choose to walk or ride a bicycle
never use open fires to dispose of wates
adopt the 3R of solid waste such as, reduce, reuse,
prevention, monitoring, enforcement
waste products have be treated beore they are
disposed of

educate the public n ways to pevent water
enfore laws
use biodegradable detergents
rubbish should be placed in sealed bags
deforestation must be prevented

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