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Quality and Quality Control

Report in total quality management
Quality Design
Quality Design is a Technical Term
It can be regarded as a composite of Three(3)
separate terms or steps in a common progression of

i. Identification if what constitutes fitness for use
to the user (Quality of Market Research)
ii. Choice of concept of product or services to be
responsible to the identified needs of the user
(Quality of Concept)
iii. Translation of the Chosen product concept into
a detailed set of specifications which is faithfully
executed, will then meet the users needs
(Quality of specification)
Quality of Market Research + Quality of
Concept + Quality of Specification = Quality of
Quality Conformance

The design must reflect the needs of fitness for
use, and products must also confirm to the
design. And Conformance to design is called
Quality Conformance. The conformance is
determined by variables as:

i. Choices of Process
ii. Training of Supervision and workforce
iii. Degree of Adherence to the program of
inspection, test, audit etc.

Total Quality Control
Defined as an effective system for integrating the
Quality Development, Quality Maintenance and
Quality Improvement efforts to attain full customer

It may be classified as a Management Tool for
many industries outstanding improvement in
product quality design and reduction in operating
costs and losses.

Product Quality
- The Composite product of engineering and
manufacture that determine the degree to which the
product in use will meet the expectation of the
Control represent a tool with
four(4) steps
Setting up a Quality Standards

Appraising conformance to these standards

Acting when these standards are exceeded

Planning for improvement in these standards
Quality of any product is effected
at many stages of the Industrial
Marketing: Evaluates the level of Quality
which customer want for which they are
willing to pay.
Engineering: Reduce this marketing evaluation
for exact specifications
Purchasing: Chooses, contracts with and
retains vendors for parts and
Manufacturing Engineering: Select the jigs,
tools and processes for production
Manufacturing Supervision and Shop
Operators: Exert a major quality
influence during parts making,
sub assembly and final assembly
Mechanical Inspection and Function Test:
Check ` conformance to
Shipping: Influence the calibre of Packaging and
Installation: Helps ensure proper operations by
installing the product according to
proper instructions and
maintaining it through product service
Quality of any product is effected
at many stages of the Industrial
Reported By: Emer Joseph E.

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