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Department of Health

Is the executive department of the Philippine

Government responsible for ensuring access
to basic public health service by all Filipinos
through the provision of quality health care
and the regulation of all health services and
Prevention and control of emerging and re-
emerging infectious disease from becoming
public health problems
The program aims to:

1. Reduce public health impact of emerging and re-
emerging infectious diseases; and
2. Strengthen surveillance, preparedness, and
response to emerging and re-emerging infectious

The DOH, in collaboration with its partner
organizations/agencies, employs the key strategies:

1. Development of systems, policies, standards, and
guidelines for preparedness and response to emerging
2. Technical Assistance or Technical Collaboration;
3. Advocacy/Information dissemination;
4. Intersectoral collaborations;
5. Capability building for management, prevention and
control of emerging and re-emerging diseases that may
pose epidemic/pandemic threat; and
6. Logistical support for drugs and vaccines for
meningococcemia and anti-viral drugs and vaccine for
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness.

What is (WHO)
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for
health within the United Nations system. It is
responsible for providing leadership on global health
matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting
norms and standards, articulating evidence-based
policy options, providing technical
support to countries and monitoring and assessing
health trends.
What is WHO doing!!
WHO is reforming to be better equipped to address the
increasingly complex challenges of the health of
populations in the 21st century. From persisting
problems to new and emerging public health threats,
WHO needs to be flexible enough to respond to this
evolving environment.
Who are they??
UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world
where the rights of every child are realized. We have
the global authority to influence decision-makers, and
the variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the
most innovative ideas into reality. That makes us
unique among world organizations, and unique
among those working with the young.
What do they do??
-Child survival and development
-Basic Education and gender equality
-Child protection
-Policy advocacy and partnership
-HIV/AIDS and childrens
Child survival and development
Since 1990, child mortality for those under 5 has fallen
by 47 per cent around the world. Yet too many children
still die needlessly, most of them from causes that are
both treatable and preventable.
In 2012, 6.6 million children died before reaching their
fifth birthday. It is a sharp decrease from 1990, when
more than 12 million children died under age five but
it is not good enough.
United States Agency for
International Development
The United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) is the United States federal
government agency primarily responsible for
administering civilian foreign aid.
Has adopted as its mission statement "to partner to
end extreme poverty and to promote resilient,
democratic societies while advancing the security and
prosperity of the United States.
Operates in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.
USAID delivers both technical assistance and financial

USAID's decentralized network of resident field
missions is drawn on to manage US government (USG)
programs in low-income countries for a range of
Disaster relief
Poverty relief
Technical cooperation on global issues, including the
U.S. bilateral interests
Socioeconomic development
Inside a USAID field mission
Health and Family Planning
Examples of projects assisted by Health and Family Planning
offices are projects for eradication of communicable diseases,
strengthening of public health systems focusing on
maternal-child health including family planning services,
HIV-AIDS monitoring, delivery of medical supplies including
contraceptives and HIV vaccines, and coordination of
Demographic and Health Surveys. This assistance is
primarily targeted to the poor majority of the population and
corresponds to USAID's poverty relief objective, as well as
strengthening the basis for socioeconomic development.
How is USAID related to the
The Philippines has historic ties with the United States
and is an important development, trade and regional
security partner
In November 2011, the Philippines and U. S.
Governments agreed to the new Partnership for
Growth (PFG), which mobilizes the resources of both
governments to address the most serious constraints to
economic growth and development in the Philippines.
USAID's programs in the country focus on accelerating
and sustaining broad-based and inclusive economic
growth, improving the quality of education at the
basic and higher levels, enhancing natural resources
and environmental services, strengthening family
health and promoting peace and stability in conflict-
affected areas of Mindanao.
Asian Development Bank
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a
regional development bank to facilitate
economic development of countries in Asia.
ADB was modeled closely on the World
Bank, and has a similar weighted voting
system where votes are distributed in
proportion with member's capital
How is ADB related to the
ADB's country partnership strategy, 2011 to 2016, for
the Philippines targets governance reforms and
measures to drive broad-based growth and poverty
reduction efforts. The program amounts to $3.8 billion
for the 6-year period. The new strategy is fully aligned
with government priorities, focusing on strengthening
the investment environment to attract more private
funding for infrastructure development and job
was created in 1995 to create a universal health
coverage for the Philippines.
a tax-exempt, government-owned and government-
controlled corporation (GOCC) of the Philippines, and
is attached to the Department of Health.
this social insurance program provides a means for the
healthy to pay for the care of the sick and for those
who can afford medical care to subsidize those who

Phil Health has four categories of
enrollees encompassing nearly the
entire population.
The "formal" sector is for workers employed by
companies and other institutions.
Indigents have no means of support.
Retirees (non-paying members) have already paid
premiums for 120 months of membership and are 60
or older.
The individual paying program (IPP) is for those not
eligible for the other three categories.
Program Summary
Group Premiums Enrollment Payment
Employer and worker each
pay half, up to 2.5%
(maximum of 3%) of income
up to 30,000 pesos
As of hire date 3 months
Indigent 2,400 pesos annually
National Government fully
subsidizes enrollment
Retiree Free
Age 60 with 10 years of
premium payments
Individually Paying
1,800 pesos annually for
members earning P25,000 and
3,600 pesos annually for
members earning more than
Enrollment date.
OFW (Land based) 1,200 pesos annually Emigration date
No subsidy. Payment is on
emigration date then annually.
was organized on January 31, 1930 pursuant to Act
No. 3639 dividing the Bureau of Agriculture into
two distinct entities: The Bureau of Plant Industry
and the Bureau of Animal Industry.

Bureau into 5 major entities:
Office of the Director.
Animal Husbandry Division.
Animal Disease Control Division.
Veterinary Research Division.
Animal Product Division.

(Under Commonwealth Act No. 340, approved by
Congress on June 21, 1938, a fifth division entitled
Animal Utilization Division was created.)

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